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Other Homework Help. Colorado State University Project Management Simulation Scenario Paper


Simulation: Project Management Simulation: Scope, Resources, Schedule V2 

USE LINK FOR ABOVE: https://forio.com/simulate/harvard/project-managem…

  • Review the following file to find out how simulation can be performed: How to Play Guides (Links to an external site.)
  • Compose and describe your thoughts about which options you chose during the simulation including the criteria you used to select options, the tradeoffs you considered, and any analysis you conducted.
  • Explain your choice relative to scope, resources, and schedule.
  • Explain whether the project completed faster or slower than you anticipated, why it fell behind (if it did), and what you did as a result.
  • Convey the impact the kinds of meetings you organized, how the meetings did or did not support project outcomes, and whether your project completed successfully.

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Other Homework Help. Colorado State University Project Audit and Termination Discussion


Review project auditing and project termination in your textbook, and explain what is involved with project auditing and project termination. Include a connection as an example of project auditing and project termination to a current event (within the past 12 months). Use your local newspaper, or other local information that presents an example of a project being audited and a project being terminated.

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Other Homework Help. NCU Benzodiazepines Alprazolam Xanax Research Paper


At this point in the course, you should have an approved topic, a reference list , and an outline for your Final Research Paper. During this week, you will create the final paper. Your research paper should be 1,500-2,000 words and reflect critical thinking and analysis. Refer to the Academic Writing Guidelines Resource located in the Course Materials section for assistance with this.

You must have a minimum of six references to support your research. The references should be taken from the reference list completed earlier in the course.

Your research paper should include information about the following:

  • Brief history of the drug
  • Psychopharmacology of the drug
  • Current trends or issues
  • Societal concerns or issues related to the drug
  • Significance or relevance of topic to the counseling profession
  • Any future implications including referral and consultation

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

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Other Homework Help. Atlantic Cape Community College Help Desk Computers Question


I’m studying and need help with a question to help me learn.

I need someone who has the knowledge to help me in Help Desk support. What category in Computers does this fall under? I need someone to help me so that I can create another post to ask my question!

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Other Homework Help. CMP 610 9040 Foundations in Cybersecurity Management (2215)


Project 1: Security Models
Step 1: Review the Assigned Organization

All four projects for this course will be completed from the vantage point of a specific industry and an organization assigned to you by the instructor. If you do not know your assigned organization, contact your instructor immediately. If you want to use another organization than the one assigned you or one not listed, contact your instructor as well.

Familiarize yourself with the organization and breach your instructor has assigned by reviewing the details at https://www.databreaches.net/. The descriptions include an overview and key information about the organization on the internet, as well as information about a breach or attempted breach. For the purposes of this course, you will assume this organization is your employer.

You may wish to briefly research your assigned organization to gather additional information about the organization and its security posture.

Step 2: Write a Cybersecurity Background Summary

In Step 1, you familiarized yourself with your assigned organization. Now, it is time to write a cybersecurity overview. Write a three-page background summary that includes a general overview of cybersecurity and a section on enterprise cybersecurity.

Include the following items in the general overview of cybersecurity:

Include the following items in the enterprise cybersecurity section:

  • List and discuss the major concepts of enterprise cybersecurity, including confidentiality, integrity, and availability (CIA)
  • Discuss the principles that underlie the development of an enterprise cybersecurity policy framework and implementation plan.
  • List the major types of cybersecurity threats that a modern enterprise might face.

You will attach this cybersecurity background summary to the security assessment in a later project step.

Submit the cybersecurity background summary for feedback.

Step 3: Analyze Security Weaknesses

After writing the cybersecurity background summary, you are ready to analyze the security weaknesses of your assigned organization. When analyzing cybersecurity weaknesses, there are several areas to consider.

Analyze the organization’s security from the following perspectives:

  1. a technology perspective
  2. a people perspective
  3. a policy perspective

You will include this information in the security assessment. In the next step, you will consider risk factors.

Step 4: Compile a Risk Summary

Step 5: Submit a Security Weakness Assessment

From the information that you gathered in the previous steps, develop a two-page summary of your organization’s security weaknesses. Identify threats, risks, and vulnerabilities to achieve a holistic view of risk across the entity.

Consider areas that should be improved from a technology perspective, a people perspective, and a policy perspective. Also note potential risks associated with maintaining the current security posture. You will reference this security assessment later when you make your business case and final recommendation.

Submit the security assessment for feedback

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Other Homework Help. Concordia University Nebraskia Speciall Education Licence Essay


As an educator it is important to have a clear understanding of academic regulations, best practices, and resources to formulate a plan for future success.

Write a 250-500 word statement of intent as an educator that includes the following:

  • An explanation of your state department of education requirements for obtaining and maintaining special education teacher licensure or certification including how your program’s curricular requirements will help you obtain licensure.
  • A description of at least one professional organization related to special education that might help facilitate your ongoing personal and professional development.

