Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Physics Question


I need help for a Quantum Mechanics finals on 22/07/2021 at 1400 to 1700 hours Central European Summer Time (GMT +2). The finals will take place on the above time when the questions will be published. I will then send the questions here so we can work through them.

I have uploaded a topic guide and a practice quiz below so that you can gauge the difficulty of the finals. Once accepted I will send any additional information(past homework and past exams).

I am aiming for approximately 70%+ if you can guarantee that grade take the job, otherwise please leave it for someone more able.

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. LAVC Primate Traits Study Guide Table



Organize the information on primate anatomical, ecological, and behavioral from the module and textbook  reading this week and next week into a useful study guide. Learn about a  model species from each taxonomic group to better understand the  different types of primates.


The traits that distinguish primates  from other mammals are better understood as a cluster of traits since no  single trait immediately tells us a creature is a primate. It is also  true that some primates’ taxonomic groups have more of those traits from  the cluster or more developed versions of those traits than other  primate groups. We see this “ramp up” of primate traits as we compare  the more primitive (more like the nonprimate ancestors) primates in the  Strepsirrhini, to the monkeys, and finally the apes (who have the most  developed cluster of all the traits). 

Use this table to compare across  taxonomic groups – there are patterns to be found, but also a lot of  overlap. A lot will depend on the example species you write about for  each taxon. You can use example species from the module or chapter, or  have a look at the Primate Info Network Factsheets (Links to an external site.). If you use a factsheet, be sure to cite your source.

I recommend focusing on the  following species highlighted in the module and textbook: Ring-tailed  lemur or sifaka, capuchin monkeys, Japanese macaques or baboons, and  chimpanzees. Chimps especially will be most useful for later comparisons  in the class.  


Use this table to organize your notes as you read the module and  textbook chapter this week. Focus on one example species for each of the  taxonomic groups (columns on the table). It will make studying for the  quiz a snap!

An101 Unit 1 Primate Traits Comparison Table.docx                                Download An101 Unit 1 Primate Traits Comparison Table.docx                 

  • Open it in Word or Google Docs or OneDrive
  • Fill it out on the computer and save it to your files
  • Upload the finished document back into the assignment
  • NOTE: Your file must be saved as a .doc or a .docx or a .pdf file type

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. MA 278 Rasmussen College Professional Identity of the Nurse Report



The treatment of chronic pain conditions, especially muscle pain within the medical field, presents multiple problems and complications. Studies have placed the prevalence of chronic pain in the United States from 30-33% of the population. Currently, a common medical practice is the prescription of opioid analgesics (painkillers) such as oxycodone, hydrocodone, and codeine to provide pain relief. However, the abuse and addiction to opioid prescriptions has been on the rise.

Conduct some research on the pros and cons of using opioid medications to treat chronic pain. As of early 2018, 23 states and the District of Columbia have passed legislation to legalize medicinal marijuana as a treatment therapy for various issues, including chronic pain conditions. Research the pros and cons of medicinal marijuana to treat chronic pain.

From your research, what do you perceive to be the better option in treating chronic pain — prescription opioid medications or medicinal marijuana? Make sure you elaborate on your reasoning with your research, opinion(s) and any other comments you have on this topic. Provide appropriate citations for your resources.


The American Academy of Pain Medicine. (2018). AAPM Facts and Figures on Pain. Retrieved from

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Eruption in Pompei Eruption of Mount Vesuvius 79 AD Composite Volcano Discussion


For this assignment, below you will find a focus question. Please write a 200-word response to the question. If you use a source, please be sure to either provide the citation or hyperlink.

No plagiarism.

Please write all responses as if you were sending this response to a child, or someone who knows very little regarding earth science. A first-person narrative would be acceptable. Be sure to identify which topic you are writing about in your response.

Focu Question:

  1. While visiting the museum, you learn of an eruption that occurred several hundred years ago, near the city of Pompeii. Archaeologists have found the remains of people embracing each other, suffocated by ash and rock that covered everything. What type of eruption must have this been?

