Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. University of Phoenix Information Technology Discussion Responses


1. Practices of information technology governance is Information Technology (IT), that governs the establishment of structures, principles, and practices that foster the alignment of IT initiatives. The purposes and objectives of the enterprise is to demonstrates framework that an organization can articulate its strategic plan and demonstrate the plan’s effectiveness relating to value delivery, resource and risk management, and performance measurement of IT resources. Part of your framework should consist of, operations, strategic, and technical. Among those 3 you have a framework of 6 entities which consist of the different committees (University of Texas, 2013).

The role of ethics in technology development is culture which is one factor because of globalization. Since many companies have gone abroad with their companies, there are different rules and regulations that have to be followed. International business are generally dealt with the laws of the land so international business laws need to be followed. Other issues arise from the diversity of business ethical traditions in various countries across the globe such as culture, religion, and tradition. Comparisons made on the basis of corruption rankings of a certain state or on the basis of gross domestic product of a certain economy can also lead to ethical issues in the international arena (“Ethics And Technology”, 2021).

According to “Developing Technology And Innovation”(ND), in order to develop a successful management of technology and innovation strategy, it is crucial that the organization be ready to put forth the effort. This requires agility because changes and adjustments to products and processes are filled with risk and uncertainty. Agility is demonstrably less efficient if it is going to be effective. Management of technology and innovation must balance short-term efficiency with long-term effectiveness in the market so the firm can add and make it in a changing environment. Strong capabilities are needed if the organization is going to be able to address the challenges of innovation with the dynamic competition.

First I will design the system and develop technology based opportunities to protect from threats so I will know if one is coming. Then identify communication needs and efficiently to turn data into information so that the right information can be available to make the best decision in a timely manner. Then i will develop my employees with training and learning opportunities so they will be ready for what ever comes their way. The more they know the better we can compete with the competition. Making sure they are trained on things like computers and the software that the company will be using (“Developing Technology And Innovation”, ND).

2.The role of ethics that is in the technology strategy development well tere isn’t the single code of the technology ethics that can fit into the contexts and practitioners that is organizations and professions even though that it can be develop explicit internal policies, procedures, guideline, and the practices which is the best in the activities and challenges but the specific codes of the practice that help shaping up by the reflecting on the 16 broad norms and the guidelines of the ethical practice and the keys to follow them: 1) Keep Ethics in the Spotlight—and Out of the Compliance Box, 2) Highlight the Human Lives and Interests behind the Technology, 3) Consider Downstream (and Upstream and Lateral) Risks for Technologies, 4) Don’t Discount Non-Technical Actors, Interests, and Expectations, 5) Envision the Technical Ecosystem, 6) Mind the Gap between User Expectations and Reality, 7) Avoid Hype and Myths around Technology, 8) Establish Chains of Ethical Responsibility and Accountability, 9) Treat Technology as a Conditional Good, 10) Practice Disaster Planning and Crisis Response, 11) Promote the Values of Autonomy, Transparency, and Trustworthiness, 12) Consider Disparate Interests, Resources, and Impacts, 13) Design for Privacy and Security, 14) Invite Diverse Stakeholder Input, 15) Make Ethical Reflection & Practice Standard, Pervasive, Iterative, and Rewarding, and 16) Model and Advocate for Ethical Tech Practice. However, most of the leaders from the organizations is no longer to be in enmeshed of the technology, no matter how the indstry or the sector that the leaders and the company doesn’t call themselves to the savvy that is if they wasn;t thinking about the ethical implications to their employees, customers, and others that is using the technology when using the technology or the ethical tech that is linked to the inextricably and the extension to the tech savviness. Over the year that Deloitte does have the multiple gobal quantitative of the studies that does meaning of the broader questions that is digtial transformation, attitudes toward the Fourth Indusrtial Revolution and the development of the technologies such as the AI that is specific during the studies that is does the few question which is the leaders is thinking about the ethical uses of the technology because, of the authors and the contributors to study on what we can be curious of the common themselves emergining of the respective data sets that does provide insight that doesn’t have to be the only technological progress but it needs the respect to the ethical tech. This data that is in the relationship between the company’s digital and technologies progress and some cases it’s the tech savviness and being focus on the various ethical issues to be related to the technology.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. University of Maryland University Programming Response


I’m working on a Programming question and need guidance to help me study.

