Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Political Science Biden Administration and Cyber Policy Discussion

Please pick 4 questions from the below and answer each completely. There is no length requirement or limit, essays will provide a robust, thoughtful and specific answers to the question, be well written, use specific evidence from the class to support main points, and be typo free .use READINGS Internal citations with no bibliography is sufficient unless you are including references not assigned in the class in which case please include full citation as a bibliography section at the end of your Essay Review.


  • 1-Who runs the internet?

  • 2-Where do you think the Biden Administration is headed on cyber policy and why?

  • 3-What is the Cyberspace Solarium Commission? Why does it matter? What do you think its impact will be going forward?

  • 4-What is disinformation and what should be done about it from a policy perspective?

  • 5-What is the best policy solution or set of solutions for significantly improving cyber resilience in both the public and private sectors?


  • .///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Final Essay Review:

1-The final Review will be, open book and intranet .

2-The final Essay Review will encompass the selection of essay questions from a list of options and there will be a strict page limit.

3-Exams will be grad on the student’s ability to assimilate across the topics covered in class (both reading and in class) and

their ability to present in a clear, concise, and insightful manner,

4-open book Essay Review essay responses will be held to the same high standards of grammar, clarity, form, etc. as the other written assignments


What is the plan for the final

Essay Review

instructions and essay questions will be posted

• This is an open book and open internet


Why this format? •

Incentivize productive studying

  • Enable you time to pull together everything that has come at you this semester
  • Leave you with a tool kit for moving forward
  • //////

    Class Frameworks

    The What

    Non-technical description

    • Language used


    Public Policy Impacts

    The Who Decides-Should it be?

  • Creation
  • Regulation
  • Oversight


    Class Frameworks


    Where is the debate?

    Formal? Informal

    Private Sector/ Exec Branch ,Congress and Courts/ Internet Governance/ Standards Bodies Academia


    International /Press , States and Academia

    Final Essay Review Questions Will be like.

    Sample Questions and answers

    Sample Questions Where do you see the Biden Administration headed on cyber policy and why?

    Fully successful answers will include


    • Introduction with clear thesis, concluding paragraph

  • Several paragraphs making your argument CITING SPECIFIC READINGS AND LECTURES
  • Show your flare by Defining terms (with reference to the readings where you can!)
  • Doing the old: “on the one hand X on the other hand y”

  • Having a POV
  • Attached any reference from the intranet

  • //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  • Review Topics Requested Lawful Access Internet Governance What is happening at the state level?
    Lawful Access Agenda Defining the Problem Space Functionally • Technical Policy Why is the policy discussion so tricky? Lessons learned on approaching solutions
    …..The Lawful Access Problem Functionally The inability to obtain critical electronic information pursuant to court order (Crim, CT, CI/fed, state, local) • Court authorized or otherwise lawful • Information critical to an investigation or case Can’t get it (won’t get it?)////The Problem (Technical) Encryption Issues In Motion (Ex. Whats App) • Analogy: Wiretap At Rest (Apple iPhone) Analogy: Books & Records It isn’t just encryption-password attempting structures negate “brute force” access tools///Examples- Phone Access Issues San Bernardino (12/15 terrorist attack-2/16 court case) Inland Regional Center Perpetrators-Syed Farook, Tashfeen Malik 14 killed/22 seriously injured Couple killed in shootout with police • Phone (owned by county) recovered Brittany Mills (2015) Distracted Driving (ongoing)
    ////The Problem (Policy) There are trade offs (impact on product security) so question is how do you weigh? • On the private sector side how do you quantify security reduction (many other household products have admin access) On the law enforcement side how do you define the scope of the problem Number of unsolved cases? Are there bad people going free/reoffending? Inability to proactively stop public safety harms Emergency/national security situations Where is the data??
    Breaking the Impasse Need collaborations (see Carnegie Report) to draft options Focus on outcomes (capacity to comply) not mandating the how Pull apart into pieces (Carnegie recommends data at rest) Likely need congressional action (companies increasingly amenable) International aspects to consider Real question is not what is feasible but rather who decides what is implemented where and how://
    Internet Governance – Working Definition Internet governance is the development and application by Governments, the private sector and civil society, in their respective roles, of shared principles, norms, rules, decision-making procedures, and programmes that shape the evolution and use of the Internet. Adopted at the 2005 UN World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS)
    What Topics are Addressed in IG? • Online Privacy Protection • Internet Connectivity/Development • Freedom of Expression • Child Online Safety • Security • Standard development • Domain Names and IP numbers • Critical Internet Resources
    Internet Governance is Defined by the Multistakeholder Approach • Bottom-up, participatory, open, consensus-based approach to decision making • All stakeholders, whether they be from industry, civil society, or government, come together in an inclusive, transparent,’ accountable forum to make decisions and solve problems • Mirrors the development of the technical development of the Internet itself and has enabled the Internet to develop into an engine for innovation, free speech and economic growth • Evolution of the concept of multi stakeholder cooperation: from a vague notion in 2003, it has gained entry and broader acceptance into the highest spheres of policy making G8, OECD, Council of Europe, NetMundial, Internet Governance Forum, ITU///Role of states in regulating private sector cybersecurity • Federal approach to cyber is standards based, mostly voluntary, and sector- specific. • DoD, DoT, FCC, FTC, CFPB • Executive Orders, DHS • National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity • What are states doing? • All 50 now have data breach notification laws; many have more detailed requirements • Ohio Data Protection Act, Senate Bill 220 California loT security law, SB 327 (PLUS CCPA) • New York Department of Financial Services Cyber Regulations, https://emea01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dfs.ny.gov%2Findustry&data=04%7C01%7C%7C1108321feadd46f9da1308d90e6a7046%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C637556672571906331%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&sdata=tDg%2BKq3QRaLe83W91QsVbBM24LFJ5cPyftuylcmenxw%3D&reserved=0 guidance/cybersecurity///////////////////////////State Cyber Regulatory Considerations • Do states have the expertise to do this? • How can a state stay on top of changes in technology? • What are the pros and cons of each state tackling this on its own?

