Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. ECOM 401 Web Design Trends in Academic Libraries Discussion

Web design includes 4 stages to be completed; these stages are:



Content strategy

  • Multimedia
  • In your opinion and own words, as a web designer which stage should take a fair amount of time and which one is important to do well in your project? How do you incorporate current design trends into your projects?

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. SNHU Python Number Guessing Game Program

Create a Python program for a number guessing game. Here are the requirements: Your program generates a random number between -100 and 100 and keeps asking the user to guess the number until the user guesses it correctly. Your random number generator should be implemented as a Python function that takes min and max as input parameters and returns a random number between those values, including the min and the max.

  1. Your program generates a random number between -100 and 100 and keeps asking the user to guess the number until they guess it correctly. Your random number generator should be implemented as a Python function that takes min and max as input parameters and returns a random number between those values, including the min and the max.
  2. If the user guesses a number that is lower or higher than the number to be guessed, then indicate that information to the user as a ‘low guess’ or a ‘high guess’ to get to the correct guess quicker.
  3. The program keeps track of the number of guesses taken by the user to get to the correct guess. This is the user’s score.
  4. Use a parameter for several allowed guesses (set it some value, say 7). Your program congratulates users if the user guesses the number correctly in some guesses less than the number of allowed guesses. The program doesn’t allow the user to continue beyond the number of allowed guesses and tells the user that the user did not guess correctly in allowed attempts. You can print the number of allowed guesses at the beginning of the game.
  5. Write out the user name and number of guesses taken to a game report file. Each attempt at the game will add a new line to the report file.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. University of Phoenix Data Collection Plan Report


  • Baltzan, P. (2016). Business driven information systems. New York, NY: McGraw Hill Education (On the internet)
  • It is recommended students search the Internet for a Data Collection Plan template.

Scenario: You are an entrepreneur in the process of researching a business development idea. As you create a high-level Information Technology (IT) strategy for your new enterprise, it is important to consider how digital data will be collected, stored, analyzed, and used. A Project Data Collection Plan will guide the process of identifying enterprise digital data needs, maintenance, and use in the context of your goal to incorporate business driven IT. The Data Collection Plan is intended to describe a high-level process for collecting and maintaining digital data. The Data Collection Plan is a working document, which is expected to change over time as new project details emerge.

Create a high-level Project Data Collection Plan for your project in a minimum of 700 words which includes the following information:

  • A description of the digital data needs of the enterprise organized by department
  • A summary of the type data to be collected and who will use it
  • A description of how the data management system will contribute to organizational collaboration
  • An innovative plan for collecting, storing, analyzing and distributing data that employs emerging technologies such as cloud computing, virtualization, and big data

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. University of Phoenix Management Information Systems Discussion

respond to the following two posts IN YOUR OWN WORDS with a minimum of 400 words each, supported with a minimum of two references. It will be run thru a checker, thanks.

1.There are several management information systems available for business and organizations. Which one to use can be decided according to the type of industry as well as the type of information that should be captured. The various systems can be very effective in the areas of design. According to Baltzan (2016), management information systems is a business function, like accounting and human resources, which moves information about people, products, and processes across the company to facilitate decision making and problem solving. MIS can also be an important enabler of business success and innovation. (2016)

The roles for MIS may vary. For instance, the accounting systems might include maintaining the fiscal operations of the business while the human resources systems is held accountable for identifying qualified candidates to join the team as well as developing and enforcing policies and procedures to ensure equality and consistency is achieved. According to Zeng, (2021), good management of human resource can enable businesses to operate effectively but most enterprises still use traditional methods of allocating human resources, which is difficult to meet the development needs of enterprises. The decision making system is also vital to the success as well as the reputation of the business. These systems must be implemented in a consistent and orderly fashion. Capturing true data and maintaining accurate records can benefit the assessment and evaluation processes. This can also support the need for change and or adjustments. My organization is very strategic when conducting assessments to determine the direction of the organization. In some cases, change might be justified but in other cases change might just be a matter of opinion.

2.According to “Types Of Collaboration Technology”(2019), Collaborative technology refers to tools and systems designed to better facilitate group work, both in office and remote. Also known as groupware, these pieces of technology trim the costs and time associated with facilitating group work, from designating roles and responsibilities to routing documents to checking and approving project parts. They allow for more intuitive and coordinated group problem solving across an entire team’s workflows. Depending on the individual team or department, the technicality of the project and the overall goal of the work, you’re bound to find group work methodologies prevail like permissiveness(“Types Of Collaboration Technology”, 2019).

Telecommunications allows groups to collaborate even when not in close physical proximity via voice, video and data-based technology like the internet. This means coordination and activity at times and in locations that otherwise would be difficult, if not impossible. Travel expenditures are reduced and the pool of subject-matter experts widens, strengthening overall work. Premise-based collaborative software is bought and installed onto individual desktops on a company’s network. These tools expand the shared project management functions and capacities of teams, allowing members to track and organize project tasks as well as locate important network files, make informational updates and message anyone with access to the on-site software. Communication technology suggests that communication software tools allow for messages, chat groups and conversations to be conducted between individuals and parties via the Internet, whether those parties are in different parts of the office or different parts of the world. Communication tools also tend to be unstructured(“Types Of Collaboration Technology”, 2019).