APA style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit assignments that are print deliverables to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Course Materials if you need assistance.

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Other Homework Help. NM 140 Rasmussen College Digital Illustrator Thumbnail Sketches Project


This week you will start developing sketches for your final project. Please be sure you have read the specs for this assignment in the Module 02 Final Project Introduction.

For this assignment, create a minimum of twenty (20) thumbnail sketches.

Fifteen (15) of your sketches should focus on the book cover illustration you will be creating for this project and should include both character(s) and environment.

The remaining five (5) should focus on the larger page layout for the poster-including type and placement concepts.

“Art directors, storyboard artists and graphic designers, as well as other kinds of visual artists, use the term “thumbnail sketch” to describe a small drawing on paper (usually part of a group) used to explore multiple ideas quickly.” – Wikipedia

Thumbnail sketches are small because that saves time in working through multiple ideas, and because it’s often easier to see potential design issues, much like stepping back from a larger, finished work.

Book cover thumbnail sketches – Laura G. Young (lauragyoung.blogspot.com)

Final Project Thumbnail Specs:

  • Submit a minimum of 20 thumbnail sketches:
  • 15 thumbnails focused on your book cover illustration, which must include character(s) and environment.
  • 5 thumbnails focused on larger page layout for the final poster which must include type and illustration placement ideas.
  • Thumbnails are small, but contain enough detail to help you focus on the best elements of the design. Thumbnails are not sloppy.
  • Create a single page document in Photoshop that includes your thumbnails AND the title of your book. and Export as a JPG for submission to the drop box.

Make sure you include the title in the JPG, so your instructor knows how the sketches relate to the book.

Are you not really clear on how to create thumbnail sketches? Review the Retro Advertisement thumbnail sketch information in Module 05.

Submit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

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Other Homework Help. Grossmont College The Growth and Development of Belize Report


For this assignment, you are to read a journal article about a topic related to a regional topic within the context of the class, and you are asked to use articles from the JSTOR database.  Unfortunately, Grossmont College does not have JSTOR available from its library, but some of you may have used JSTOR from institutions like Mesa, Palomar and Southwestern Colleges, in addition to San Diego State or Cal State San Marcos.  Therefore I will provide you with an ample selection of articles that I have downloaded from Palomar College’s JSTOR database.  All you need to do is pick any of the articles for your review. Just click the “Files” section from the Canvas class menu, and open the folder that says “115_JSTOR articles.”  In the folder are several subfolders with topics arranged by nation, in alphabetical order. The articles are in PDF format and labeled by the topic of the article, so just browse the collection of articles before you make your final selection.  You do not need to notify me of your article choice, just pick any one of the articles in any of those subfolders, and you’re ready to roll!

“Argentina in 1983: Reflections on the Language of the Military and George Orwell,”  by Alberto Ciria. Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies,  Vol. 11, No. 21 (1986), pp. 57-69.

In terms of the content of the report, I am looking for two main points of discussion. First, you should devote the first half of the report to a summary of the main points that the author is trying to convey to the reader. To help you to address this issue, consider some of these questions: What type of article is this? Is the author presenting an original feature, or is he/she conducting a book review? If this is a book review, what book (or books) is being reviewed? What is the author’s purpose for writing this article? What is the author’s academic or professional background?

As for the second point of discussion, this is where you provide your opinion or perceptions of the article. In other words, what did you think about it? What were the strengths or weaknesses of the article? How did the article relate to the class? You are definitely encouraged to write in first person singular (I feel that…, I think..) as you provide your opinions. As a general rule of thumb, your JSTOR review should be about 60% summary and 40% commentary. Thus a 5-page review with about 3 & 1?2 pages summary and 1 & 1?2 pages commentary is an ideal proportion.


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Other Homework Help. Delaware State University Beethoven Assignment Harmonic Analysis Questions


I need help with a question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

Assignment No. 2

Beethoven, Quartet No. 1, Op. 18, 1st movement

Link to Score (1st page only): http://ks4.imslp.info/files/imglnks/usimg/9/96/IMSLP90183-PMLP04680-Opus_18_no_1.pdf

Link to Recording (includes display of score): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-SJGq1KdCQ (beginning to 0:35)

Link to Recording (beginning to 0:40): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=de-NLJ0doao

  1. What are the time and key signatures (two answers)?
  2. How many different clefs are included in the score?
  3. At what measure does the first forte occur?
  4. For how many beats do the 2nd violin, viola, and cello hold their notes in measure 14?
  5. Highlight (or circle) AND describe the characteristics (rhythm, melodic contour, duration) of the motive that occurs the most throughout the piece (i.e. dotted quarter note followed by four eighth notes then two sixteenth notes then one half note; begins on G sharp, descends to F sharp, etc.)
  6. How many total measures are on the entire first page?
  7. How many times does the motive appear – only count the motive as one time even if it appears in multiple voices simultaneously?

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