Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. The Human Machine Systems in Publix Deli Essay


I’m studying for my Writing class and need an explanation.

Reflect on your personal experience in starting the Team Service Project explaining the process of selecting the company for your project and the company that we selected is this : The goal of this project is to show how Human-Machine systems are used in real life and what their applications are.A human-machine system is essentially a system that integrates both machines and humans for its system to work(Freivalds&Niebel, 2013). This means that a human/person is required to operate a machine and a machine needs a person for it to operate. The function of the system is to carry out whatever it is intended to do, requiring both a machine and a person. In this project, we decided to observe the Human-Machine systems in Publix Deli.

For example, you may address the following questions in your journal: How did you decide what company you would like to contact to develop your project? How did you approach the company? How was the company’s response? Did you have to contact more than one company? If so, what were the reasons companies did not allow you to develop your project in their site? What information the selected company required to approve your project? How easy/difficult was this process? Knowing what you have learned in this experience, how would you approach a new company if you had to do another service project? What would you recommend as best practices in finding a company for the Team Service Project to future students?

Writing Homework Help