Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help. AMU Week 8 Essen Food Writing a Dialogue in German


I need an explanation for this Foreign Languages question to help me study.

Your dialogue must begin with an explanation in English of why your characters are using the Sie- or du-form in your dialogue.

The dialogue must be 20 lines long in German and include the following:

1. A greeting from each character in German.

2. Your dialogue must include three questions. Remember to start each question with a question word such as wie (how), was (what), warum (why), wie viel (how much), wo (where, as in a location), wohin (where to, as in, to where are you going) and woher (where from, as in, from where are you coming). Just as in English, the question words are always immediately followed by a verb, so be sure to use the correct word order.

3. Your dialogue must also include a waiter (der Kellner) or a waitress (die Kellnerin). Der Kellner oder die Kellnerin must ask you what you would like to order. Remember that the waiter or waitress is at work and does not consider you or your dining partner to be a close friend, so be sure to use the Sie-form when speaking to the waiter/waitress or being addressed by the waiter/waitress.

4. At the end of your meal, one of your characters must ask for the check. Remember that in Germany, the wait staff will not bring the check to your table until you ask for it. One character in your dialogue must ask for the check by saying: „Die Rechnung, bitte“.

5. At the end of your dialogue, remember to have the characters say goodbye to each other.

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help. Conjugacion De Verbos Escribe Sobre Tu Ciudad De Origen Español Práctica


Tu Vecindario

Using the Spanish you have learned from Rosetta Stone and this lesson, write about three places in your home town or city (Brooklyn , NY) that you frequent other than work:

1. Verrazano bridge,

2. Coney Island. 

3. The third place is in New Jersey – Grounds for sculptures. 

Where do you go and why? What is your favorite place to go? What are some landmarks in your neighborhood? Are there any special activities or festivities during the year? 

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help. Spanish Five Question Discussion


To begin this week’s discussion, answer these five questions in complete Spanish sentences:

  • ¿Qué familia tienes? (¿esposo/a, hijos, hermanos, padres)
  • ¿Cuántos años tienes?
  • ¿Cuántos años tienen los miembros de su familia?
  • ¿Cómo se llaman los miembros de su familia?
  • ¿Qué les gusta hacer?

Here is my example for guidance:

  • ¿Qué familia tienes? (¿esposo/a, hijos, hermanos, padres) Tengo esposo y dos hijas.
  • ¿Cuántos años tienes? Tengo cuarenta y dos años.
  • ¿Cuántos años tienen los miembros de tu familia? Mis hijas tienen ocho y dos años.
  • ¿Cómo se llaman los miembros de tu familia? Mis hijas se llaman Josie y Journey.
  • ¿Qué les gusta hacer? A mis hijas les gusta jugar y comer.

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help. Grossmont College Navigating O Brien’s Truth Together Discussion


Original POST due by Thursday, August 26, before 11:59 pm

REPLIES and EDITS/REVISIONS due by Monday, August 30 before 11:59 pm

This time, you must post before seeing your peers’ posts.

Part I: Review MLA

Part II: Post (30 points) Please number each requirement.

  1. How does Tim O’Brien define a true war story and what assumptions does he make in doing so? Identify and discuss at leastone assumption and provide a quote using MLA in-text citation to support your discussion. Be sure to take his contradictions into account and not to oversimplify his text. (approximately 75-200 words)
  2. Worldview is one’s philosophy of life, and it is comprised of the values, assumptions, and beliefs one holds. Drawing inferences based on your reading of O’Brien’s text, what is his worldview and how does it compare to your own? (approximately 75-200 words)
  3. For this question, I would like you to consider how a work of fiction, non-traditional fiction at that, can make an argument (later we will look at the poem as an argument). Is O’Brien making an argument and/or truth-seeking? Is he attempting to persuade his readers of something? If so, where on the continuum does his text fall? (use Figure 1.5 in our textbook, page 11) Again, he is writing a story and not a traditional essay, but we must not restrict our understanding of persuasion to nonfiction. (approximately 75-200 words)

Be sure to fully develop your posts, illustrating close reading of O’Brien’s powerful story and our textbook.

In addition, careful proofreading is a must–no “i” for “I.”

Part III: Reply (20 points)

Comprehensively respond to posts 1-3 for TWO of your peers (10 points each). Begin by introducing yourself, and remember, replies that start with “I like” rarely stimulate good conversation. If you agree or disagree with your peer, be sure to explain why. If you think your peer’s post is off-topic, help them to get back on track. As always, try to choose someone who has not yet received a reply, and please let CREED (Compassion, Respect, Empathy, Empowerment, and Dignity) guide your engagement with your peers. O’Brien’s text is powerful and there’s much to consider. I look forward to reading your posts and replies!

