Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Grossmont College Environmental Justice and Sovereignty Questions

I’m trying to study for my English course and I need some help to understand this question.

1. 1) What does “environmental justice” mean?

2) What is one example of this from our course materials?

2.1) Although these topics differ from each other greatly, how might our last topics for the course: Indigenous Activism and False Narratives seem to relate/connect to each other?

2) Be sure to explain the connection based on the history we’ve learned throughout the course.

3. Please compare/contrast 1973 Occupation of Wounded Knee with the Standing Rock Protest.

1) Please identify 2 similarities between the protests.

2) Please identify 2 differences between the protests.

4. 1) What does “self-determination” mean?

2) What does “sovereignty” mean?

3) Why are both terms important to indigenous peoples in the US based on the history we’ve learned?

5. How does the Urban Relocation program connect to the American Indian Civil Rights Movement?

6. 1) According to “Changing the Narrative,” what is the current narrative about Native Americans?

2) What solution does it offer to change for the better?

7. 1) What is the significance of the Standing Rock protest?

2) How does this recent protest connect to the history we’ve learned?

8. 1) What does NCAI argue about the use of Native American Mascots in “Ending the Era of Harmful Indian Mascots”?

2) Also, what types of evidence does NCAI use to support their argument? Please identify at least 2 different examples of types of evidence used.

9. 1) What was the Alcatraz Proclamation arguing?

2) Who was the intended audience?

3) What type of tone was used, and why?

4) What was the significance or the symbolic reason for selecting the location of Alcatraz?

10. 1) What did the “Trail of Broken Treaties” entail?

2) What is its significance?

3) How does this event relate to the history we’ve learned?

Writing Homework Help