Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. BIOL 200 RMU Medical Terminology Nervous System Song & Nursery Rhyme Discussion



This week focuses on terminology associated with the nervous system. For the discussion, pick a song with one of the nervous system terms incorporated into the lyrics. Your job is to use that verse (you can use the chorus) and substitute all possible medical terms into the song. For example, the song “Skulls” by Bastille:

When our lives are over and all that remains
Are our skulls and bones let’s take it to the grave
And hold me in your arms, hold me in your arms
I’ll be buried here with you
And I’ll hold in these hands all that remains

Our version:

When our lives are over and all that remains
Are our crani/o and oste/o let’s take it to the grave
And hold me in your brachi/o, hold me in your brachi/o
I’ll be buried here with you
And I’ll hold in these man/o all that remains

Please provide the original version of your song as well as the artist and song title similar to what you see in this post. Good luck!

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. HU Physics Coefficient of Kinetic Friction Question


I’m working on a physics question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

To avoid a car suddenly stopping in front of him, Allen slams on his brakes and his car slides 20 m to a stop. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the road and Allen’s car is 0.75. A police officer who witnessed this incident tries to give Allen a ticket for exceeding the 40 mph (17.8 m/s) speed limit. Does Allen deserve that ticket?


In a neat and organized fashion, write out a solution which includes the following:

  1. A sketch of the physical situation with all relevant states shown and all physical quantities clearly labeled.
  2. An energy bar chart, motion diagram, and force diagram for the car as it slides to a stop.
  3. Determine whether Allen deserves to get a speeding ticket from the information given. Show all steps you take and explain the thought process behind each step as you work.
  4. Evaluate your solution to catch any errors you might have made.

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. HU The Coefficient of Kinetic Friction Between Road & Allens Car Question


I’m working on a physics question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

To avoid a car suddenly stopping in front of him, Allen slams on his brakes and his car slides 20 m to a stop. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the road and Allen’s car is 0.75. A police officer who witnessed this incident tries to give Allen a ticket for exceeding the 40 mph (17.8 m/s) speed limit. Does Allen deserve that ticket?


In a neat and organized fashion, write out a solution which includes the following:

  1. A sketch of the physical situation with all relevant states shown and all physical quantities clearly labeled.
  2. An energy bar chart, motion diagram, and force diagram for the car as it slides to a stop.
  3. Determine whether Allen deserves to get a speeding ticket from the information given. Show all steps you take and explain the thought process behind each step as you work.
  4. Evaluate your solution to catch any errors you might have made.

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. BOS 4201 Columbian Southern University Toxicology Questions


Question 1 (Part 1)


Reflect on how the science of toxicology affects you in your everyday life. Give specific examples in your reflection of how you have applied your knowledge of toxicology prior to this course. Identify one area in which you are hoping to gain more knowledge through this course.


Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.


Question 1 (part 2)


For this assignment, you will be accessing the Unit I Assignment Worksheet and answering the questions. The responses should be in complete sentences and utilize proper APA citations for referenced information. Explain how results were derived for any math problems.


Question 2 (Part 1)


Age, gender, and health status can make certain individuals more susceptible to toxicity of some substances. If you were a safety manager, would you assign jobs in manufacturing and industry according to these factors? Discuss how this might be utilized to determine safety protocols.


Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.


Question 2(Part 2)


For this case study assignment, you will begin by reading the following case.


Jared is a 62-year-old male who has asthma but is otherwise in good health. He works in the plate-processing section of a battery manufacturing plant. One of the risks in working in the plate-processing department is exposure to airborne lead. Jared has become comfortable after working in the same position at the plant for the last 25 years. At times, he may rush or skip steps or not pay attention to best safety practices of the company. For the past several months, Jared has put in many hours of overtime as he prepares for retirement. At the end of his shift, Jared skips changing and leaving his clothes at the plant to be washed before going home, saying that he will wash them at home himself.


