Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Colorado State University Mod 2 Credit Card Theft and Identity Theft Discussion


I’m working on a programming question and need support to help me learn.

A great deal of media attention has been given to the increasingly common occurrence of credit card theft and identity theft.

  • Explain the difference between credit card theft and identity theft.
  • Which do you think is more serious and why?
  • Share any experiences that you or someone you know has had with external security threats, including identity theft.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. University of Phoenix Revolutionary and Evolutionary Change Discussion Questions


I’m working on a programming question and need support to help me learn.

Please respond to the following.

Q1) Argue the merits of revolutionary change vs. evolutionary change (or vice versa). i.e. how important is it and what are the risks of embracing the latest technology?

Q2) Argue the benefits of outsourcing vs. in-house development (or vice versa). i.e. when is it best to outsource your project? What are the risks?

Q3) Argue for your preferred project management model. How well does this model work for MIS/Technology projects?

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. UMGC Code that Creates a List of All the Plays Available in Football Program


I’m working on a python multi-part question and need a reference to help me learn.

Create a small sample code that creates a list of all the plays available in football such as touchdowns and field goals. There is no additional file, just a sample code. Please do it on .py file and inlcude docstrings.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. CSC 301 Hebrew University Java Data Structures Computer Programming Task


This is for a Data Structures class.

Here is the .java file:

Here is the folder with all the files:……Try this.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Cuyamaca College Python Programming Simulation of A Database Code


Programming Assignment #2: simulation of a database .
Upload program and execution as 2 separate files in canvas
1. Build a list of lists called emp, using the data in file empInsert, shown in canvas files. For
reference, I use the words “table”, “row”, and “column” , for the”2 dimensional” list emp.
For reference, I use the following names (or similar names) for columns: employee_number,
employee name, job, supervisor, hiredate, salary, commission, department numbers (those
names of columns are not necessarily used in the Python program . For example, row number
one will have the following data: 8369, ‘THOMAS’, ‘SECRETARY’, 8902, ’17-DEC-1990′, 1400, null,
20. To build the table emp in the Python program, copy and paste one row at a time from the
file empInsert into the table emp (again, “table” is not a standard Python keyword, I use it to
represent a list of lists or 2-dimensional list). Assumption about the data: names of employees
are unique, employee numbers are unique
2. Print table emp, showing one row per line
3. Print names of employees in alphabetical order
4. Compute and print the incomes for Richard, Mary , and Sean (income is sum of salary, 6th
column and commission, 7th columnIn this assignment, null will be a variable set to 0
5. Build a list of three columns: job (column 3 in emp), total salary for employees with all
employees with this job this job (ignore commission), and avreage salary for this job. Print
in table form
6. The first column of emp is the employee number. The 4th column is the employee number
of the employee’s supervisor. For example, row 1, Thomas has for supervisor Sean
(employee number 8902). Build a list of all employees and their supervisor (2 columns,
employee name, supervisor name)). Print in alphabetical order on employeee name
7. Extra-credit: Build the table dept from the data in file deptInsert (in canvas). Print it (one
row per line). The department number of the table emp (last column) refers to the
department number of first column in dept. For example THOMAS works in department
number 20, which is the RESEARCH department, as showm in table dept. Build a table of
two columns. Column 1 : employee name . Column 2: department name. Print the table,
oe row per line
Whenever possible, program statements must not be based on data you can look at in the two
tables, but based on legitimate computations.
Make the output easy to read, but do not complicate the program with fancy output. Do not
validate the data.
There is no input statements in this program. The data are directly copied into the lists emp
and dept from data in in files empInsert and deptInsert

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. CISS 100 RU Dialog Boxes from The Console Window Program


I’m stuck on a Java question and need an explanation.

5-8. Modify exercise 2-4 where miles per gallon where calculated from the console window. Now modify the program so dialog boxes are used (use all arguments). The prompt and input will be a dialog box instead of a System.out.print() and sc.nextDouble(). The output will be a dialog box instead of a System.out.println(). The input and output will all be the same, but now in dialog boxes. Save as and submit it.

 * Exercise 2-4
 * This program will calculate miles per gallon
 * */
import java.util.Scanner;
public class ex24
  public static void main(String[] args)
    double miles, gallons, mpg;				// declare variables
    Scanner sc = new Scanner(;

    System.out.print("Enter miles:  ");		// prompt
    miles = sc.nextDouble();				// input
    System.out.print("Enter gallons:  ");
    gallons = sc.nextDouble();

    mpg = miles / gallons;					// calculate

    System.out.printf("Miles per gallon is %.1fn", mpg);  // output

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Create a Python Code Computer Coding Task


Lab 05 supports the following Skill Outcomes (SO):

  • SO – Students will create Python programs using the Python interpreter and the IDLE IDE
  • SO – Students will apply the steps in the program development process
  • SO – Students will implement variables
  • SO – Students will select appropriate arithmetic, logical, and relational operators
  • SO – Students will implement sequence, selection, and repetition control structures
  • SO – Students will analyze, design, implement, test, and debug domain-specific applications which demonstrate basic computation, input/output, control structures, operators, and functions

Assignment Overview

This lab relates to the material in Chapter 5 – Functions. The purpose of this lab is to implement appropriate functions.