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. SMC Sustainable Ocean Water Desalination in Southern California Essay


Points: 0 – 90 points.

The paper is due in Canvas Assignment (Bioethics Papers) by 11:59 p.m., Sunday, 5/23.

Research the subject extensively and comprehensively using any online or print source. You must present arguments for both sides of the issue.

TOPIC: Drought is a way of life in Southern California and worse climate conditions are anticipated in the future. To quench the insatiable need for water by agriculture and human consumption, an obvious remedy is to desalt the vast amount of ocean water and turn it into drinkable water (by reverse osmosis). This is however at the expense of the life of millions of fish and fish larvae during water intake and the environment from the highsalt brine during water exit. Is this practice ethically acceptable and how would you balance the needs of humans and the health of our ecosystem?

Length of paper: approximately 3-5 pages excluding References, double-spaced, typed. BE CONCISE

Do not cut & paste from other sources. Avoid using direct quotes. If you must quote a statement, use quotation marks and reference the source (Papers with greater than *5%* similarity in the originality report generated by Turnitin will result in points deducted). Plagiarizing papers or statements will result in a “0” for the work.

Format of the paper:

Topic # (You do not have to re-type the topic descriptions) and of course, your name and section # on cover page. Description of the issue: background and introduction. Cite the source of data or facts that you used.

Points (Pros). Cite the source by using a number as listed in References. Counterpoints (Cons). Cite the source by using a number as listed in References.

Conclusion: You may stay neutral or take a side in drawing the conclusion based on the strength of the pro and con arguments that you presented. If your opinion is based on religion, you should present a balanced argument based on the view of all major religions.

References: List the source you cited according to the order in your text (MLA, APA or PubMed format).

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. SDSU Physiology of Hormonal Contraception Questions


Based on your readings from chapter 10 of your Physiology textbook and further scientific research into current literature, discuss the following;

1. Give a description of the physiologic basis of the different types of hormonal birth control.
2. Based on the physiology described in Q1, identify which of these prevent fertilization
3. Based on the physiology in Q1, identify which of these prevent or disrupt implantation (abortificient).
4. Identify other clinical uses of combined oral contraceptive pills


Replies to peer threads should include the following;
1. Identify any two (2) physiologic concepts that you learned from each thread
2. A constructive critique of the thread – which may include a request for clarification, pointing out errors, or adding some new physiologic information from your own research.

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Georgia Military College Intelligent Design Theory Discussion


I need help with a Biology question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

  1. Intelligent design theory is an argument used by some people to challenge the teaching of evolution in public schools. One of the supporters of this idea claims that certain biological structures, such as the bacterial flagellum, require so many complex parts working together in perfect synchronization that it is not possible that they could have evolved from simpler structures. This argument states that a simpler structure could not perform the same function, which is evidence of “irreducible complexity.” This is cited as evidence for an intelligent designer. Do you consider this theory scientific? Why or why not? Would you support the inclusion of this theory in the science classroom? If so, would you also support contrasting this theory to the theory of evolution?
  2. You are an aspiring gardener trying to live off the land. After asking for advice, a fellow gardener tells you to spray water on your plants before the night of a freeze. How do hydrogen bonds and water properties protect your plants from a night freeze? Explain in detail..

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. BIOL 265 Cuyamaca College Control and Prevention of the Bubonic Plague Discussion


