Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. American Military University Week 8 Python Exercises


# You must add comments to your code

# Program name :
# Student Name : Ymmas Azaba
# Course : ENTD220
# Instructor : My instructor
# Date : Any Day

# Copy Wrong : This is my work

You are going to enhance the prior assignment by doing the following

1) Add menu items to write to a file and to read from a file

2) create a class wrfile() with two methods to write the results to a file, and to read the results from a file.

Sample output

Use the same output from last assignment

must be in Python IDLE

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. UCLA Java Question


I’m working on a java question and need guidance to help me learn.

Note: Creating multiple Scanner objects for the same input stream yields unexpected behavior. Thus, good practice is to use a single Scanner object for reading input from That Scanner object can be passed as an argument to any methods that read input.

Note: Accessor refers to getters and mutator refers to setters.

Write the ItemToPurchase class per the following specifications:

  • Private fields
    • string itemDescription – Initialized in default constructor to “none”
  • Parameterized constructor to assign item name, item description, item price, and item quantity (default values of 0).
  • Public member methods
    • setDescription() mutator & getDescription() accessor
    • printItemCost() – Outputs the item name followed by the quantity, price, and subtotal
    • printItemDescription() – Outputs the item name and description

Ex. of printItemCost() output:

Bottled Water 10 @ $1 = $10

Ex. of printItemDescription() output:

Bottled Water: Deer Park, 12 oz.

Write a class called TestItemToPurchase. In the main create a few object

Of ItemToPurchase and show its methods works. When you run your code copy and past the output in report.txt.

Submit three files, and report.txt

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Python Packages and Matplotlib Package Python Module Repository Discussion


I need an explanation for this Python question to help me study.

Prompt Question:

  • Go to the Python module repository at at find a python package of professional interest to you that we will not cover in the course (The packages we use in the course are NumPy, SciPy, Pandas, and sklearn). Highlight what functionality in the package might help with tasks or projects you have previously encountered.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. R Programming Linear Regression Analysis on Cars Sales Dataset Project


Build a regression model using your final project dataset and submit a report. The report should include:

  • description of response variable and explanatory variable(s) (prefer not to do a simple linear regression)
  • correlation plot
  • proposed model
  • model assumption checking and/or residual plot along with an interpretation

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. COP 1334 Miami Dade College Visual Studio Debug Console Project


In this assignment you will create a program to process the attached file (dataStudents.txt) to calculate the grades for a course.

  1. Each line of the file has the following format: Name Test1 Test2 Test3
  2. The exams are to be weighted 25% for the first exam, 35% for the second exam, and 40% for the third exam.
  3. Based on that, compute a final score and a final grade. Grade is to be assigned as:A if the total is at least 90, B if it is at last 80, C if it is at least 70, D if it is at least 60, and F otherwise.
  4. Your program should output the results to the console and to an output file named outputStudents.txt (See SAMPLE output )
  5. Your Output must look like the sample output provided.
  6. Submit Asg1YourName.cpp.

This project is an individual project. Everyone should submit their own work. If I determine that two or more students have collaborated, then those students will all fail the course immediately, regardless of who copied from whom.

Formmatting tips:
to get spacing: you can use tabs and/or setw ( n ), where n= desired width.
to get two decimal places: use fixed << setprecision(2)

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. California State University Bakersfield Java Programming Circle Chart Project


Make a circle chart (Lewis Structure) similar to a chemical compound chart, that displays circles with letters. Each atom is a node on the chart and can be connected in 4 different directions to another node. You are to modify the DoublyLinkedList class to accommodate nodes with 4 pointers. You can also use the position class to maintain your location in the data structure. The actual value of the position (as before) can be the node’s OO addresss. The circles, representing nocdes, are attached in directions: North,East,South, West. The attached ppt shows each method and its effect on the compound. Your methods are:
1) Root(letter) – establish the root with the letter, set position to the root The letter would be the value of the node.
2) Add (letter,direction) – Add this letter to the compound at the current position , using the direction.
3) Move(direction) – Move to another with out adding, that is just change the position.
4) Print – print all letters, in any order. You must traverse the tree to make your list. Do not keep a separate node list in your class. You can traverse the tree recursively. Assume no cycles – An example of a cycle would be if A connected to K in the attached chart examples.
5) Extra credit (3 points) if you can actually show the letters in a Lewis Structure format with lines between the elements instead of arrows, and not the circles you may see on the attached chart.
–You can use the sourcecode jar files classes to help you build a linked list. Basically you need to add more pointers in the node class within DLL class to accommodate the up, down, nature of this problem.
Do not worry about editing data. There may be duplicate letters.
The solution must be based on a linked list where each node has 4 pointers, and use the linked list in a recursive manner to print all node

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Harvard University Remote Study Data Analysis Project


I have a python programming question. I am analyzing data from a survey. The answer for one question are contained in a column in a data frame and are one of possibly 6 different possible answers (see below). I need to be able to compare this column of data with these categories to other columns in my data frame that have integer data. I am not sure how to do that. Specifically, I need to find the correlations

There are the categories:

Work remotely from home on a temporary basis

Work remotely full time, but not always from home on a temporary basis

Work remotely full time , but not always from home on a permanent basis

Work remotely from home on a permanent basisWork part time outside of the home and part time at home

Work remotely part time, but not always from home on a temporary basis

Work remotely part time, but not always from home on a permanent basis

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. ITS 530 Information technology Practice Quiz Report


We will be using data visualization within a tool for this course. Please download and install R (CRAN) onto your PC.

There are two items that must be downloaded for this course: R and RStudio. Required!

If you are using a computer with a Windows operating system, make sure that when you download base R, you download Rtools, as well.

Verify this by attaching ONLY the screenshots to display your completion of the R software installation. Also, note (in one short paragraph- that is at least three sentences in length) how the installation went and if you encountered any issues. If you did, how were they solved?

Once you complete installation, make your own report to repeat code attached. Make sure to create your own screen shots and report.

Every screenshot in the report should show all 4 Rstudio screens. Attached Files:

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Chapter 4 Data Abstraction and Data Structures Java Project


Hello, this is for my Data Structures class. I will be including a .java file that will be used for the assignment. There is also a folder with files that will be needed for the assignment.

Also including the textbook being used for this class. This is based on Chapter 4.4 if need needed.

Java File:…


Programming Homework Help