Be sure and include the following required identification information at the top of the program code using comment statements (see Section 2.4 Comments on page 39):

  • Name
  • 9-Digit ID Number
  • Due Date
  • Date Submitted
  • Brief description of application

Python (.py) file named with the required naming convention, required identification information, and meeting the requirements of the problem statement provided under Activity Details.

Activity Details

Perform the following tasks:

  • Step 1: Create a Python (.py) file using IDLE (see Appendix B – Introduction to IDLE) using the required naming convention for Lab 05: CourseNumber_LastNameFirstInitial_LabNumber (e.g., 5390_SharpJ_Lab05)

Place the required identification information in Comment statements (see Section 2.4 Comments on page 39) at the top of the Python program. Within the body of the program implement the following requirements as described in the problem statement below:

Program Statements:

Ms. Sally Jones, a local high school teacher, has hired you to create a modularized program that will allow her to enter three test scores (assume whole numbers will be entered) and calculate a student’s test score average (assume the result will be a whole number – see Table 2-3, page 54) and then determine student’s letter grade and then display the student’s test score average and letter grade. The input of the test scores and the output of the test score average and letter grade will be contained in the main menu. The program should allow Ms. Jones to enter as many students as desired by prompting her if she wants to continue (see 4.2 The while Loop: A Condition-Controlled Loop, page 160-161).

The following functions MUST be implemented:

  • calc_average – this function should accept three test scores as arguments and return the average of the scores
  • determine_grade – this function should accept the average test score and return a letter grade for the average test score based on the following grading scale (see page 258, Returning Strings):

Score Letter Grade

90-100 A

80-89 B

70-79 C

60-69 D

Below 60 F

Validation Loops:

In the main menu validation loops must be implemented to validate each of the three test scores which are entered. As long as the test score is less than zero or greater than 100 an appropriate error message should be displayed and the user should be prompted to enter a valid test score. Do NOT implement a decision structure.

General Requirements:

  • Variable names MUST follow the naming rules (see page 43), be descriptive, and follow a standard naming convention, such as the textbook naming convention where multiple words are separated by underscores, commonly used by Python programmers (i.e, gross_pay) or camelCase convention (i.e., grossPay).
  • Comment statements MUST be included for each major section of code to provide a brief description of its purpose. For example, at the beginning of the input statements, at the beginning of a repetition structure, at the beginning of calculations, or output statements, etc. Single-line comments are adequate.

Sample Scenario:

Enter test score 1: -1
Invalid entry. Test score must be between 0 and 100.
Reenter test score 1: 101
Invalid entry. Test score must be between 0 and 100.
Reenter test score 1: 100
Enter test score 2: -5
Invalid entry. Test score must be between 0 and 100.
Reenter test score 2: 105
Invalid entry. Test score must be between 0 and 100.
Reenter test score 2: 0
Enter test score 3: -10
Invalid entry. Test score must be between 0 and 100.
Reenter test score 3: 110
Invalid entry. Test score must be between 0 and 100.
Reenter test score 3: 50
The test score average is: 50
The letter grade is: F
Do you want to enter test scores for another student (Enter y for yes): y
Enter test score 1: 100
Enter test score 2: 85
Enter test score 3: 90
The test score average is: 91
The letter grade is: A
Do you want to enter test scores for another student (Enter y for yes): y
Enter test score 1: 85
Enter test score 2: 80
Enter test score 3: 89
The test score average is: 84
The letter grade is: B
Do you want to enter test scores for another student (Enter y for yes): y
Enter test score 1: 75
Enter test score 2: 70
Enter test score 3: 80
The test score average is: 75
The letter grade is: C
Do you want to enter test scores for another student (Enter y for yes): y
Enter test score 1: 60
Enter test score 2: 65
Enter test score 3: 60
The test score average is: 61
The letter grade is: D
Do you want to enter test scores for another student (Enter y for yes): n

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Sturgill Manufacturing Inc Simulation Model Python Programming Exercise Case Study


Hello, I need some help answering this case study.

Please can you create the Model function first (put in a word document). Then apply the model in Python or R which results in the answer. Give a detailed explanation has necessary for everything including the code. Thank you!

Programming Homework Help