Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Palo Verde College Action Video Games Enhance Cognitive Abilities Essay



  • a clear topic and a clearly stated claim (thesis statement),
  • well researched to support your logical reasons,
  • MLA style documentation (including in-text citations and a works cited page).
  • Six pages minimum, typed, double spaced, with one-inch margins
  • No less than six outside sources cited in the essay and on the works cited page

You are free to choose your own topic whether it is a claim of fact, claim of value, or claim of policy.

Follow this link to get ideas on over 100 topics that you can choose from to complete the writing assignments. Of course you can always choose a topic that is not included on this list if you wish. 


This is a good topic, however as it stands it is too broad.

One of the dangers in academic writing is choosing a topic that is too broad. Many students mistakenly believe that by choosing a broad topic they will have more to write about, but what actually happens is they have so much to possibly write about that they end up trying to cover too much at once. This often leads to a paper that is spread thin and has many holes in the logic and reasoning because there is just too much topic to cover.

To prevent this what you need to do first is to narrow down your topic so that you can do better and more effective research which will result in a focused and ultimately better essay. You will be able to write better quality information about a narrow topic rather than a broad topic as you will be able to focus on the specifics and details of that one area rather than trying to cover everything that the broad topic could contain.

Please choose one of your topics and then narrow it down to a more specific aspect. For this paper you will need to choose a claim, in other words this is a persuasive paper and you must try to argue or prove your claim as true. Do not “ride the fence” or stay neutral, for this paper you must choose one side or the other and do your best to persuade the reader that your stance is the correct one. As an example, your first topic “Is video gaming good or bad?” is too broad. First narrow your topic down by giving it a purpose such as “Video game have many benefits for players such as improving concentration, hand and eye coordination, and problem solving skills. ” or “Video games are a fun past time but have caused more damage than good over the years with their violent content and impersonal life perspective, not to mention that many are a time wasting addiction.” These are just two examples, it is up to you how you want to narrow down your topic and what stance you want to take.

Notice what happened when we narrowed down your topic and chose an argument, or stance, about that topic to defend; we created a Thesis Statement. The thesis statement is the heart of any essay and tells the reader what the topic of the paper is and the writer’s stance on that topic. If you want to develop a deeper thesis you may also want to include details or points that support your stance on the topic. As the thesis statement is the heart of the essay you can also use it as a road map, everything else in your essay needs to relate to your thesis in some way, shape, or form. All points, arguments, and support throughout the essay should harken back to the Thesis. If the points you are making in your body paragraphs do not fall in line with your thesis then you probably have gone off topic and need to readjust your writing.

If you narrow down your topic enough and choose a position on the topic, your Thesis Statement should be crafted easily. Of course, you may revise it as you wish during the writing process but at least you will have this very important starting point and “road map” for your essay from the beginning.

Please choose one of your topics, narrow it down to a specific area of that topic, and then choose a stance on that narrowed down topic. Once you have that done email me back with what you have decided on so that I can let you know if the topic is sufficiently narrowed and the stance well stated.

Writing Homework Help