Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Southwestern College the Cotton Kingdom Essay

For this final, you will reconstruct the social and political history of an era within the time frame we have studied in this course, including relevant information from the OpenStax and Takaki readings.

For your essay, choose ONE of the following eras:

  • The Early Republic
  • The Cotton Kingdom
  • American Expansion
  • Reconstruction

Then, for the ONE era that you chose above, please address the following in essay form:

  1. Explain the ethnic groups and/or political groups involved including:
  • who was in power,
  • how they exercised their power,
  • the harsh treatment certain groups received,
  • and how these groups resisted against it.
  1. Discuss the outcome of their resistance, and if they were successful.
  2. Finally, discuss how at least one group you mentioned in your response represent an ideal America. In other words, how does this group (or groups) represent America in a positive way?



Writing Homework Help