Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. Grand Canyon University Algorithms & Data Structure Simulation Model Spreadsheet


Management of Ebony, a leading manufacturer of bath soap, is trying to control its inventory costs. The weekly cost of holding one unit of soap in inventory is $30 (one unit is 1000 cases of soap). The marketing department estimates that weekly demand averages 120 units, with a standard deviation of 15 units, and is reasonably well modeled by a normal distribution. If demand exceeds the amount of soap on hand, those sales are lost—that is, there is no backlogging of demand. The production department can produce at one of three levels: 110, 120, or 130 units per week. The cost of changing the production level from one week to the next is $3000.Management would like to evaluate the following production policy. If the current inventory is less than L = 30 units, they will produce 130 units in the next week. If the current inventory is greater than U = 80 units, they will produce 110 units in the next week. Otherwise, Ebony will continue at the previous week’s production level.Ebony currently has 60 units of inventory on hand. Last week’s production level was 120.


1. Develop a simulation model for 52 weeks of operation at Ebony. Graph the inventory of soap over time. What is the total cost (inventory cost plus production change cost) for the 52 weeks?

2. Run the simulation for 500 iterations to estimate the average 52-week cost with values of U ranging from 30 to 80 in increments of 10. Keep L = 30 throughout.

3. Report the sample mean and standard deviation of the 52-week cost under each policy. Using the simulated results, is it possible to construct valid 90% confidence intervals for the average 52-week cost for each value of U? In any case, graph the average 52-week cost versus U. What is the best value of U for L = 30?

4. What other production policies might be useful to investigate? © Cengage

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. JNTU Information Assurance Wireless Network Reliability Paper & Presentation


Project : Information Assurance

Topic : Wireless network Reliability

The final project consists of 3 files:

  • The main research paper about 4-5 pages, including a cover page and this must be a Word document.
  • The reference, at least three references and in APA format. This must be a Word document.
  • The presentation slides with highlights and details of your project. This must be a PPT or PDF document.

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. Current and Emerging Technology Discussion


I don’t understand this Computer Science question and need help to study.

Review the attached… to complete the assignment.

Attached is the task details, also below is the email received from my professor to complete the task 

Welcome to C962/Current and Emerging Technology.  In this course, you will work with three themes that are key to understanding how leaders steer their organizations through change and disruption in this world of rapidly evolving technology. For each theme, you will choose a book from a list of texts that demonstrate the trends associated with that theme. To decide which book to read for each theme, you may preview up to the first 20 pages of all the books in the provided learning resources. You should choose only one book for each theme for a total of three books for the course so that you are able to complete the course in a timely manner. The course/task video is also included to help you understand the approach.  Click here Course Video to access the video.

Remember that this is a critical analysis; this is you taking each book and developing your own evaluation based on what you read and how it might apply to other industries, society, etc.  This means there isn’t a right or wrong answer but instead you use critical analysis skills to see how a trend could be applied to each rubric prompt area.  It also means the answer for each rubric prompt is not really in the books that you read but instead based on your thoughts of the book’s trend(s) and how the trend applies to each rubric prompt.

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. CS379 week 5 Machine learning


3-5 pages (not including cover page and resource page) explaining in words why you did what you did in the coding.

One machine learning technique is splitting in order to make predictions. Imagine the root of a tree that is split into branches and those branches are split into branches with each split being homogeneous.

Choose 1 of the splitting approaches to decision trees, and create an algorithm. Identify test data to be used on the algorithm, and illustrate the output of the prediction.

Submit 1 Python code file of 100-200 lines and 1 Word document (alternative – Jupyter Notebook that contains the description, code, comments, and results in a single file).

  1. Code must be well-commented – explain your decisions and what the code is doing.
  2. Code file must include a file header that includes the following information at a minimum:
    • Your name
    • Date
    • Course
    • Description of the code
  3. Code should adhere to best practice code standards.
  4. Capture and record results and screenshots in a Word document (alternatively, you can submit a Jupyter Notebook that includes everything).

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. Attack Vector Solutions Cybersecurity Recommendation Presentation


Organizations must implement
countermeasures to protect information and data that are vulnerable to
cyberattacks. As new security threats are introduced, these countermeasures
must be evaluated and improved.

This is the final of four
sequential projects. In this project, you will investigate common types of
cyberattacks and possible solutions, evaluate the costs of implementing
identified countermeasures, and communicate the recommended solution to a
nontechnical audience.

You will present to management
the most likely attack vectors against your organization and suggest solutions
ranked by cost and effectiveness. You will also suggest how the mix of
identified state and nonstate actors should affect policy-maker decisions and
policy development for critical infrastructure protection.