BIOL-265, Microbiology Unknown Report (100 pts). Due: Look on schedule for due date For this assignment you will be emailed a paragraph, which will hold clues as to what your disease & organism is. Please note that the microorganism will only be bacteria. Once you have figured out your organism you will proceed with writing a paper in APA style. GOAL: Figure out the microbe & disease using the clues you were given, and then write a research paper using the APA formatting with the points that follow. A Note on Plagiarism:Plagiarism (use of words, ideas, images, etc. without citation) is not to be tolerated and can be easily avoided by adequately referencing any and all information you use from other sources. In the strictest sense, plagiarism is representation of the work of others as being your work, and is regarded as theft of intellectual property. Paraphrasing others’ words too closely may be construed as plagiarism in some circumstances. In journal-style papers there is virtually no circumstance in which the findings of someone else cannot be expressed in your own words and with a proper citation of the source.Your paper should follow the following format:TITLE – simple, descriptive, and to the pointINTRODUCTION– An introduction to a scientific paper should normally not exceed 400 words. It should cover the following subjects: 1) Give a brief resume of what is the state of present knowledge about the microbe to be investigated, quoting the appropriate references. 2) Identify gaps in existing knowledge. What do we still NOT know about your subject. You can read the discussion section in research papers to get this information. 3) Explain the reasoning for the investigation. (e.g. “Why should we care about this?”)BODY- (feel free to provide pictures in this section, but do not forget to reference the sources). Scenario: 1) Describe the scenario that was provided. Be sure to include the scenario number. 2) Discuss your approach of how you figured out the microbe and disease. (This should include discussion on which steps you took in your research that led you to your specific disease and microbe? What challenges did you run into during your research?

Did you get to a point where it was hard to decide between your organism and another? Why? What was the defining factor that lead you to your choice?)MICROORGNAIM: 1) Description of microorganism (includes gram reaction, arrangement, cell morphology, colony morphology, etc). 2) Describe growth and metabolism (Ex. Fermentative organism) 3) Discuss the organism’s usual habitat (Ex. Skin) 4) Provide other important information related to the microbe (its importance to medical and/or industrial microbiology, etc). Remember you need to follow the scientific nomenclature and the name of MO should be italicized Microbe Physiology:Discuss the all physiology tests we will cover soon in lab module and explain how your organism would test for each (For each and every test describe the purpose, reagents used (if any), and possible outcomes, and then provide your organisms expected result). Remember you need to include all physiology tests. YOUR MICROBE AND DISEASE: 1) What disease is being described in the clue that was given? 2) Provide Portals of Entry & Exit for organism. 3) What are the virulence factors associated with the microbe? 4) Provide descriptive epidemiology for disease (Incidence and prevalence rates, persons most affected, etc.) 5) Describe signs and symptoms of disease 5) Prevention and Treatment of disease (be sure to discuss how drugs work, for example some drugs affect the cell wall of bacteria and kill the bacteria by creating holes on the cell wall). CONCLUSION – This section should summarize the main findings of your research paper. 1) Should draw reasoned conclusions 2) Should compare these conclusions with those drawn by other workers 3) Should indicate the practical implications of the findings 4) Should indicate what further research is needed.

REFERENCES CITATION AND BIBLIOGRAPHY (you need to have both) Citations of references throughout the paper are required in APA style & please do not depend on quotations as most of the paper should be in your own words. I will be checking for plagiarism. Do not copy and paste the information that you find. Please be sure to use scientifically peer reviewed articles from at least 3 different sources.Your references should be listed on a separate page at the end of your paper.Extra Information: If you are having trouble finding your organism tests results, then please dig more deeply! If you have fully exhausted all resources and you still cannot find the result, please be sure to provide an explanation of the steps you took to figure out the test results to justify how hard you searched even though you did not end up with the specific test result in the end. Its science… and sometimes things are not straightforward nor complete!When you describe the microorganism, you need to include gram reaction, arrangement, cell morphology and colony morphology both.Many students forget to include the colony morphology. Physiology (Biochemical) Tests:You have to include all physiology tests. Each of the tests must have a short explanation, and your organism’s tests result must be provided. The videos that I will post, can help you with the physiology protocols. There are countless resources to help you locate the information that you need. These include, but are not limited to,,, Bergey’s Manual (there are some online copies in pdf form), and countless others. More than likely you will need to access several different sources to get the information that you need, and you may also have to access scientific articles as well. The following is an example of what is expected for the synopsis a test, using Yersinia pestis as the organism.

Science Homework Help