Other Homework Help. UB Wroblewski Discussion
The first paragraph is a summary of a paper; the second paragraph is your response to and opinion about the paper, including takeaways, new insights, questions, etc.
Other Homework Help. UB Wroblewski Discussion
The first paragraph is a summary of a paper; the second paragraph is your response to and opinion about the paper, including takeaways, new insights, questions, etc.
Other Homework Help. SU The Relationship Between Philosophy and Science Question
Which of the following statements best describes the relationship between philosophy and science?
Philosophy relies on empirical investigation while science relies on conceptual investigation.
Ideas that are tested and confirmed using the scientific method are more true than philosophical arguments.
Philosophy asks questions that are less important than those asked by science.
Philosophy pursues truths that cannot be determined through empirical observation.
Which of the following statements best describes the relationship between philosophy and science?
In order to approach the question philosophically, what should his first step be?
Which step of philosophical inquiry has Amy just done?
Other Homework Help. AMU Globalization Pop and Rock Music Discussion
Choose an excerpt from two concerts, one of a pop or rock concert of your choice and one of a performance of music from the Classical Era (1750-1800 AD) chosen from the list below. Watch approximately 10 minutes of each concert. (Please note: The rock or pop concert you choose should be one you watch during this course, rather than a performance you watched or attended prior to the class.)After viewing the concert excerpts, construct a comparison of these two concerts and address the following:1. Explain why you did or did not enjoy the concerts. 2. Evaluate similarities and differences between music in the Classical era and rock/pop music. Be sure to reference specific musical attributes of the concerts, and use musical terminology and information from the course materials to express your ideas. 3. Discuss the types of people who attended concerts in the Classical era and those who attend rock or pop concerts today, and why people attended concerts in the Classical era versus today. (Be certain to use specific information from scholarly sources to support your points about concerts during the Classical era.) 4. Analyze technologies, such as digital media and the internet, change the ways music is experienced.
“Piano Concerto No. 23 in A major,” Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
“Violin Concerto No. in D major,” Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
“Symphony No. 25 in G minor” Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
700 -1000 words
Other Homework Help. Post University Logo Design Prices Updating
I’m working on a logo design project and need support to help me learn.
i need my prices updated
1-60 = 90
1-70 = 109
1-80 = 290
1-90 = 500
1-91 = 600
1-92 = 750
1-93 = 1000
1-94 = 1300
1-95 = 1600
where it says special discount
1-85 @ 100fg change the price to 400fg
remove untill next ladder and put weekend deal and maybe some other stuff depending on how u do
Other Homework Help. Chamberlain College of Nursing Virtuous Person Virtuous Citizen Report
I’m working on a other discussion question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.
Each person owes a duty to himself or herself and to the world to study ethics and to engage in thoughtful debate about what is right, and what is wrong. It is this habit of thinking about and reflecting on ethics that will help you determine the right choices when faced with an ethical dilemma.
Initial Post Instructions
Articulate a moral dilemma wherein one has to show a specific virtue or virtues (it can be any virtue or virtues including honesty, courage, charity/generosity, compassion, etc.)
The dilemma must be a situation in which a choice has to be made.
Be sure you told us why your chosen course of action was best.
Follow-Up Post Instructions
Respond to at least one peer. Further the dialogue by providing more information and clarification.
Writing Requirements
Student Sample:
Hello class,
Articulate a moral dilemma wherein one has to show a specific virtue or virtues (it can be any virtue or virtues including honesty, courage, charity/generosity, compassion, etc.)
I have chosen to discuss the moral dilemma that a nurse may face in the field is domestic violence. Whether this be a situation that involve partner domestic violence, child abuse or elder abuse, nurses may face this in their career. The ethical dilemma in this case is that the nurse needs to act with a sense of professionalism when faced with abusers. Nurses and other healthcare professionals cannot act out of anger at the abuser. The virtues that nurses must show in many of these situations is trustworthiness to the patient that is being abused, another virtue a nurse must have is compassion. This is a virtue that all nurses should have, you need feel compassion for the patients you care for. The virtues should be expressed by making sure your patient knows they can tell you things in confidence and not be worried about it not being confidential and they must know you care. Aristotle’s golden mean is the mean between two extremes where one end of it is excess and they other is deficiency (Kraut, 2018). This can be applied to this because you do not want to care too much to where you are crossing the boundary between patient and nurse on the other hand you also do not want the patient to think you do not care at all. Trustworthiness can be applied to the golden mean because you don’t want to the patient to think they can’t trust you so you don’t want to be on the deficient end of that. The dilemma involves moral duties to self because you may feel like you want to do more but if the patient doesn’t want that then you must abide by their wishes.