In addition to Jared’s relaxed behavior toward safety practices, he works in an older building, and the equipment does not always function the way that it should. Quite a while back, the vacuum for Jared’s station stopped working, and Jared has been forgetting to report the broken vacuum. He has not placed an equipment replacement request to have a new vacuum delivered to his station. Jared has been cleaning his area by sweeping with a broom that he borrowed from a maintenance closet on the office floor since he does not have a functional vacuum.


Lately, Jared has been experiencing extreme fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and muscle pain that he blames on the long work hours. The addition of stomach cramps to his existing symptoms, however, has led him to go to the doctor. Upon evaluation, the doctor has determined that Jared has extremely high levels (40 ug/DL) of lead in his system. A blood concentration of <5ug/dL of lead is considered elevated. At a concentration of 40 ug/dl of lead in the blood, Jared is experiencing the onset of lead toxicity.


Reflect on the above case study and reference the required unit resources for this unit to respond to the case study analysis below.


  • Discuss how Jared’s profile (age, health status, etc.) can affect his susceptibility to lead toxicity.
  • Consider the ADME (absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion) of lead in this case study.
  • Discuss the most likely route of absorption of lead in this case study.
  • Lead is not metabolized by the liver. Explain Phase 1 and 2 reactions. Would the lead in Jared’s body undergo biotransformation and Phase 1 and 2 reactions? Explain.
  • Due to the route of absorption, how will lead be distributed throughout Jared’s body?
  • If the half-life of lead is 28 days, how long will it take for 40ug/dL of lead be reduced to less than 5ug/dL? Explain how you determined that time frame.
  • If you were the safety supervisor at the battery manufacturing plant where Jared works, what would be some points that you address with him to avoid further exposure to lead at work?


Your analysis of the case study should be at least one page in length and should utilize at least two reliable references, which should be cited and referenced using APA style.

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. CSUN Muscle Physiology Lab Report


The youtube video shows them using magnesium as the salt rather than calcium. For your formal lab report, just pretend the video uses calcium.

Use this as a guide/reference:

– The experiment:  

– Muscle Physiology Lab 1 (for actual results)

– Muscle Physiology Lab Manual (page 13)

Write the lab report in the template provided. Make sure you remove all the instructions but make sure to keep the headings and formatting the same. Also, screenshot from the video to add image on the formal lab. Lastly, don’t forget to add one sentence description.

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Electrostatic Attractions Between Sodium Cations and Chloride Anions Questions


  1. What is a possible identity of each of the five substances used in the lab as unknowns (i.e. give a possible chemical name or common name for each substance)? Make your guesses reasonable and you will be fine, but don’t tell me things like one sample is gold. The school budget won’t let me give out gold.
  2. Why does the Jesus lizard find walking on water possible but not walking on oil (a hydrocarbon)?
  3. Which will have a higher melting point – graphite or sodium chloride? Explain why refering to bonds or forces that are involved.
  4. If we start at room temperature and slowly make the room hotter, which will be the last to turn into a gas – methanol (CH3OH) or methane (CH4). Explain why refering to bonds or forces that are involved.
  5. Fluorine is a gas at room temperature but iodine is a solid. Explain why refering to bonds or forces that are involved.
  1. Substance 1 Substance 2 Substance 3 Substance 4 Substance 5
    Appearance Dull, white amorphous solid Small white crystals Somewhat lustrous grey solid Small white crystals Large clear crystals
    Melting Point when held over a Bunsen burner flame Melted very quickly Did not melt Did not melt Melted rapidly and burst into flames Did not melt
    Solubility in Water Did not dissolve Very soluble Did not dissolve Very soluble Did not dissolve
    Electrical Conductivity of Water with substance in it Non-conductive Very conductive Non-conductive Non-conductive Non-conductive
    Electrical Conductivity of Solid Non-conductive Non-conductive Very conductive Non-conductive Non-conductive

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. CHEM Crafton Hills College General Form for Benedicts Reagent Problems


I need some help with the reactions of Aldehydes and Ketones using the Tollen’s Test, Jones Oxidation, Hydration of aldehyde or ketone to yield a 1-1-diol, Acetal formation and Formation of an imine.

Science Homework Help