Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. ENGL 100 Orange Coast College Sophia and the Soul Paper


For the sake of argument (this essay in particular), let’s pretend that Sophia (Links to an external site.) has discovered a fundamental truth about our concept of the soul: that it is, as she defined it, the mind’s essence.For this essay, I’d like you to first take a deep dive into defining and elaboratingon what that might mean (to Sophia, then, as a consequence, to humanity) Then, I’d like you to take into consideration the technologies that have had the greatest impact on how the soul-as-mind’s-essence idea expresses itself in our era. Can we have a “virtual afterlife”? A “digital soul”? Can we beat death? If we create nonbiological entities into which we put our identities, and, thus, that entity “thinks” and “feels” like it is “you,” well, to what degree can we say that it is “you” and that it is a contemporary version of how Sophia defines the soul? Furthermore, do you think that is what Sophia means–a digital simulacrum of the self? I am hoping you consider how our civilization’s ideas are profoundly influenced by our technological world, and that these philosophical questions only exist in the first place because we have invented tools that inevitably create problems for and probe into the most sacred spaces of human identity.

This essay should be 4.5 pages minimum and, as usual, MLA format.

Writing Homework Help