They do not require prior scheduling or calendar sharing to be effective, they’re not intended to be formally preemptive at all. Coordination technology rounds out the three main types of collaborative software. Arguably the most holistic of collaborative tools, coordination software is designed to integrate both teamwork and taskwork functions. In other words, they allow individuals and groups to connect interpersonally as well as coordinate work tasks and activities (“Types Of Collaboration Technology”, 2019).

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. SCSU Windows Forms Application Library Membership Registration Program

I need help with a C# question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

Develop a simple Windows Forms Application of your own choice, it should be about any topic of your interest:

  • It should take user input from one or several text boxes, perform some data manipulation, and display the result.
  • Your application should use at least 5 of the following features (if you like, use more than 5, and add any additional features):
    1. Variables
    2. Button(s), Textbox(es)
    3. Label(s),
    4. MessageBox
    5. IF statement
    6. Loop
    7. Listbox
    8. Array or List
    9. Method(s)
    10. String Processing (SubString, concatenation           
    11. 1-  explain the purpose of this application
    12. 2- demonstrate run-time in various scenarios
    13. 3- explain how it works, browsing through your source code.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Argument and Parameter Data Type Compatibility Project


Programming Assignment Grading Rubric (1)

Programming Assignment Grading Rubric (1)

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProgram Specifications / CorrectnessThis is the most important criterion. A program must meet its specifications (whether from a textbook problem or as written in the assignment) and function correctly. This means that it behaves as desired, producing the correct output, for a variety of inputs. (In COSC 1436, we will be lenient with regards to producing correct output for all inputs, as we may not always have the tools needed to accomplish that, yet.) This criterion includes the need to meet specifications by writing a program in a particular way or using a particular language feature, if such a thing is mentioned in the problem.

If a specification is ambiguous or unclear, you have two choices: You can either make a reasonable assumption about what is required, based on what makes the most sense to you, or you can ask the instructor. If you make an assumption about an ambiguous specification, you should mention that somewhere in a comment so that the reader/grader knows what you were thinking. Points may be taken off for poor assumptions, however.

10 to >8.0 pts


No errors, program always works correctly and meets the specification(s).

8 to >6.0 pts


Minor details of the program specification are violated, program functions incorrectly for some inputs.

6 to >0.0 pts


Significant details of the specification are violated, program often exhibits incorrect behavior.

0 pts


Program only functions correctly in very limited cases or not at all.

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReadabilityCode needs to be readable to both you and a knowledgeable third party. This involves:

**** Using indentation consistently (e.g., every function’s body is indented to the same level).

**** Adding whitespace (blank lines, spaces) where appropriate to help separate distinct parts of the code (e.g., space after commas in lists, blank lines between functions or between blocks of related lines within functions, etc.).

**** Giving variables meaningful names. Variables named A, B, and C or foo, bar, and baz give the reader no information whatsoever about their purpose or what information they may hold. Names like principal, maximum, and counter are much more useful. Loop variables are a common exception to this idea, and loop variables named i, j, etc. are okay.

**** The code should be well organized. Functions should be defined in one section of the program, code should be organized into functions so that blocks of code that need to be reused are contained within functions to enable that, and functions should have meaningful names. This is a concept that we will be learning about as we write more and more code in COSC 1436, and so few points, if any, will be taken off for organization issues that we have not yet addressed in class.

3 to >2.4 pts


No errors, code is clean, understandable, and well-organized.

2.4 to >1.8 pts


Minor issues with consistent indentation, use of whitespace, variable naming, or general organization.

1.8 to >0.0 pts


At least one major issue with indentation, whitespace, variable names, or organization.

0 pts


Major problems with at three or four of the readability subcategories.

3 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDocumentationEvery file containing code should start with a header comment. At the very least, this header should contain the name of the file, a description of what the included code does, and the name of its author (you). Other details you might include are the date it was written, a more detailed description of the approach used in the code if it is complex or may be misunderstood, or references to resources that you used to help you write it.

All code should also be well-commented. This requires striking a balance between commenting everything, which adds a great deal of unneeded noise to the code, and commenting nothing, in which case the reader of the code (or you, when you come back to it later) has no assistance in understanding the more complex or less obvious sections of code. In general, aim to put a comment on any line of code that you might not understand yourself if you came back to it in a month without having thought about it in the interim. Like code organization, appropriate commenting is also something we will be learning about as we write code throughout the semester in COSC 1436, so while corrections may be made, points will only be taken off for things that have been emphasized in class already.

2 to >1.6 pts


No errors, code is well-commented.

1.6 to >1.2 pts


One or two places that could benefit from comments are missing them or the code is overly commented.

1.2 to >0.0 pts


File header missing, complicated lines or sections of code uncommented or lacking meaningful comments.

