Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Middle Tennessee State University Accident & Incident Data for US Airports Questions

I’m working on a writing question and need guidance to help me learn.

  • Spend time learning and maneuvering the FAA website (airports section) https://www.faa.gov/airports/
  • Pick 3 different topics/pieces of information you found interesting from the site and did not know before (i.e. Airport Safety/Cert, Environmental, ACs, ARFF, runway safety, etc.). There are hundreds of items available to you as you click through and learn the site.
  • In a Word document, with bullet/number format, describe to me in a short paragraph for each (3-5 sentences or more) what the topic is about and how you think it applies to the airport environment.
  • ***You MUST include a link to the page you found the information on for every single topic*** here is an example

Writing Homework Help