Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Houston Community College Leucosceptroid Family of Natural Products Questions


Article is attached at the bottom of the instructions. I will also add the graphes to make it easier as well as the sources i got my article from. all you need to do it revise it and make sure i did everything correctly

1. a. The title of your article

b. Page number of your reaction step that you are focused on

c. The Scheme, Figure, or Table that your reaction is shown in

d. The bold compound number of your product

e. The page that your compound’s experimental procedure/characterization information are shown in the supporting information.

2. Summarize the article and state the importance of the project briefly. This counts towards the 400-600 word project total.

This isn’t supposed to be a super long project! It is an opportunity to apply the wonderful information and skills that you have developed over the past year!!

3. Draw the chiral molecule product from your reaction step and correctly label at least one of its chiral centers (R/S).

Draw the enantiomer of your chiral molecule and label the corresponding chiral center R/S.


4. Draw the FULL, ARROW-PUSHING MECHANISM for your selected reaction step. The mechanism should be one that we covered in chapters 16-22. It should NOT include transition metal catalytic (like Ni, Pd, Pt, Rh) or Red-Ox reactions (like Zn, Fe, Sn, Os, Mn, Cr, etc).


(It can be handy to draw the mechanism down the page and verbalize the mechanism for step 5 step-by-step adjacent to it.)

5. Provide a verbalization of the mechanism for your reaction mechanism in step 4.

What is happening at each step? What atom is nucleophilic? Which atom is electrophilic? Which bonds are made? Which bonds are broken?

Imagine you are trying to describe the reaction mechanism and I can’t see your display – how would you describe the mechanism in a way that I know, that you know, what you are talking about.

Do not plagiarize from the internet. Use your own words. This counts towards the 400-600 word project total.

6. Assign the proton and carbon NMR spectroscopy for the product of your reaction.

Show the proton and carbon NMR peaks. This can be the NMR graph OR a list of peaks labeled 1,2,3 or a,b,c.

Label ALL the product molecule’s H (1,2,3 or a,b,c) and match them with the labeled 1H-NMR spectral data (1,2,3 or a,b,c). Show that you know what 1H-NMR peaks correspond to each hydrogen atoms on your molecule.

Label ALL the product molecule’s C (1,2,3 or a,b,c) and match them with the labeled 13C-NMR spectral data (1,2,3 or a,b,c). Show that you know what 13C-NMR peaks correspond to each carbon atoms on your molecule.

Helpful hints:

*If there are many alkane or aromatic peaks and it is not possible to differentiate which H/C provides a specific signal, you can group a few H/C in the same region for labeling together.

*If your NMR peaks flag on Turnitin, you can neatly draw your molecule and label the proton and carbon NMRs on a sheet of paper and upload those images to that section of your project.

*You can use Chemdraw NMR prediction to help you figure out roughly where a peak should show up, but DO NOT use the ChemDraw peaks or predicted spectra as your project data!! Use the proton and carbon peaks given in the article’s experimental section or supporting information to earn points in this section!!!!

7. Describe the chromatography method used to isolate the product and the conditions by which it was isolated and the result.

Provide a brief description of how chromatography works to separate molecules. Do not plagiarize from the internet. Use your own words.

Then, provide the solvent conditions needed to isolate your product, the amount of yield, and the percent yield from your experimental section of the article OR from the supporting information section.

This counts towards the 400-600 word project total.

8. Cite the article

This was already done in the Article Selection step where you found your article, so this should be done unless you changed articles.

We are going to be super petty on making sure the formatting is correct. Check your bold, italics, and make sure every period and semicolon is in place. How embarrassing would it be to submit an article for publication and have your references a mess!? Sometimes you need to be very detail oriented – this is one of those times.

9. Check your project against the Rubric and Check Length

Use a minimum of 400 words and a maximum of 600 words for the project.

Writing Homework Help