Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. UMCP Park Python Fundamentals Discussion

I’m trying to study for my Python course and I need some help to understand this question.


Please upload a Jupyter notebook in which you explain the following concepts in your own words and provide clear, working, original examples of each:

  • f-strings
  • Lists
    • Choose at least two things about lists from the lecture videos that are new to you or that you need practice with. Explain them briefly but clearly; summarize the syntax for them; provide illustrative examples.
  • Reading the contents of a file with a WITH statement, using the file object as an iterator in a FOR loop
    • You may need to create a small text file for your code to read.

You are expected to use Markdown cells for explanations and code cells for code. I encourage you to look at the example submission for reference.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Object Oriented Modeling Analysis & Design Pandas & SysML Lab Report

These problems in this project is to be solved with python using Pandas & SysML. For the first question, dataset link is already included in the document and i have attached the dataset needed for question 2. Instructions for these 3 questions are included in the project document including the use of Jupyter Notebook for each question. Thank you.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. St Francis Xavier University Conversion of Code from R to C++ Project

The project is to convert from R language to C++, preferably using the Rcpp package. The files needed for the project are attached in the link below. The word document attached has the instructions to execute the original R files.…

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Applied Statistics and Homogeneous Poisson Process Discussion

Topics include generalized linear models such as logistic and Poissonregression, among many others. Random effects will be introduced, with emphasison linear and generalized linear mixed models, repeated measures, and longitudi-nal data. These models will extend to general models for dependent data, suchas spatial data and time series models. Lastly, nonlinear models through neuralnetworks and deep learning will be discussed.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. University of Florida Analysis & Design Object Oriented Modeling Project

I’m working on a programming project and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

Hello this is a project I need help with. It is fairly simple and all instructions are clear in the document. I provided the excel sheet to use for in one of the problems.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Barclay College Need Explanation Layout Paper

Using the PyQt5-Designer as a basis (not necessary if you plan to create your own layout) – create a screen to hold the components for the tip calculator using the kivyMD development system. (see video series as a guide)

The calculator needs to have textboxes to hold the cost of the meal, tax, tip and total cost of the meal.

Use labels to indicate the contents of the textboxes, and radio buttons to select the tip percentage.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. NVCC ITN 170 Linux Distributions Certifications Discussion

Both CompTIA Linux+ (XK0-004) and LPIC-1 (101-500, 102-500) are distribution-neutral Linux certifications that are valuable as a skills benchmark for IT administrators today. However, they play an important part in other key industries. For example, Linux is considered a core prerequisite for CyberSecurity professionals, cloud administrators, DevOps and blockchain developers. Search for three different job positions that require Linux certification, each in a different industry.

Tell us which certification you are interest in and why ? Chart a study plan, it’s important that you plan for your future certifications.

Upload a weekly study plan for the Linux Certification

  1. Hours a week spent on studying the Linux+ cert
  2. The topic’s you want to focused on
  3. How much time on a specific topic and or if yo udevice any methods

Please include the following methods of study:

  • Study strategies
  • Any practice test you have found , ( don’t post any site related to Brain dumps ) How many Practice Tests you are planning ?
  • What is the cost of the certification
  • Videos – if you have found any helpful one ;Why did you select them , which area it will enhance ?


Please write one or two paragraph to furnish the above information , make it presentable and professional. Please don’t post a bulleted list .

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Algorithm Jump Search C++ Question

Implement 4 searching algorithms. YES, YOU CAN USE CODE FROM THE INTERNET. The objective is not the implementation, it’s the second part 🙂 After you implement 4 searching algorithms, modify the code to calculate the run time to search for a set of 10 values in an array of size 100. Your output should be something like this:

Algorithm: Sequential Search


Looking for value 66. It took 22 seconds 

Looking for value 23. It took 24 seconds

Looking for value 42. It took 27 seconds


Average time it took to find the 10 values I searched for: 29 seconds.

Algorithm: Binary Search


Looking for value 66. It took 12seconds

Looking for value 23. It took 11 seconds

Looking for value 42. It took 13 seconds


Average time it took to find the 10 values I searched for: 12 seconds.


  • All search algorithms will use the same array (size 100).
  • Data can be filled in array randomly or you can hardcode it. Which ever is easier. Just make sure you do NOT have duplicate values in it).
  • The 10 elements you want to search for are the same 10 elements to be searched for in all 4 search algorithms

Again, you can use existing code from the internet to do the search, no need to write your own, your code should only be the part where you measure how much time it took to run each algorithm to search for the 10 values

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Concord University Introduction to Computer Programming Lab Report

Assignment #9

The parts below describe a single large program so you will only need to turn in one file for this assignment. I suggest that you complete each part and save each part for your own use in the event that something does not work. Also, the programs below utilize a series of external data files – click here to download these files as a ZIP archive.

Part 1

You just finished administering the final exam for all of the students in the “Introduction to Computer Programming” classes this semester. The exam was a 25 question multiple choice exam, and it is your job to grade the exams. You have all of the scores stored in a series of text files (click here to download these files).

To begin, download the data files and store them in a folder on your computer. Then create a new Python program inside of this folder called “”. Make sure your source code file is inside of the same folder as the data files you just downloaded!