Rachels, S., & Rachels, J. (2019). The elements of moral philosophy. New York, NY: McGrawHill Education.
Kraut, R. (2018, June 15). Aristotle’s Ethics. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/aristotle-ethics/.
Other Homework Help. HIST 410N ECC W3 Failure of Democracy & The Rise of Totalitarianism Discussion
Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:
Initial Post Instructions
During the 1930s, much of the world seemed to give up on their hope for a democratic solution to their problems and instead turned to totalitarianism, both in Europe and in Asia.
For the initial post, select and address one of the following:
Address the following questions for your selection:
Follow-Up Post Instructions
Respond to at least one peer. At least one of your responses should be to a peer who chose an option different from yours. Further the dialogue by providing more information and clarification.
Writing Requirements
Other Homework Help. CUMS Children of the Magenta Discussion
Other Homework Help. Bowie State University Performance by Kerrynton Jones Question
Your paper should be a personal critique as it relates to your THEA 110 as well as your outside knowledge of movement in a dance performance via the movements showcased in the choreography done by the movement artists. **Please make sure to include references to information you are learning in class. **
Other Homework Help. PAD 340 SNHU Washtenaw County Budget Project
This is about Washtenaw county Budget reaffirmation Document ‘
PAD 340 Project Three Guidelines and Rubric
For your final competency project, you will demonstrate your ability to examine fiscal decisions made by public administrators, and provide recommendations
for a community on how to improve its budgeting process. Using the provided case study documents from Washtenaw County, Michigan, you will create a paper
analyzing the county’s budget decisions. This will include evaluating its planning and budgeting approaches, as well as the extent to which the public
administrators have engaged stakeholders in the budgeting process. Finally, you will assess the financial health of the community based on its revenues,
expenditures, and other fiscal indicators. This is the last of three competency projects in this course; it is due in Module Eight.
In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course competency:
BS-BAD-PAD-CMP-05: Examine fiscal decisions made by public administrators
For this project, you will analyze the budget document, budget impacts document, and Financial State of the County Report from Washtenaw County, Michigan.
Washtenaw County: Budget Reaffirmation Document
Washtenaw County: An Eye on the Future
Washtenaw County: Financial State of the County Report
Using the provided resources above, you will create a paper that answers the following questions: What budget systems is this community using and how would
you evaluate this approach? How have stakeholders been involved in the budgeting process? How would you rate the community’s fiscal health?
Specifically, you must address the critical elements listed below.
I. Budgeting Systems: In this section, you will describe the budgeting systems that the community is using and the merits of the community’s budgeting
A. Describe the budgeting approach being used by the community and its strengths and weaknesses.
B. Describe the community’s priorities, how they were created, and if the major expenditures are reflective of the community’s priorities.
C. Describe how the budget structure ensures accountability and transparency. Where do you think the community could make improvements?
II. Stakeholder Involvement: In this section, you will explain how stakeholders have been involved in the process and provide recommendations to the
community for a more ethical and inclusive process.
A. Explain if the community has provided opportunities for meaningful community engagement and if they have involved the right stakeholders.
B. Recommend additional opportunities for a more ethical and inclusive process.
III. Health of the Community: In this section, you will use at least two indicators from the 10-point test to analyze the fiscal health of the community. Why
did you select these indicators? What is the community’s fiscal health? Is it sustainable? As you analyze the fiscal health of the community, consider the
following: Are revenues increasing? Are expenditures increasing? What is the fund balance or cash reserves? Is the community funding capital
improvements? What are the implications of each?
Project Three Rubric
Guidelines for Submission: Your budget evaluation project must be 3–4 pages in length (plus a cover page and references) and must be written in APA format.
Use double-spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Include at least three references cited in APA format.