Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. PSYCH 1000 Missouri Objective Understanding of Human Behavior Discussion

For the final assignment you will write an essay of 750-1000 words (3-4 double-spaced typed pages) in which you analyze and synthesize psychological concepts and apply them to your career and your future life. In the essay, you will need to explain how what you have learned in psychology will enhance your career and life.

  • The essay should be written in word processing software. Save the file and then upload the file to Canvas. Your essay should be submitted through Canvas (click the button “Submit Assignment”) before the deadline. Do not email the paper to the instructor or the GTA.
  • The file that you will upload to Canvas should be saved as a Microsoft Word document (docx or doc), Rich Text Format file (rtf) or Adobe/Portable Document Format file (pdf). The Pages file format from Apple/Mac Pages should not be used.

Your paper will make use of the textbook and class material. You will select four psychology concepts/topics from four different chapters. For each of the four concepts you select you should include the following.

  1. Clearly note the chapter and/or lecture that contains the concept/topic you selected. A bibliography is not required: You can note your source without formal citation (e.g., “as described in Chapter 12 on personality”, “the textbook author notes on page 75 of the book”, or “on April 16 in class we discussed”). The more specific your concept/topic, the better (e.g., focus on positive reinforcement instead of all forms of learning theory covered in Chapter 7).
  2. In your own words, describe the concept. You should avoid direct quotations from the book, videos or lecture. Be sure to define psychological terms in your own words.
  3. Explain how the psychological concept/topic is relevant to your life. These can include events in your past, present or future. They can relate to your personal life, school life or professional life. Merely saying a concept is important is not sufficient. You must be specific about how it will benefit you in your life and/or career.

Grading Rubric (20 points for each concept/topic)

Each of the four concepts/topics are with 20 points and a maximum of 80 points can be earned from the entire essay.

18-20 points: The main idea(s) is clear. Relevant details from the textbook and/or class meetings are given to support the thesis. Information is presented logically and compellingly. Word choice, spelling, and sentence structure are consistently correct.

16-18 points: The main idea(s) is quite clear and is supported by several relevant details from the textbook and/or class meetings . Information is presented in a logical manner that is easily followed. Word choice, spelling, and sentence structure are generally correct (very few errors)

14-16 points: The main idea(s) is somewhat difficult to interpret, and only a few relevant details from the textbook and/or class meetings are given to support it. There are places where it is difficult to follow the flow of the paper. There are several errors of word choice, spelling, and sentence structure, and these get in the way of understanding the paper.

less than 14: There is an attempted main idea(s) , but it is unclear. The relevant details from the textbook and/or class meetings are either unconnected to the thesis or too few to support the thesis. The paper is hard to follow. There are many errors of word choice, spelling, and sentence structure, that stand in the way of understanding the paper.

Writing Homework Help