Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Mission Command Principles The Battle of Mogadishu Paper


Requirement: Write effectively as defined by the Army standard – “understood by the reader in a single, rapid reading and is free of errors in substance, organization, style, and correctness in accordance with PL 111-274.”

Utilize active voice and Arial 12pt font in Turabian formatting.

Instructions: Write an analysis essay. Students will analyze a commander’s performance from a selected historical battle. Focusing primarily on the commander and their choices. Do not focus only on the battle.

MAJ General William F. Garrison

BATTLE OF MOGIDISHU ( More popularly known as Black Hawk Down)

This analysis will evaluate how effectively the commander executed the mission command warfighting function during the battle. Specifically, students will examine how the commander utilized the mission command principles. Students must address at least FOUR of the seven principles in their analysis and, through research, suggest how the commander’s good or bad utilization of those principles ultimately affected the battle’s outcome. The student must determine by their research if the selected commander executed the principles of mission command well or poorly during the battle.

Mission Command Principles:

Competence: Tactically and technically competent; Training and education that occurs in both schools and units provides commanders and subordinates the experiences that allow them to achieve professional competence. Leaders supplement institutional and organizational training and education with continuous self-development

Mutual trust: Mutual trust is shared confidence between commanders, subordinates, and partners that they can be relied on and are competent in performing their assigned tasks. Building a Cohesive Team.

Shared understanding: A critical challenge for commanders, staffs, and unified action partners is creating shared understanding of an operational environment, an operation’s purpose, problems, and approaches to solving problems. Shared understanding both supports and derives from trust.

Commander’s intent: The commander’s intent is a clear and concise expression of the purpose of the operation and the desired military end state that supports mission command, provides focus to the staff, and helps subordinate and supporting commanders act to achieve the commander’s desired results without further orders

Mission orders: Mission orders are directives that emphasize to subordinates the results to be attained, not how they are to achieve them. Mission orders enable subordinates to understand the situation, their commander’s mission and intent, and their own tasks. Mission orders contain the proper level of detail in the context of a particular situation; they are neither so detailed that they stifle initiative nor so general that they provide insufficient direction.

Disciplined initiative: Simply put, disciplined initiative is when subordinates have the discipline to follow their orders and adhere to the plan until they realize their orders and the plan are no longer suitable for the situation in which they find themselves. Leaders and subordinates who exercise disciplined initiative create opportunity by taking action to develop a situation without asking for further guidance

Risk acceptance: In general terms, risk is the exposure of someone or something valued to danger, harm, or loss. Because risk is part of every operation, it cannot be avoided. Commanders analyze risk in collaboration with subordinates to help determine what level of risk exists and how to mitigate it. W

Writing Homework Help