    The Readings for Internet Governance

    EU’s Seventh Framework Programme Mapping Initiative “What is Internet Governance” video (5 min): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oaeyu2ipyTQCFR Backgrounder, What is Internet Governance (2014): https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/what-internet-governanceKurbalija, Jovan An Introduction to Internet Governance (6th Edition), Section 1 (p 9-34): https://www.diplomacy.edu/sites/default/files/An%20Introduction%20to%20IG_6th%20edition.pdfALSO:On Humming (and other business processes at IETF!) https://tools.ietf.org/pdf/rfc7282.pdf/

  • ///////
    : PRIVATE SECTOR: THE WHAT/WHYGoldberg, Emma “’Techlash’ Hits College Campuses” NYT, January 2020:https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/11/style/college-tech-recruiting.htmlFoer, Franklin “What Big Tech Companies want out of the Pandemic” Atlantic July/Aug 2020https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2020/07/big-tech-pandemic-power-grab/612238/Knight Foundation, “Techlash? America’s Growing Concern with Tech Companies” , 2020https://knightfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Gallup-Knight-Report-Techlash-Americas-Growing-Concern-with-Major-Tech-Companies-Final.pdfRead: Brown, Megan, Cyber Imperative—Preserve and Strengthen Public Private Partnerships, The National Security Institute, George Washington University. https://nationalsecurity.gmu.edu/cyber-imperative-preserve-and-strengthen-public-private-partnerships/ . You Can’t Solve These Problems on an Ad Hoc Basis, Government Executive, May 2017 https://www.govexec.com/management/2017/05/you-cant-solve-these-problems-ad-hoc-basis/138002/Read: Seligman, Laura, The U.S. Defense Department and big tech need each other—but getting along won’t be easyhttps://foreignpolicy.com/2018/09/12/why-the-military-must-learn-to-love-silicon-valley-pentagon-google-amazon/ ///

    FREE Cyber Security Conference (BC/FBI) this Wed at noon!

    Registration info here: https://www.bc.edu/content/bc-web/schools/wcas/sites/boston-conference-on-cyber-security/welcome.html//////////////NISTREAD:2013 EO 13636: Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity: https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/the-press-office/2013/02/12/executive-order-improving-critical-infrastructure-cybersecurityWATCH:NIST CyberSecurity Framework Video (5 min)https://www.nist.gov/video/cybersecurity-framework-0EXPLORE:NIST CSF Online Learning Resources: https://www.nist.gov/cyberframework/online-learning readings.Executive Order on America’s Supply Chains, The White House, February 24, 2021https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2021/02/24/executive-order-on-americas-supply-chains/Morgus & Costello, Lawfare, March 18, 2021 What the Biden Administration Gets Right and Wrong on ICT in the New Supply Chain Executive Orderhttps://www.lawfareblog.com/what-biden-administration-gets-right-and-wrong-ict-new-supply-chain-executive-order Starks, Tim, Cyber Scoop, April 1, 2021 Biden’s cyber executive order to include new rules for federal agencies, contractors https://www.cyberscoop.com/cyber-executive-order-supply-chain-solarwinds/ Brumfield, Cynthia, CSOonline, April 8. 2021, Experts Fear that Biden’s Cybersecurity Executive Order Will Repeat Mistakes of the Past.https://www.csoonline.com/article/3614388/experts-fear-that-biden-s-cybersecurity-executive-order-will-repeat-mistakes-of-the-past.htmlAlperovitch & Ward, Lawfare, March 12, 2021 How Should the U.S. Respond to the SolarWinds and Microsoft Exchange Hacks? https://www.lawfareblog.com/how-should-us-respond-solarwinds-and-microsoft-exchange-hacksKovacevich, Adam, Protocol, February 5, 2021 How the Tech Industry Should Navigate the Biden Administration https://www.protocol.com/big-tech-navigates-biden-administrationNakashima, Ellen, Washington Post, Biden Administration Plans to Name Former Senior NSA Officials to White House Position and Head of CISAhttps://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/former-senior-nsa-officials-named-to-white-house-cyber-position-and-head-of-dhs-cyber-agency/2021/04/11/b9d408cc-9b2d-11eb-8005-bffc3a39f6d3_story.html ////
    Announcing the Cyberspace Solarium Commission Report (lawfare) https://www.lawfareblog.com/announcing-cyberspace-solarium-commissionCyberspace Solarium Commission Report Executive Summary: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1c1UQI74Js6vkfjUowI598NjwaHD1YtlY/viewDefending Forward by Defending Norms (Lawfare) https://www.lawfareblog.com/defending-forward-defending-normsAlso– for reference, the Congressional Cybersecurity Caucus website can be found here: https://cybercaucus-langevin.house.gov/

  • Writing Homework Help