Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. KGSM Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Technology the Next Big Thing Essay


(1) Does Blockchain technology have the potential to cause a shift in financial business practices that many experts are predicting? Explain why or why not. Support your answer with research.

(2) Is there evidence to suggest that Blockchain technology will change the way finance is applied and practiced? If there is, discuss that evidence. If there is not, what issues exist that impede its adoption?

(3) Which functions of financial management could be most impacted by Blockchain technology? How might the financial functions change? Support your answer with research.

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. Drexel University College of Medicine Automation Discussion and Responses


1-For this week’s activity you will be envisioning imaginary automated products. For each product, describe (1) the task that they product has automated, (2) a general sketch (written or drawn) of the key automated features, (3) the desired benefits from adding the automation, and (4) possible challenges with the automation.

Product 1: a product that completes household tasks

Product 2: a product that provides transportation

2- Describe 1-2 insights/connections/revelations you had from the readings for each of the following topics:

situation awareness

  • benefits and challenges of automation (different levels)

robot design considerations

Post 1

Here are some thoughts I had while going through this week’s readings:1) In Chapter 17, I was fascinated by the establishment of three levels of situational awareness. In various settings and through certain events, I always bounced between having part or all of the levels involved. The mentioning of the levels not necessarily being linear resonates with me because a lot of time I feel like I can only project what a future outcome will be of a certain environment (which helps make decisions easier), but I struggle in understanding the significance and perception of everything going on. I sometimes think that I’m thinking forward too much and not understanding the background plus the present state of everything around me, which can make certain situations complex. 2) In Figure 1 of Chapter 52, there is a key detail highlighted that I never extrapolated before. Automation being the only key in handling a load will result in a lower level of performance while completing a task, which is interesting because there are various thoughts from people on how automation could outright potentially perform better than humans. Different industries are looking to take dangerous or overwhelmingly awful tasks and hand them over to automated processes in order to better collaborate with people. As the example showed, having a person work with the automation can result in greater levels of performance, which I believe is more of the goal. Replacement would be too difficult for so many functions (especially in a brief period of time) – instead, having people and machines work together will bring greater problem and task solutions.3) I believe that the uses of virtual, augmented and mixed reality capabilities with HRI will continue to grow at an increasing rate. There’s been various talk about creating virtual worlds or “metaverses” that allow for a greater depth of interaction between people and robots virtually. One of my favorite movies, Ready Player One, displays this level of interaction on a grand level where people can fully adapt various movements to their virtualized worlds. I’m hoping for a greater expansion of virtual reality because I believe it is the next avenue of interaction for everyone on the planet – all your interactions are based in using a singular (or potentially multiple) devices and can be done from any environment. I also find it interesting that virtualized robots will be able to communicate even greater with people and really push the envelope of the VR/AR space. 

Post 2

1. The task that the product is automating is the process of cutting up fruits, vegetables, and other foods. Some of the key automated features are the product are: The display which the user inputs what they would like to cut and style of cut which the product then uses to analyze and chop up the food, the automated arm which attaches to the users knife of choice and then cuts the food up, and the knife grip which adjusts to any size kitchen knife and allows for the switching of knives depending on the users’ wants. The desired benefits from the automation are mainly: people being able to make a meal quicker as the product allows them to multitask better, people with arthritis or hand issues being able to cut foods up without having to struggle, and that more people will be inspired to cook from home and potentially eat healthier as the process has been made much easier. The two possible challenges I think are most important are: the analysis of the item being cut as the food item could be much larger or smaller than what the product may assume and a person accidentally getting cut during the products operation as it  would need to be programmed to know when a human hand is in the cutting area.2. The form of transportation that my product is automating is providing is unicycling. Some of the key automated fetures are the gyroscopic stabilizer in the unicycle which allows the user to stay perfectly upright and not worry about having to keep their own balance as the process is automated by the stabilizer and the tilt based sensor which senses the direction that the user is leaning and reacts by making the battery powered motor automatically move the unicycle in whatever direction they lean thus automating the need to push pedals. The desired benefits of the automation of unicycling are mainly: getting people to go outside more and experience the beauty of the world, getting people to ride more unicycles because they are dying out, and then to get people to lean more towards electric powered forms of transportation. The possible challenges with this automation are that the speed of the unicycle could be dangerous and new riders who are learning the device could get hurt and that the battery that is inside of the unicycle (if Lithium-ion) could be dangerous as these batteries have a tendency to explode in vapes, hoverboards, phones, and cars. 

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. Southern Arkansas Main Campus MySQL SELECT Statement and Required Clauses Question


Deliverables :

SQL File as follows: The LastName_Project_Ph1_Query.sql. The file must contain the SELECT statement and required clauses to address the required tasks note below (Query 1-10).

MS Word as follows: LastName_Project_Ph1_Output. This file contains the queries and outputs.