2a. Provide a written response or audio narration in your video that (must not exceed 150 words)• Identifies the programming language (Alice)• Identified the purpose of the program and• Explains the video illustration

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. San Jose State University Binary Tree Exercises


Binary search tree data structures is a simpler design than normal tree data structures. A binary search tree node basically consists of a left and right node property, a parent node property, and an object type data value. Your objective is to build a binary tree with capabilities of being able to search for a node that contains a specific data value, adding of new binary tree nodes, and removal of binary tree nodes.

TO DO #1

Write a class that does the following as shown in main, and then build your binary search tree as needed.

public static void main(String args[]) {

// Go through the for loop and a build a tree based on the elements in the array

// Build the tree as you traverse the array in order

// When building a binary search tree, the first number in the list is typically the root

ArrayList<String> listOfNumbers = new ArrayList<Integer>(












// TO DO #2: Create your data object class (call the class ItemData). This class needs to

// have these 2 data properties:

// a) an array value

// b) the array value (above) plus the ASCII (capaital) decimal value of the first

// letter of your last name. This is a sum value. Let’s call it an encoded value.

// ASCII table can be found at:


// TO DO #3: Create your binary search tree node (call this class BSTNode)

// – research the power point slide and figure out how to create BST node

// TO DO #4: Cycle through the above array and build your binary search tree

// hint you need to perform add/insertion of a node

// TO DO #5: After you build the tree, do a search for the number 25, and when the BST node

// is found, print out the following:

// a) all of the properties of the ItemData object (there are only two)

// b) the ItemNode data of the left and right BST nodes

// TO DO #6: Search for an ItemData that doesn’t exist i.e. choose the number 100 for

// searching. If there isn’t a BST node with the ItemData that you are looking for,

// You should print out i.e. “100 not found”

// TO DO #7: Remove the BST node that contains the number 5 (this is a leaf node)

// TO DO #8: Print the current contents of the tree

// – you can get some ideas from the recursion method in the Week 16

// powerpoint slide called “Iteration”

// – see below link for the concept:


// – Which traversal do you think this power point slide is representing??

// You will print out the value in two ways

// a) the encoded property value (this is decribed in To Do #1)

// b) the actual array value assuming the decoding key is provided (this key is the

// first letter of your last name)

// ADD print statements to describe the flow of main. Make main to tell a story.


This is all of the hints/info you are getting. You will add whatever you think is needed for the classes above to make this work. It’s your design. It’s your creation but follow the minimum requirements mentioned in the TO DO list.

In a nutshell, you will write classes, and write code (in main) for each of the TO DO items; Basically you will be demonstrating the features of your application. You must write the code in the order described in the main method.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Java Language Project


1.  Declare an array to hold eight integers. Use a for loop to add eight random integers, all in the range from 50 to 100, inclusive, to this array. Duplicates are okay. Next, pass the array to a method that sorts the array and returns another array containing only the largest and smallest elements in the original array. Print these two values in main. Then use a foreach loop to display all elements of the sorted array on one line separated by a single space. This latter loop should also count the odd and even numbers in the array and determine the sum of all elements in the array.


The lowest element is 59

The highest element is 96

Here is the array

59 64 76 77 80 88 91 96 

Evens: 5, odds: 3

Total: 631

2. Write a method named sumInts that can take a variable number of int arguments (see page 264-265) and return the sum of these arguments. The ints to be summed up must be entered as command line arguments. Command line arguments can be simulated in Eclipse. Watch the video. In the main method, display the ints that were entered on the command line. Then execute sumInts and display the sum it returns.

