Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. College of The Sequoias The Effects of Poverty on Gender and Race Essay

my paper is on (poverty affecting different genders and races), The paper has to be 2 1/2 pages long and in MLA format. 1000 words required

The Problem

  1. What is causing the problem? (Causes) Hint: While some of the problems may be practical in nature, also try to identify ones that result from communication and can link to course concepts. I also expect you to provide outside research to establish the existence of this problem.
  2. What are the effects of the problem? (Effects)

Targeted Group

1.Who is at risk? (At-risk population/target audience)

  1. How susceptible are at-risk groups to the problem? How susceptible is the target audience to responding to this issue? (Susceptibility)
  2. What are the barriers for the at-risk group not protecting itself? / What are the barriers for the target audience not to respond? (Barriers to Personal Efficacy)

Underlying Problem

  1. What have previous movements or campaigns done?
  2. Why have they not been successful?

Questions to Consider to Help Overcome These Problems

  1. What behavior is recommended to avert the threat? What behavior is recommended to get the public to respond?
  2. Is the recommended response easy and practical?
  3. Do the targeted groups vary in their confidence or ability to enact the recommended response?
  4. What skills must the targeted groups possess to enact the recommended response?
  5. How do you plan to persuade them? Please be specific in your explanation of the messages you will create. This is one of the most important steps.
  6. Why might your campaign work?

Writing Homework Help