Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. COMM 107 University of California San Diego Visual Culture History Questions


Answer each of the 6 questions, in your own words, in 1-2 paragraphs (approximately 250 words).

In your short essay responses, treat the questions as prompts. In other words, it is important to demonstrate an engagement with the ideas in the readings rather than simply recording correct answers. Since this is an open-book quiz, simply answering the questions correctly should be relatively easy. You may directly quote phrases, but direct quotes should be no more than a single line of text (or equivalent).

1.How did the invention of the camera change the way people see? How did it change
the experience of viewing art?

2.What is the difference between “nude” and “naked” depictions of bodies in European
oil painting, according to John Berger?

3.How does the language of publicity compare to the language of European oil

4 One idea the W.J.T. Mitchell uses to elaborate on his concept of “sensory-semiotic
ratios” is “nesting.” Explain what Mitchell means by “nesting” and briefly describe an

5.Nicholas Mirzoeff discusses two versions of the image Blue Marble. What was the
impact of the 1972 version, according to Mirzoeff? And why is the 2012 version “a
good metaphor for how the world is visualized today” (p. 8)?

6.What happens in a successful “teacherless writing class,” according to Peter Elbow?
How can you secretly destroy it?

Writing Homework Help