Passing [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
Sum is 15

Passing [10, 20, 30]
Sum is 60

3. Create an ArrayList of strings to store the names of celebrities or athletes. Add five names to the list. Process the list with a for loop and the get() method to display the names, one name per line. Pass the list to a void method. Inside the method, Insert another name at index 2 and remove the name at index 4. Use a foreach loop to display the arraylist again, all names on one line separated by asterisks. After the method call in main, create an iterator for the arraylist and use it to display the list one more time. See Sample Output.


Here is the list

Lionel Messi



Dwayne Johnson


Here is the new list

* Lionel Messi * Drake * Taylor Swift * Adele * Beyonce

Using an iterator, here is the list

Lionel Messi


Taylor Swift



Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. A 2d convolutional layer as well as a vanilla RNN


We will be implementing a 2d convolutional layer as well as a vanilla RNN. I have already writen quite a bit of code, including some new layers that you may or may not find useful (which are already completed and functional). I have left it up to you to complete the backwards method for two layers. Please complete the uploaded two attachments by following the guidelines and requirements. I will send to you all material since we start the work. Please bid it if you can have confident to pass the three testing scripts.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Rutgers University SQL Codes Project


I’m working on a mysql exercise and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Files to submit:

You need to submit one pdf file with:

  • names of the members of the group;
  • the SQL codes of all questions in PDF format.


In this homework you will be using the same bookstore database as in the previous homework.

Create a MySQL query for each of the cases below. First run the code on MySQL Workbench, then copy the code to a Word file, and finnaly after you have all codes, convert the Word file to a PDF and submit it.

Assign aliases in the queries whenever necessary (please use a short name that briefly describes the information on the corresponding column).

1. For each order, list the order_numb, order_date, credit_card_numb, the corresponding customer first and last names, and customer phone.

2. Repeat query 1, but only showing orders that have been filled and that were placed before March 1, 2016.

3. Show all book titles ordered before March 1, 2016. Do not list any title more than once.

4. For each book, show the isbn, author, title, and quantity sold. Sort the books by quantity sold from largest to smallest. The number of books column should have the heading “units_sold”.

5. Find out the total number of orders that have not been shipped.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Colorado State University Cardiac Muscle Potential MathLab Task


what we have to learn (Learn how to use MATLAB for “function discovery”, the process of finding a mathematical equation that describes a set of empirical data. Use polyfit to find coefficients for polynomial fits and polyval to evaluate those fits.The usage of those functions is as follows:p = polyfit(x,y,n) fits a polynomial of degree n to data described by the vectors x and y, where x is the independent variable. Returns a row vector p of length n+1 that contains the polynomial coefficients in order of descending powers.y = polyval(p,x)evaluates a polynomial at specified values of its independent variable x. The polynomial’s coefficients of descending powers are stored in the array p. The result y is the same size as x.Fit higher order polynomials to data using polyfit and extrapolate to estimate y at different values of x.Calculate residuals or the coefficient of determination (R2), which are measures of the “goodness of fit” of the line.Understand the difference between “best fit” lines (regression), which do not go through every point, and interpolation, in which piece-wise curves (with different equations) are fit between every data point.Be able to fit data with both linear and cubic spines, using interp1 and spline.) I upload the question

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Database design


Database Design Project

For the final assignment of this course, you will analyze user needs to facilitate the development of a database using SQL server to track the software and hardware assigned to the employees of a given organization. The purpose of this database project is to facilitate the development of data models that can be translated into relational databases.

Organizations are legally required to track software and ensure that only legally procured software licenses are deployed. As a database architect, your task is to develop a database to track software and hardware for the ConstructCo Company. ConstructCo is a small construction company that employs 50 employees and owns over 80 desktop computers, laptops, and servers. You will be using the SQL Server environment provided during this course. This database will ultimately be used as a basis for a software license management tool to assist the company in tracking how the licenses and workstations/PCs are deployed throughout the organization

You must use the ConstructCo Database Design Project template downloadin the creation of your assignment. For each section of the template, include the content required as listed below.

Document History
The information in this section will be pre-populated in the template. The only required content will be your name in the “Revised By” column.

Executive Summary
Summarize the project parameters including a short description of each of the following sections: Conceptual Design, normalization phase, physical design, Data retrieval and connecting to online databases. There is a Sample of an Executive Summary (Links to an external site.)on the Writing Center website for your reference.

