Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. University of Florida Considering Transgender People in Education Discussion

Schools serve as a setting in which students come to understand gender, but transgender students (those who transgress societal gender norms) are largely left out of discussions of education. The high level of harassment that transgender students face poses sizable obstacles to school success. If the field of education is committed to equity and social justice, then teacher education programs must prepare educators to teach gender in more complex ways that take into consideration the existence and needs of transgender people.

First peer:-

The article mentions that transgender people usually believe they were born the wrong gender, and that some transgender people change their gender by changing their clothes and behavior rather than by changing their bodies. I have a friend who is like this, he was my classmate in middle school and he usually played with his male classmates and would play basketball, soccer, etc. together and dress like boys in all aspects. I think education in schools should encourage people to be themselves so that transgender people can grow up free and happy like normal people, instead of correcting them for certain behaviors and telling them how boys should be and how girls should be. One other thing, I think there is one place in school that is more awkward for transgender people, and that is the restroom. For example, a person whose biological sex is male and whose psychological sex is female would feel very awkward and embarrassed every time he goes to the men’s room. Therefore, I think that school toilets should be set up as a single room for men and women and can be locked, so that transgender people will not feel embarrassed.

second peer:-

I entirely agree with the notion that transgender students are left out of discussions of education and at least when I was in high school, the idea that somebody could be trangender wasn’t involved in the curriculum at all that I can recall. The article mentions that it often gets tacked onto other LGBT topics, so it winds up often as an afterthought or ignored entirely. This is consistant with what I experienced in grade school, and the best solution that the article presents is getting teacher educators to “interrogate their own thinking about gender”.

The other point I wanted to talk about is the high level of harassment and bullying that transgender people face and how the education system is failing to protect them. The article states that young transgender students are disproportionatly likely to face harassment in school. While, to my knowledge, I didn’t go to grade school with anyone who was transgender, I did have a boss at my old job who was. He was talked poorly about both behind his back and to his face constantly by other people in the company and customers. So knowing how poorly he was treated, it isn’t difficult to imagine how difficult transgender students have it, considering how ruthless and cruel kids and teenagers can sometimes be 

Writing Homework Help