Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. LAVC Individual Perception of Spanking as A Form of Child Discipline Questions


Opposing Perspective Discussion #3

Please read Opposing Perspective article and answer the following questions:

Use link below to access article.

  • What are the key points in this story?
  • What did I find striking or interesting about these key points?
  • How relevant are the key points to my role as a teacher?
  • What do I agree or disagree with in this story? Why?
  • How has this story influenced me in thinking deeply about my values, beliefs and assumptions?

Please give thoughtful responses to at least 2 of your classmates for
full credit. No credit will be received for incomplete assignments.
Students are to answer discussion questions; reply/comments to 2
students in class discussion for full credit. Be sure to identify the
names of the students you respond to for full credit.

Supporting Materials

Download Is Spanking Okay Part 1.pdf

Writing Homework Help