Next, write a program that lets the user type in the name of a file. Attempt to open the supplied file for read access. If the file exists you can print out a confirmation message. If the file doesn’t exist you should tell the user that the file cannot be found. Hint: use a try/except block to do this (don’t just use a series of “if” statements – we want this program to be as “generic” as possible).

You will not get credit for this part of the program if you write something like the following to identify valid data files:

filename = input("Enter a filename: ")

if filename == "class1":
  # open class1.txt
elif filename == "class2":
  # open class2.txt
  print ("Sorry, I can't find this filename")

Here’s a sample running of the program:

Enter a class file to grade (i.e. class1 for class1.txt): foobar
File cannot be found.

Enter a class file to grade (i.e. class1 for class1.txt): class1
Successfully opened class1.txt


Part 2

Next, you are going to write a program to grade the exams for a given section. The exam was a 25 question multiple choice exam. Here are the answers to the exam:

answerkey = "B,A,D,D,C,B,D,A,C,C,D,B,A,B,A,C,B,D,A,C,A,A,B,D,D"

Each data file contains a series of student responses in the following format:




The first number is the student’s ID number. The following 25 letters are the student responses to the exam. If there is no letter following a comma, this means the student skipped answering the question.

Note that some lines of data may be corrupted! For example, this line of data does not have enough answers:


… and this line of data has too many answers:


If you encounter a line of data that is un-usable you should make a note of it and not use the line in your calculations. Report to the user at the end of the program how many unusable lines of data you found.

Your program should open up the file specified by the user and read in the data. It should then compute the following:

  • The total # of students represented in the file
  • The total # of invalid lines of data found in the file
  • The grade for each student. This can be done by comparing the student’s answers to the answer key above. Scores can be computed using the following rubric:
    • +4 points for every right answer
    • 0 points for every skipped answer
    • -1 points for every incorrect answer
  • The highest score
  • The lowest score
  • The average score (mean)

Here’s a sample running of your program:

Enter a class file to grade (i.e. class1 for class1.txt): class1
Successfully opened class1.txt

Grade Summary:
Total students: 20
Unusable lines in the file: 0
Highest score: 91
Lowest score: 59
Mean score: 75.60

Hints: Use the “split” method to split apart the data from the file. You may need to use this method a few times along with a loop or two. Hint: think about the order in which you need to split your items. For example, your file is organized so that one student’s record occupies an entire line in the file. Splitting first on the line break will isolate each student’s data. Then you will need to further split each item based on the separator character to pull out the responses for each student.

Hint: once you’ve scored the students you should use a list to store indivdual student scores – you can then compute statistics after you’ve examined every student in the file.

Solutions: you can view the expected solutions for all of the data files by clicking here. Note that this solution file also includes the “median”, “mode” and “range” – you will be computing these values in the next part of the assignment.


Part 3

Next, have your program compute the following based on each data file:

  • The median value (Sort the grades in ascending order. If the # of students is odd you can take the middle of all the grades (i.e. [0, 50, 100] – the median is 50). If the # of students is even you can compute the median by averaging the middle two values (i.e. [0, 50, 60, 100] – the median is 55)
  • The mode value (the grade that occurs most frequently – i.e. [0, 50, 50, 100] – the mode is 50). Hint: you will probably want to create two new lists to do this. One new list canhold the UNIQUE test scores found and the other can hold the # of times that score has been seen. For example:
    unique = [100,90,80]
    seen   = [1,5,3]

    Hint: use the “in” operator, the “append” method and the max function to help you solve this problem!

  • The range (the difference between the largest and smallest grade in the set)

Here’s a sample running of your program for class1:

Enter a class file to grade (i.e. class1 for class1.txt): class1
Successfully opened class1.txt

Grade Summary:
Total students: 20
Highest score: 91
Lowest score: 59
Mean score: 75.60
Median score: 73.0
Mode: 73
Range: 32


Part 4

Finally, have your program generate a “results” file that contains the detailed results for each student in your class. Each line of this file should contain the student’s ID number, a comma, and then their grade truncated to 2 decimal points. You should name this file based on the original filename supplied — for example, if the user wants to analyze “class1.txt” you should store the results in a file named “class1_grades.txt”

Here’s a sample of what “class1_grades.txt” should look like. You can download all result files by clicking here.



Part 5

As you can see, some students didn’t do very well on their exams. Add a feature to your program that lets the user “curve” the test scores so that they are adjusted in such a way that the mean score is increased to a desired level. Only accept positive curve values. Then re-generate the “class_grades.txt” file to include this information.

You can simply add the curve value to each student’s score (i.e. if the user is curving the exam from a 75 to an 80 you would add +5 to each student score).

Here’s a sample running of your program:

Enter a class file to grade (i.e. class1 for class1.txt): class1
Successfully opened class1.txt
Grade Summary:
Total students: 20
Unusable lines in the file: 0
Highest score: 91
Lowest score: 59
Mean score: 75.60
Median score: 73.0
Mode: 73
Range: 32
Would you like to curve the exam? 'y' or 'n': y
Enter a desired mean (i.e. 75.0 to raise the mean score to 75.0): -5
Invalid curve, try again.

Enter a desired mean (i.e. 75.0 to raise the mean score to 75.0): 80.0
Done! Check your grade file!

And here’s a copy of the grade file that should be generated for class1 with a curved score of 80.0 – note the 3rd column contains the curved score (the 1st and 2nd columns are the same):


Programming Homework Help