Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. ART 102 American College of California The Baptism of Clovis Paper


Choose an artwork (painting, sculpture, print, photograph, etc.) from the collection. It must be within the timeframe of the class (1400 to present) and NOT an artwork we have discussed in class. (I already choose the painting for you. You just need to click on the link: https://www.nga.gov/collection/art-object-page.41597.html)

Write a 500-word paper on the work of art (no more than 700 words) that is in paragraph form with correct grammar, spelling and punctuation.

  • Include the label information (Artist, title, medium, date) and museum where the artwork resides. (A picture is nice but not required but I should be able to find it on the museum website.)

Describe your artwork in detail. What do you see? What is the subject?

  • How does the material and/or technique relate to the visual quality of the artwork? (For example, what do the brushstrokes look like or how it the marble carved?) 
  • What are the aesthetics of the work of art? For example, what kind of mood, expression, or feeling does the artwork convey? You can address color, shapes, texture, balance, etc. Also how does it personally speak to you? 
  • If there is factual information from the museum website, you may include it, but it must be in your own words (paraphrase) and cited. This is a exercise in looking and writing what you see, not a research paper. You can see the exmaple writing in the uploaded file. 

Writing Homework Help