Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. UCI COVID 19 Long Term Effects Related to Governmental Restrictions Essay

As this course surveys various disciplines within the social sciences, your final paper is directly tied into navigating the varying ways one can approach a certain topic. Think about it similarly to the Eller text: he is regularly noting how certain questions are addressed differently by each discipline and does a special focus each chapter on terrorism. You are going to do the same thing, just on a topic of your own choosing.

Important note: you can not choose terrorism as your topic for the final project.

While you’re not needing to get into a polemical debate between the disciplines, you are going to need to choose a social science topic of interest to you to assemble a set of readings to help you adjudicate it.

To get things going, this assignment has you proposing a topic. This allows me to make sure that you’re on the right track in terms of choosing a project that is explicitly social in nature.

Your document must contain the following elements

  • Topic:
    • The broad topic in which you’re interested. Also, why are you interested in this topic/area of study?
      • For example, you can look to something like, “The social factors that influence diet,” “Families and the Great Recession” or “Music and social life”
    • Give some pre-emptive insight into your thoughts: what do you think the is inherently social (regardless of discipline) about this topic?
    • What do you already know about this topic?
  • Two annotated bibliography entries

Writing Homework Help