Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. The University of Memphis 7 Top Trends in Advanced Transportation Technology Paper

I need a research template about Maglev Trains – A Top Trend in The Transportation Industry

The summary should be more descriptive- at least two paragraphs.

Make sure to grab information from these citations.


ASME. (2021). 7 top trends in advanced transportation technology.

Retrieved from:

Liu, Z., Long, Z., & Li, X. (2015). Maglev trains. In Springer tracts in mechanical engineering. Springer-

Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

Retrieved from:

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. GEOLOGY 101 UC Davis Engineering Applications and San Andreas Fault Questions

I’m working on a Engineering question and need guidance to help me study.

please answer these 2 questions

1)From a strength standpoint for engineering applications, why would metamorphic rocks that formed from platy minerals with good cleavage cause more concern than metamorphic rocks that formed from rounded mineral grains with no cleavage? (Write answer in text field)

Explain why platy minerals with good cleavage are good or bad (1 pt)

Explain why rounded mineral grains with no cleavage are bad or good (1 pt)

2)The San Andreas fault is a transform fault that is a tectonic plate boundary stretching from Cape Mendocino to the Salton Trough.

If you plan a project near the coast along this boundary, do you need to be concerned about major active volcanic hazards? (Yes or no)

Why or why not (in terms of the tectonic setting)

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Urban Community Skills Center Community Collective Analysis Discussion

Community Collective 

Choose one only:

  • Option 1 – Urban Community Skills Center (a place to provide training for acquiring new skills, and network hub for displaced people and donors/volunteers).
  • Option 2 – Birthing and Wellness Center for Women (pregnant, physically abused, and emotionally disturbed women among many others.) *This is not an option for those who did the Clinic in Project 3.
  • Option 3 – Rehabilitation Center (a transitional space to treat people with substance/drug abuse.)
  • Option 4 – Learning Facility for Young Displaced Children

Note: If you have started an open idea in week 7, further develop that concept to fit in a 4000-5000 sq. ft. space.

Assignment Overview

Based on your readings and research this past week, further develop the conceptual design you had for a culturally-sensitive urban community collective to address the needs of an impoverished community of users in the region that you selected in W7 Assignment. Your selected country should be one of the regions in RP4.

On your design poster, note the global design factors that informed the design context, such as cultural or religious influence, vernacular design elements, materials at site, environmental impact, color prevalent in the region, and the impact of the built environment on the entire human experience of this marginalized group.

Create a Schematic Design Poster

Create a conceptual, schematic design solution for a culturally-sensitive, urban community center for the region you started in W7 Assignment. Your given space is a total of 4000-5000 sq. ft. Go to (see link provided) for potential ideas of site (types of structures available that you can begin to work with; ex. a church to expand, a warehouse to serve as envelope of space for your idea, etc.).

The collective community design should address the spaces and services required to empower the local community. On your poster, identify and discuss with specific notes and goals, functional rooms, socioeconomic issues, most needed services, or spaces you will be including in your conceptual design.

Note: This design solution is only conceptually thematic, but you must still be concerned with dimensions and restrictions. The objective is to show creative ideas that represent the region you have researched. There is no limit to your creative freedom on this assignment! 

Include in your submission all your developed images, color-rendered sketches along with plans or diagrams and thorough notes to illustrate and describe your design in an architectural poster format. Add 3-4 rendered perspectives that will communicate your final design ideas. Your poster should clearly illustrate the cultural influence, symbolism, and elements that were included in your research and essay from W7 RP4 Assignment.

Expected outcomes:

  • Rationale and conceptual goals on the project.
  • Diagrammatic or scaled plans with some illustrative measurements.
  • Sketch development of your ideation process.
  • Rendered representations of interior views and functional rooms.
  • You are free to add an external view for reference.

Review the following presentation for tips on creating a design poster:

Poster Presentation

You can use any preferred software program (such as Microsoft PowerPoint, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, or Adobe Photoshop) to create the poster, but you must convert the final poster to a PDF prior to submitting it to the folder.

Review the following PDF for some tips:

Sketching Tips…

number 2 Global Design DD4

It has been examined and argued by social geographers that poverty and marginalization of communities are also the results of urban infrastructures and globalization. Some facts that can be synthesized are: urban infrastructure develops exclusion, the production and management of infrastructure use resources in disproportionate quantity and contributes to urban waste, globalization pushes the context of supply and demand, and oftentimes divide the distinctions in market economy and poverty lines, among many others. 

Question 1: What are your critical thoughts on the above premise? Should interior designers need to reflect on these issues? Why?

Question 2: If you have the opportunity to design any of the four options below for a Senior 2 project which is about 25,000 sq ft., how will you frame your design problem, design mission, and design solution?