There are 14 steps in this
project. In this project you will only focus to the last step which is the 14th
to develop a narrated slide presentation of 16 to 20 slides the other steps
will provide you just details you need to know to succeed in this presentation
. The narrated presentation need audio on each slide. the organization you will
use for this presentation is

CAREFIRST Bluecross Blueshield.
The title of the presentation is cybersecurity recommendation presentations

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. Auburn University Project Baseline Plan Microsoft Project


1. Create a project baseline plan that has the following tasks that a student works on in a given
day when awake (7 processes):
• Studying for a test with friends
• Reading a textbook
• Gathering articles at the AUM library
• Writing an team essay
• Conducting financial analysis
• Meeting with your team
• Taking an xm

2. For the purposes of this plan, decide which tasks come 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. and order the tasks
and decide which tasks are dependent on previous tasks using a current AUM class

3. Enter the task, start, duration, finish, and predecessor(s) using the Task menu in the Gantt
view. Click twice on each task to pull up the Task Properties for each task.

5. Develop a project baseline plan in either Microsoft Project (.MPP file) or Gantt Project
(.GAN file) that has the following components:
• Task (process) name – name the processes with Verb-Noun-Noun.
• Start – start the first task on February 1st, 2021.
• Duration – decide how long each task will take in days.
• Finish – will be calculated from the start date + duration, but no less than 3 weeks.
• Predecessors – which previous tasks is the current task dependent (enter row number)
• Resource names *
• Resource costs *

* First assign resources using the Resource tab, assign resources, second assign costs
(costs are assigned 1st resource – $50/hr, 2nd resource – $60/hr, yourself – $100/hr).

6. Enter three resource names (you plus two others and your name) and costs using the Resource
tab and then assign the resources to each task using the Task Properties box. Assign two
resources to each task except: Taking an exam (just assign you).

7. Show the percentage of completion for each task using the progress drop-down in the Task
Properties box (range from 0% complete to 100% complete).

6. Print out a PDF file and turn in both files, as below. Turn in your deliverables no later than
Saturday, October 16th 11:59 pm by email attaching one of the following file formats, either
• Lastname-ProjectAssn.GAN and Lastname-ProjectAssn.PDF – or –
• Lastname-ProjectAssn.MPP and Lastname-ProjectAssn.PDF

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. three tools that can aid in recovering deleted Macintosh files, compare their capabilities, and write a prof report


In this assignment, you assume the role of a forensic investigator for the DigiFirm Investigation Company. One of your clients is a small music production company. One day you receive a phone call from Andrea, the owner and president of the music company.

Andrea believes one of her employees, a sound technician, has been stealing intellectual property from the company. She thinks he is copying original music scores and then selling them to upstart musicians, claiming that he wrote them. Andrea checked the employee’s computer the previous night and thinks he has been deleting the files to cover his tracks.

Andrea’s employee uses a Macintosh computer. There are several tools available for recovering files that have been deleted from a Mac, including:

Although all these tools accomplish the same goal, each has one or more unique features. You should consider the full capability set of each tool when gathering information and determine which tool would be the best choice for the scenario in this assignment.

You will research three tools that can aid in recovering deleted Macintosh files and write a paper about their capabilities. You must also recommend one product for use in this case and justify your recommendation.


For this assignment, you are to:

  • Research three tools that can aid in recovering deleted Macintosh files, compare their capabilities, and write a professional report in which you recommend one product for use in this case, justifying your recommendation.
  • Your report will be 4-5 pages in length. Your report must adhere to Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines, citing references as appropriate.

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. Project topic



The purpose is to design and implement an algorithm for solving a specific problem.You should propose a topic and complete the project.


The project could be one of the following types:

1. Select and implement an algorithm that you have learned but have not yet implemented in the course.

2. Propose a new method or combine existing algorithms (including the ones that are covered or not covered by this course) with implementation for solving a practical problem.

Choose a project topic in the algorithm area. The project requires two documents (proposal and final report), both should be submitted on the scheduled due time.

PROPOSAL – A proposal stating explicitly

(1) Individual name,

(2) project type (indicated as one of the above types),

(3) what topic (or algorithm) you want to address, what you want to accomplish.

(4) If you work as a team, you need to clarify how you will assign the work each

other and what role you will take individually.

The proposal is to be submitted.

Project Report and Programming Codes.
Write up your final report, and submit along with your codes.

The final report should be about 5 pages long. In general, it should contain the following sections:

1. Title of the project and names of students

2. Problem Statement. Clearly state the problem and the objective of the project.

3. Algorithm description.

4. Results and discussion. Report your results, including outcome of the program,

problems or bugs unsolved (if any), and /or time complexity of the algorithm.

5. References (if any)

Note : PROPOSAL part is needed by July 27.

Project Report and Programming Codes can be submitted by Aug first week.

Computer Science Homework Help