Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Social Issues of Gender Inequality and Feminism Questions


Have a quick look of the course content below and answer the questions.

1-7 is about chapter4, 8 -12 are about chapter 8

#1 : After deciding upon five words that describe you, complete the sentence “I am . . . .” using those words.

#2 : Looking back at the labels (e.g., familial relationships, intellectual qualities, physical attributes, belief systems, etc.), identify the ones that are reflected in each of the five words you used to describe yourself.

#3: Score yourself on a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being the lowest rating and 5 being the highest) on the power distance, uncertainty avoidance, individualism-collectivism, and achievement orientation dimensions? Compare your ratings with how Canadians scored in Hofstede’s studies? If your responses differed from Hofstede’s, why do you think that happened? Were you raised in a different culture? Did your scores correspond more to how those cultures would have scored on the four dimensions?

#5: Discuss the following question in a short paragraph. Have you ever experimented with your identity on social media, online forums, or other? If so, why did you choose to use a different identity? Did you include some elements of your historical self that no longer reflect who you are today? Did your alternate identity reflect aspects of your real self that you don’t usually share with others? Did it reflect your ideal self (the person you would like to be)? Did you feel any different when using that identity? Have you later incorporated aspects of that identity into your offline identity? If so, explain. If you have not experimented with your identity, discuss your experiences with someone who has used an alternate identity or (from your perspective). For example, how did you feel when you met an online acquaintance or someone on a dating app face-to-face? Did you feel they had misrepresented any aspects of themselves?

#4: For a more detailed look at differences identified by the “Fire and Ice” surveys, see page 110 in your text. Comment on three interesting points from this survey. You can agree or disagree with the points. Be careful, however, that your comments are not racist, misogynistic, ageist, or other.

#5 : Think of someone you know who fits the criteria for a low or high self monitor. Describe some incident that illustrates those behaviours. (If you prefer, you can use yourself as an example. If you use someone else, use a fictitious name.) Alternatively, you can use a film or TV character who demonstrates the qualities of a high or low self monitor. Whomever you choose, be specific with examples of words and actions that demonstrate the concept. (Restrict your discussion to a short paragraph.)

#6: Describe a scene from a movie or TV show in which a character displayed two or more of the impression management strategies. Be specific in your description. (Restrict your discussion to a short paragraph.)

#7 : Watch the TedX talk at Oxford (next slide): “Fake It – to control your digital identity” by Pernille Tranberg. (15:33 min.) Then assess and discuss the extent to which you may have fallen victim to some of the big data profiling practices. What could have placed you at risk? Have you posted any images, for example, that might cost you a position? ALERT: The major idea(s) from this video/article could appear on an exam. You do not need to remember details or names—just the major ideas.

#8 : Watch the following video (next slide): “How to Make Someone Remember You for a Lifetime,” which discusses Oprah Winfrey’s special abilities as a listener. In a short paragraph, summarize what you learned from the video

#9 : View the following video (next slide) on the use of robots in health care and briefly comment on how you feel about the use of the robotic device in this example. (There is also an attached article.)


# 10: Think about some time that you have interacted with a doctor, nurse, or other health professional whom you really remember and liked. How did they interact with you? Briefly describe your experience. DO NOT reveal the identity of any persons involved in any experiences.

# 11 : Chose one of the following two options: Option 1. Think about some time that you have interacted with a customer service representative in retail, restaurant or other business setting. Without identifying the organization or person by name, talk about some positive or negative experience that related to the listening behaviours of the representative. Option 2. When working as an employee in a business setting, can you describe some event where you got a larger than expected tip or a bonus for good listening behaviours.

#12 : Your friend says: “I’m totally stressed out. My prof just told us that the next exa-m will be in two weeks. I have to work that week. I don’t know what to do because I could lose my job if I don’t show up for work, but I’ll fail the course if I miss the exa-m.” Provide a one-sentence paraphrase of CONTENT, followed by a one-sentence paraphrase of FEELINGS#12 :

#12 : See the following links for examples of listening and help lines for people experiencing difficulties during the Covid 19 crisis.





Writing Homework Help