Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. GCCC Memoir Memorandum


Purpose of the Assignment: To give you the experience of how writers must shift the “same” material to shape it to fit a new rhetorical situation.

Component B – (100 pts.)

Write a 2-3-page letter to Patricia Hampl, business letter format (pg. 39 in the reader), single spaced, responding to her article about writing a memoir. How does your experience writing your own memoir validate/question/challenge her claims in “Memory and Imagination”? As you write this letter, you will discuss your own experience as an author of a memoir and cite short quotes from your memoir as evidence for your claims. When you write the letter, consider carefully what Hampl says and discuss the difference between the Narrative Self versus the Reflective Self in relation to your own project. Include 2 quotes from the Hampl reading and 2 quotes from your memoir. First person is allowed. No Works Cited page.

Criteria for Evaluation:

  • Does your letter demonstrate that you have understood (not necessarily agreed with) Hampl’s ideas?
  • Have you utilized your memoir in a way so that appropriate details are presented for this new writing situation?
  • Is the language of your letter clear (i.e. easily accessible to the readers), concrete, and appropriate to your purpose (i.e., responding to the author’s claims about memoir)?
  • Did you avoid clichés and stilted sentence structures and phrasing?
  • Are your grammar problems few enough and insignificant enough that they don’t get in the way of understanding? For instance, is your letter presented in complete sentences? Are subject-verb, pronoun, and verb tense agreement errors rare? Are spelling errors infrequent?
  • Do not mention that you are a student and that this is homework. You are a peer that has also written a memoir.

Key 305W outcomes met with this assignment:

  • Research and contribute to specific areas of inquiry by evaluating, synthesizing, and integrating strategies and sources appropriate to genre.
  • Adapt and employ conventions to communicate with diverse audiences who are members of or affected by a specific area or discipline.

Writing Homework Help