Conceptual design (ERD creation)
Review the feedback provided for your Week Two ERD Creation interactive assignment. Carefully review the ISM641 Database Design Project: Business Rules downloadand revise your Visio conceptual model (or entity-relationship diagram) for your database. Ensure that the following requirements are met.

Identify all entities and attributes

Identify all primary keys

Define all relationships between entities

Once the ERD is completed for your ConstructCO database project, you will create the Logical Data Model and check the model against 3rd Normal Form (3NF). For this phase of the project review your existing ERD feedback from your Week Three assignment where you converted your ERD into a Logical Data Model in 3NF. Using information from your Week Three assignment feedback revise your Logical Data Model. Describe the three normal forms and justify how each of your tables meets 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Normal Form utilizing a minimum of three professional sources to support your statements.

Physical Design
In Week Four, you created your database in the SQL server you were provided within your lab environment and translated this design into SQL server tables with appropriate fields. Select the appropriate data type for every field. The specific data type you select will depend on the size and range of the values that will be stored in the field.

Specify all primary keys as “identity” fields, and not as auto-increment.

After creating the tables, use the “insert” command to populate the tables with sample data for all the tables. (This will be affirmed in your SQL server in the lab environment.)

Data Retrieval
Provide select statements to satisfy the following data requests.

List all available laptops assigned laptops to managers.

List all available named licenses.

List the workstations that are over three years old (from the date of purchase) and assigned to leads.

List the name of the leads, workstation IDs, and location.

List the names of all the leads in the operations department.

List all the workstations with an amount of disk space less that the average disk space available in all workstations.

List the names of all managers with employees who have not been assigned a workstation.

Include screen shots of the SQL statements used to perform each step as well as the result sets resulting from the execution of the SQL statements. Describe what you did to complete each step.

Connect Online Databases with Front-End Interfaces
In order to connect the database with the front-end interface you will modify the Java code provided on the Connection URL Sample ( website to retrieve the list of all workstations assigned to managers. The output must include the first name, last name, and department of the managers as well as the workstation ID and date of purchase.

Modify the Java Code to insert new workstation record in the workstations table if provided with the WorkstationID, type, location, purchase date, memory, disk space and CPU speed.
Include the modified code by copying and pasting the code as plain text at the bottom of this section.

The Database Design Project

Must be 15 to 20 double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Writing Center (Links to an external site.).

Must include a separate title page with the following:

oTitle of paper

oStudent’s name

oCourse name and number

oInstructor’s name

oDate submitted

Must document any outside resources used in APA style

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. CUNY JJCCJ Programming Language