Required Software:

MySQL DBMS by Oracle. MySQL Community Server and MySQL Workbench.


Step 1: Download and install the MySQL DBMS System by Oracle. Follow the step-by-step instructions attached to install the MySQL DBMS on your computer.

Step 2: Create a MySQL Database.

Step 3: Run the Script File in MySQL which is attached.

Step 4: Create SQL SELECT Queries

Using the data provided for you in the Student table in the database, formulate a SQL script file named LastName_Project_Ph1_Query.sql. This file would contain queries to execute each of the tasks required below.Once you run each query, save and past the output in an MS Word document. Name your file LastName_Project_Ph1_Output.

Name Task
Query # 1 Write a SQL statement to produce output as follows: Student’s First and Last Name.
Query # 2 Write a SQL statement to produce output as follows: the Major of the STUDENT with no duplications. Do not display student names.
Query # 3 Write a SQL statement to produce output as follows: First and Last Name of students who live in the Zip code 32828.
Query # 4 Write a SQL statement to produce output as follows: First and Last Name of students who live in the Zip code 97912 and have the major of CS.
Query # 5 Write a SQL statement to produce output as follows: First and Last Name of students who live in the Zip code 32826 or 33186. Do not use IN.
Query # 6 Write a SQL statement to produce output as follows: the First and Last Name of students who have the major of Business or Math. Use IN.
Query # 7 Write a SQL statement to produce output as follows: the First and Last Name of students who have the Class greater than 1 and less than 5. Use BETWEEN.
Query # 8 Write a SQL statement to produce output as follows: First and Last Name of students who have the Last name that starts with an M.
Query # 9 Write a SQL statement to produce output as follows: First and Last name of students having an o in the second position in their First Name.
Query # 10 Write a SQL expression to produce output as follows: display the Status for, and the number of occurrences that apply to each status. You must use the Count(*) function. You must show the result of the Count(*) function as CountStatus. Group by Status and output the results in ascending order of CountStatus.

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. Morgan State University Wk 4 Transformational Leadership and Knowledge Questions


This week’s journal articles focus on transformational leadership and knowledge and knowledge sharing within an organization, please review these concepts and answer the following questions:

  1. How do trustworthy and ethical leaders enhance knowledge      sharing in organizations?  How does this impact the rate of      information technology implementations?  How does this impact data      management within organizations? 
  2. How does servant leadership assist with transferring      knowledge in an organization?
  3. When thinking about data analytics, how does transformational      leadership assist with building good data structures?

Be sure to use the UC Library for scholarly research. Google Scholar is also a great source for research.  Please be sure that journal articles are peer-reviewed and are published within the last five years.

The paper should meet the following requirements:

  • 3-5 pages in length (not including title page or references)
  • APA guidelines must be followed.  The paper must include      a cover page, an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a      conclusion.
  • A minimum of five peer-reviewed journal articles.

The writing should be clear and concise.  Headings should be used to transition thoughts.  Don’t forget that the grade also includes the quality of writing.

Required Reading

Optional Resources:

Chapter 5 Journal articles

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. Solve Database Problems


Solve problems on the following topic:

Database systems and data

1. basic concepts
DS, Chapter 1
DS, Chapter 2

2. Database design DS, Chapter 9

3. Relational database model DS, Chapter 3

4. Entity-relationship modelling DS, Chapter 4
DS, Chapter 5

5. Normalisation DS, Chapter 6

6. Introduction to SQL, Objects in SQL

Referenced textbook:…

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. UKNA2 – JAVA coding task



Please work on this below tasks based on JAVA coding and Full instructions given in Attached PDF

1. Design Part (UML Class Diagram)

2. Development Part (Java Code)

3. User Interface (UI) and File IO Part (Java Code)

Note : Except VIDEO DEMO PART mentioned in PDF remaining 3 need to dot the task

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. CMP 610 9042 Howard University Cybersecurity Recommendations for CAREFIRST PPT


Organizations must implement countermeasures to protect information and data that are vulnerable to cyberattacks. As new security threats are introduced, these countermeasures must be evaluated and improved.

This is the final of four sequential projects. In this project, you will investigate common types of cyberattacks and possible solutions, evaluate the costs of implementing identified countermeasures, and communicate the recommended solution to a nontechnical audience.

You will present to management the most likely attack vectors against your organization and suggest solutions ranked by cost and effectiveness. You will also suggest how the mix of identified state and nonstate actors should affect policy-maker decisions and policy development for critical infrastructure protection.

There are 14 steps in this project. In this project you will only focus to the last step which is the 14th to develop a narrated slide presentation of 16 to 20 slides the other steps will provide you just details you need to know to succeed in this presentation . The narrated presentation need audio on each slide. the organization you will use for this presentation is

CAREFIRST Bluecross Blueshield. The title of the presentation is cybersecurity recommendation presentations

Computer Science Homework Help