0 pts


No file header or comments present.

2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCode EfficiencyThere are often many ways to write a program that meets a particular specification, and several of them are often poor choices. They may be poor choices because they take many more lines of code (and thus your effort and time) than needed, or they may take much more of the computer’s time to execute than needed. For example, a certain section of code can be executed ten times by copying and pasting it ten times in a row or by putting it in a simple for loop. The latter is far superior and greatly preferred, not only because it makes it faster to both write the code and read it later, but because it makes it easier for you to change and maintain.

3 to >2.4 pts


No errors, code uses the best approach in every case.

2.4 to >1.8 pts


Some errors, code uses somewhat the best approach, or sometimes.

1.8 to >0.0 pts


File header missing, complicated lines or sections of code uncommented or lacking meaningful comments.

0 pts


No file header or comments present.

3 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAssignment SpecificationsAssignments will usually contain specifications and/or requirements outside of the programming problems themselves. For example, the way you name your files to submit them to Canvas will be specified in the assignment. Other instructions may be included as well, so please read the assignments carefully.

7 to >5.6 pts


No errors, code uses the best approach in every case.

5.6 to >4.2 pts


Some errors, code uses somewhat the best approach, or sometimes.

4.2 to >0.0 pts


File header missing, complicated lines or sections of code uncommented or lacking meaningful comments.

0 pts


No file header or comments present.

7 pts

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Arizona State University Bootstrap Website Using HTML, CSS & JavaScript

Hello, I need help with the following assignment using bootstrap to create a simple website. I honestly do not care how the website looks as long as it hits the requirements (keep it PG). you could copy and paste code from your other projects I don’t care, i just need to meet the requirements.


  • Create a website using Bootstrap with a minimum of three pages
    • Template/theme use is encouraged
  • If not automatically included in the template/theme, be sure to include each of the following Bootstrap capabilities.
    • Carousel
    • Navigation bar
    • Glyphicons or Font Awesome Icons
    • Tooltip or Popover
    • A form for users to contact person/business
    • Badge or label
  • Comments as necessary
  • The directory structure of the website must be in good form:
    • Parent folder of the website has the index.html file only
    • An html folder for all other pages of the site
    • A folder for all other resources based on their content
    • Pathing must be relative not absolute

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. University of Nairobi Simulating Gravity and Projectile Motion Project

The program requires me to do two things:

  • Add more player control to the game by allowing the player to change the angle of their shot. This reflects the original tennis for two, where each player’s controller was a knob to represent the angle of the shot, and a button. The angle of a player’s paddle should control how much force is applied in the x and y directions.
  • Add more player control to the game by allowing each player to hit the ball harder or softer. There are a few ways to handle this, you can have different keys for “soft hit” and “hard hit” or you can have some keys that control power up and power down.

First, we already have the code(As shown below) which simulates projectile motion, which has a ball class that includes init method(which sets the shape and initial position and velocity), move method(which sets how it moves) and hit method(which prints “hit”, reverses velocity and set velocity to 15) and a Game class which randomly set the position of the ball and run the game. We draw the motion of the ball using turtleimport turtle

import random

import math

class Ball(turtle.Turtle):

def __init__(self, px, py, vx, vy):


self.setpos(px, py)

self.vx = vx

self.vy = vy




self.setpos(px, py)

self.bounce = 0


def move(self):

self.vy = self.vy – 0.981

new_px = self.xcor() + self.vx

new_py = self.ycor() + self.vy

if new_py <= 0:

new_py = 0.75 * self.ycor()

self.vy = -0.75 * self.vy

self.bounce = self.bounce + 1

if self.xcor() < 0 and new_px > 0:

self.bounce = 0

if self.xcor() > 0 and new_px < 0:

self.bounce = 0

if self.bounce == 0 or self.bounce == 1:

self.setpos(new_px, new_py)


self.bounce = 0


px = new_px

py = new_py


def hit(self):

self.vx = -1 * vx

self.vy = 15

def reset(self):

px = random.uniform(-100, 100)

py = random.uniform(30, 100)

self.vx = random.choice([random.uniform(-12, -6), random.uniform(6, 12)])

self.vy = random.uniform(4, 10)

self.setpos(px, py)


class Game:

def __init__(self):

t = turtle.Turtle()


turtle.setworldcoordinates(-500, -500, 500, 500)

t = turtle.Turtle()


t.setpos(-400, 0)


t.goto(400, 0)


t.setpos(0, 0)






px = random.uniform(-100, 100)

py = random.uniform(30, 100)

vx = random.choice([random.uniform(-12, -6), random.uniform(6, 12)])

vy = random.uniform(4, 10)

self.ball = Ball(px, py, vx, vy)



turtle.onkeypress(self.ball.hit, “space”)



def gameloop(self):

if self.ball.xcor() == 0 and self.ball.ycor() < 30:



turtle.ontimer(self.gameloop, 30)


def main():


if __name__ == ‘__main__’:


Programming Homework Help