  • Option 1 – Urban Community Skills Center (a place to provide training for acquiring new skills, and network hub for displaced people and donors/volunteers).
  • Option 2 – Birthing and Wellness Center for Women (pregnant, physically abused, and emotionally disturbed women among many others.) *This is not an option for those who did the Clinic in Project 3.
  • Option 3 – Rehabilitation Center (a transitional space to treat people with substance/drug abuse.)
  • Option 4 – Learning Facility for Young Displaced Children

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. MacMurray College Information Technology Course Reflection

Course Description

In this course, you will learn about the basic models and capabilities of standard database management systems (DBMS) packages. Included in the course is an overview of database principles, file-level models, data-level models, operation. The course also emphasizes implementation, maintenance and security considerations. You will study and use methods of DBMS selection and evaluation to implement the design for your proposed database project solution.

Course Objectives

Upon completion of this course:

1. Prepare students to think critically about the concepts of Database Systems and help students understand how to apply the theory and principles of Database and their management in the workplace

2. Understand the database management systems, with an emphasis on how to organize, and retrieve, efficiently, information from a DBMS.

3. Understand the process to select topics in design, implementation, and application of traditional and none traditional Database Systems for various type of data management.

Learner Outcomes

Understand the fundamental concepts necessary for designing, using and implementing database systems and database application.

Understanding of the current theory and practice of database management systems

Understand the concept of a Database transaction and related Database facilities, including concurrency control, journaling, backup and recovery.

Understand the role of the database administrator and conceptual model.

Implement a database project.

Now provide a reflection of at least 750 words (or 2.5 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories, and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Campbellsville University Blockchain Technology Discussion



In chapter 1, the author presents several use cases for blockchain technology. Describe the use case that aligns most closely with your current job role, including how blockchain technology would change things that you currently do in your job. If you are not working in a job role that aligns nicely with a use case presented in chapter 1, describe a job role that you would like to hold after finishing your degree program, and how blockchain technology may affect those job functions.


In chapter 4, the author describes four types of costs that blockchain technology can reduce. Which of the four cost types, if reduced through blockchain technology, would most impact the organization for which you currently work? What would be the most visible impact on your job role? How could you minimize any negative impact?

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. THS Engineering Properties of Determinants & Rank of A Matrix Question


Chapter 3: Higher-Order Differential Equations

3.1 Theory of Linear Equations 106

3.1.1 Initial-Value and Boundary-Value Problems 106

3.1.2 Homogeneous Equations 108

3.1.3 Nonhomogeneous Equations 113

3.2 Reduction of Order 117

3.3 Homogeneous Linear Equations with Constant Coefficients 120

3.4 Undetermined Coefficients 127

3.5 Variation of Parameters 136

3.6 Cauchy–Euler Equations 141

3.7 Nonlinear Equations 147

3.8 Linear Models: Initial-Value Problems 151

3.8.1 Spring/Mass Systems: Free Undamped Motion 

3.8.2 Spring/Mass Systems: Free Damped Motion 155

3.8.3 Spring/Mass Systems: Driven Motion 158

3.8.4 Series Circuit Analogue 161

3.9 Linear Models: Boundary-Value Problems 167

3.10 Green’s Functions 177

3.10.1 Initial-Value Problems 177

3.10.2 Boundary-Value Problems 183

3.11 Nonlinear Models 187

3.12 Solving Systems of Linear Equations 196 Chapter 3 in Review 203

Chapter 8: Matrices

8.1 Matrix Algebra 368

8.2 Systems of Linear Algebraic Equations 376

8.3 Rank of a Matrix 389

8.4 Determinants 393

8.5 Properties of Determinants 399

8.6 Inverse of a Matrix 405

8.6.1 Finding the Inverse 405

8.6.2 Using the Inverse to Solve Systems 411

8.7 Cramer’s Rule 415

8.8 The Eigenvalue Problem 418

8.9 Powers of Matrices 426

8.10 Orthogonal Matrices

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. AMPL Modeling Optimization Problems Questionnaire

AMPL ( is one of the most popular languages for modeling optimization problems. NEOS ( is an optimization server that allows users to submit their problems (in AMPL format and others) to a collection of solvers. A complete reference book on AMPL can be found here:

Problem 1.

———Download the following three unconstrained problems dqrtic.mod, eigenbls.mod, freuroth.mod, from Submit each of them to the bound constrained solver, L-BFGS-B, on NEOS. Report the following:b.1 Briefly explain the main algorithm of L-BFGS-B.b.2 Generate a table that lists the solution time (an estimate will do) and solution quality of the three problems.

Problem 2.

The Rastrigin Function is a highly nonlinear function with many local minima. A description of the function can be found at

——–Use L-BFGS-B (through NEOS) to solve the Rastrigin problem. Generate a table that lists the solution time and solution quality, for n = 10, 20, 50, 100, 1000, 10000. Compare their performance and discuss your observation. If a solver fails to return a solution for a problem instance, report “failed” in the table.

Engineering Homework Help