Tip: Number each response (1-3 for two peers) and write a full paragraph for each one, between 75-200 words.

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help. Spanish Language Film Return to Cuba Analytical Review


To earn points in this category, you may view a recent (made since 2000) feature-length film in Spanish, subtitled in English. Films must be viewed without commercial interruption, i.e. in a theater, on DVD, video, on demand, or a pay cable channel such as HBO or Showtime. The film must be viewed during the term in which you apply for points and this must be documented with a receipt or time and date of television showing.

NOTE: Movies originally released in English are not acceptable.  An HBO translation does not equate to a movie created in Spanish.

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help. Hodges University Orígenes Y Evolución Del Español Cuestionario



Utilizando las preguntas guías Contesta el siguiente cuestionario utilizando oraciones completas que formen párrafos. Ten en cuenta las letras mayúsculas, los signos de puntuación y la acentuación de las palabras según sea necesario.


  1. Cuáles fueron los grupos étnicos que se asentaron en la Hispania, que a través de la historia influenciaron en la lengua española. ¿Quiénes fueron y que aportaron a la cultura y la lengua? (
  1. Explique y defina de forma detallada lenguas prerromanas y lenguas romances. Establezca las diferencias entre ambas.
  2. Explique es el Mester de Juglaría y el Mester de Clerecía y de qué forma inciden en la evolución del español.
  3. Explique de qué forma la Real Academia Española de la Lengua incide sobre nuestro lenguaje. Cuando se funda, sus funciones e importancia.

Debe de incluir las referencias consultadas para contestar las preguntas.

Recursos de revisión

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help. Hispanic Themed Film Return To Cuba Analytical Review


To earn points in this category, you may a recent (made since 2000) feature-length film in English, which offers a realistic and culturally-appropriate depiction of some aspect of Hispanic culture or Hispanic life. These films must be viewed without commercial interruption, i.e. in a theater, on DVD, video, or a pay cable channel such as HBO or Showtime. The film must be viewed during the term in which you apply for points and this must be documented with a receipt or time and date of television showing. If unsure that the film you wish to view is appropriate, consult the instructor before viewing!

To receive full points, you must write a movie critique (min. 500 wds.), in which you present a thorough analysis of the film that you saw. Plot summaries are NOT acceptable. (See the page below entitled Film Critique for more information on criteria to use when writing a film critique.) This statement must be typed or word-processed, spell-checked, and double-spaced. 

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help. Campbell I Would Like to Develop My Communication Skills in Spanish Questions



1.Think about those words as you consider the areas of your life in which Hispanic culture has made an impact.For example, do you love Mexican food?Can you dance salsa, merengue, or tango?Can you play classical guitar pieces by Spanish composers?Do you listen to Latin singers? Do you exercise to Zumba?Then look around your own city or town.Where do you note Hispanic influence where you live? Does your city or town have Hispanic businesses, churches, newspapers, a TV station, festival? How can the Hispanic presence in your own neighborhood help you in your study of Spanish?

2. If you had the chance to study abroad, would you be interested in the Peruvian university profiled in the Salu2 episode? Why or why not? Although travel is restricted at the moment, check out the types of programs that Campbell normally offers as well as the virtual opportunities available at this time. If you were able to take advantage of one of Campbell’s study abroad offferings, which one would you choose and why? What would you look for in a study abroad program in general and what factors would influence your decision?Cost? Transfer credits?Length of stay?Type of lodging?Have you studied abroad already?If so, where? How was your experience? 3. Search other websites on Mayan textiles. What are your impressions? Have you see this workmanship before? If so, where? On the Internet? In boutiques? On TV or in movies? In museums or textile exhibits? In your travels? Do you have any such textiles? If so, would you care to tell us about it or post a photo? The Nota cultural on page 108 talks about traditional clothing of other Hispanic countries. Are you familiar with the items mentioned or traditional clothing of any other culture or foreign country? What articles of clothing do you think foreigners would consider typically American? 4.

Nicaragua is known as the land of lakes and volcanoes and says that the Izalco volcano is a symbol of El Salvador. Tourists can visit some of the volcanoes. In one of my mission trips to Nicaragua, I passed by the entrance to the Masaya volcano park and saw the smoking crater., search the web to find out more about the volcanoes mentioned or other volcanoes in these countries. Post the URL of any website that you found particularly informative or that had great photos. What did you discover that fascinated or surprised you? If given the opportunity would you hike to the Masaya volcano or another active volcano? Have you already visited any volcanoes, either active or dormant? How would you feel about living close to one?

Foreign Languages Homework Help