Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. University of Idaho That is Entertainment TVs UFO Coverup Rhetorical Summary Practice


These two articles that deal with the idea of skepticism and the paranormal. Both Waxman & Klass are arguing the same thing – that news programs, TV specials, & investigative journalism lack a certain amount of skepticism when dealing with the paranormal. This can be found in either blatantly disregarding information or sublte word choices in the presentation of information.

The ways Waxman & Klass approach this topic, however, are very different. Please read both pieces:

  • Waxman – Mind Over Media: How the News Legitimizes the Paranormal and Why It Matters
  • Klass – That’s Entertainment! TV’s UFO Coverup

Keep in mind while reading:

  • How are they making their arguments?
  • Is one more approachable than the other? Why?
  • Do you find one author more credible in his/her argument than the other? Why?

Note: Waxman’s PDF may open sideways. To view it correctly, look for a rotation arrow at the top right (or a button that looks like >>). Click to find the rotation options. You may also need to right click & select “rotate” until the document appears correctly.

Assignment: Utilizing the Rhetorical Summary Handout (attached) & explanation in this module, create a rhetorical summary & response to either Klass or Waxman. This is basically what your Reader Response will look like (though for it, you’ll write about two sources, not just one).

Assignment should contain:

  • A paragraph of summary of either Klass or Waxman (your choice – just pick one; do NOT do both) using steps A-D of the rhetorical summary outline (4-7 sentences).
  • At least one paragraph (5-7 sentences) of your response to the reading in which you discuss whether you agree or disagree with the author’s thesis/argument & how the work has influenced your thinking about the topic. For instance, did the support/evidence offered affect your opinions, or did the language used catch your attention, etc.
  • At least one in-text, direct quotation (word-for-word, in quote marks) from the text with parenthetical citation somewhere within either the summary or your response. Parenthetical citation – at the end of the quote, you put the author’s last name & the page number location of the quote in parenthesis. It would look “something like this” (Smith 42).
  • The text cited on a properly MLA-formatted Works Cited page.

Citation Information for Waxman & Klass: you will use this information to create a citation. This information is NOT presented to you already formatted.

  • Waxman – this article is published in an anthology title Legends, Lore, & Lies: A Skeptics Stance. It is edited by Joseph Calabrese & was published by Pearson Education, Inc. in 2007.
  • Klass – this article is published online by CSICOP.org in December of 1996. Use today’s date for last access. The URL link is available on the article.

Writing Homework Help