In this series of programming assignments, you would go through the step-by-step design process of a simple computer (along with its Instruction Set Architecture) and develop a software emulator for this machine. You would then complete the series by developing an assembler that can assemble a simple program written in using the instruction set to machine code, which is executed by the emulator. For the first assignment, your job is set up the basis for internal data representation in the CPU, namely the bits and the word. While Java provides bit-manipulation capabilities using bitwise operators (&, |) and bit-shifts (<<,>>), those bit manipulations are to be done within some form of an integer (byte, short, int or long). However, Java’s lack of support for unsigned integer type comes as an impediment to having full control for our own algorithms for bit-level arithmetic implemented. The next best option is to use the “boolean” data type, where we can use the “true” value for a “1” and “false” value for a “0”. (Internally, Java uses a whole byte for storing these two possible values, because a byte is the smallest storage allocation possible for storing a variable. One can also use a byte-sized integer, which is going to take the same space, but the handling the exception when any value other than 0 or 1 is set becomes the programmer’s burden.) A single bit, by itself, is not very useful. In order to represent values and addresses, we need multiple bits. For the machine that we are emulating, we will be using a 32-bit value for both addresses and values. A word is an indexed collection of bits (like an array), originally fitting the size that the machine “natively” works on. Along the history of computing, a word became 16 bits. A 32-bit collection of bits was then named as “long-word” (Similarly, 64-bit is “quad-word”). The BitSet class in java.util package, designed for representing a set using a bit-vector, can be repurposed for our need. It is much more space-efficient in that it uses only one bit internally for each bit/boolean value stored in an array of long (64-bit) integers. To satisfy our need for 32 bit/boolean values, just a single-element array suffices as that single long integer can pack up to a maximum of 64 bit/boolean values. Moreover, most of the operations we need to perform on our machine’s long-word are easily implemented using the built-in methods of the BitSet class, often using simple wrappers. For our 32-bit machine word, the LongWord class implementation must follow these specifications: 1. The LongWord class must be a new class that does not inherit from (i.e., extend) any other class (i.e., it implicitly extends only the Java Object class). 2. A LongWord object must have a bit-vector (indexed collection of bits) as part of its data field, to be implemented using the Java BitSet class, storing the 32 bits of the long-word. Treat the 0th bit of the bit-vector as the least significant and the 31st bit as the most significant bits. For the sake of preserving consistency across the class, you may not use any other storage mechanism. Do not forget to import java.util.BitSet in your source code. 3. You must create the API for your class by implementing the following methods: a) At creation, every bit of a LongWord object must be initialized to “0”. Follow the BitSet class documentation to figure out anything you need to do in the constructor to ensure this. b) Override default toString method of Java objects, also being careful not to make use of the default toString method of the BitSet data field, which only lists the bit-indexes (for which the boolean/bit value is true/1) in the set notation. Instead, the printable string form should have all the 32 bits listed as 0/1 with the most significant bit in the leftmost position and the least significant bit placed at the rightmost. You may like to group them by 4 or 8 bits with a space in between. This should be followed by a tab (‘t’) as delimiter and the equivalent 8 hex digits for the binary pattern prefixed by 0x, indicating that what follows are hex digits. A typical string representation may look like the following: 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 0xaaaaaaaa You must use @Override annotation to make the compiler enforce overriding of toString. @Override String toString(); // returns a string of 0’s and 1’s // followed by equivalent hex notation c) Implement the following public bitwise accessors and mutators: boolean getBit(int i) // Get bit i as a boolean void setBit(int i) // set bit i (set to true/1) void clearBit(int i) // clear bit i (reset to false/0) void toggleBit(int i) // toggles (flips) bit i d) Implement the following public accessors and mutators for the whole long-word: int getSigned(); // returns the value of this long-word as an int long getUnsigned(); // returns the value of this long-word as a long void set(int value); // set the value of the bits of this long-word // (used for testing only) void copy(LongWord other) // copies the values of the bits from // another long-word into this one Note that the bit-pattern representing the largest unsigned 32-bit integer has a 1 in the most significant 31st bit and Java will interpret it as negative, if the integer is left as an int. Thus we need a long as the return type for getUnsigned. e) Implement the following public methods for bit shift operations: LongWord shiftLeftLogical(int amount); // left-shift this long-word by // amount bits (padding with 0’s), creates a new long-word LongWord shiftRightLogical(int amount); // right-shift this long-word // by amount bits (padding with 0’s), creates new long-word LongWord shiftRightArithmetic(int amount);// right-shift this long-word // by amount bits (sign-extending), creates a new long-word f) Implement the following public methods for bitwise logical operations: LongWord not(); // negate this LongWord, creating another LongWord and(LongWord other); // and two LongWords, returning a third LongWord or(LongWord other); // or two LongWords, returning a third LongWord xor(LongWord other); // xor two LongWords, returning a third Note that all four of these operations are on the corresponding bit-vector field in the LongWord, and the BitSet class implementing the bit-vector already has them implemented as its methods. You are free to decide whether to use them or not. g) Implement the following public method to check if a long-word has all 0-bits: boolean isZero() // returns true if all bits are 0’s in this long-word Unlike what is actually done in hardware, you may use loops to implement the same operation done on each bit. You may extract the bits as boolean using getBit and invoke normal boolean operators or use BitSet build-in methods to operate on multiple bits where appropriate. You must validate inputs where appropriate. For getSigned and getUnsigned, the wrong way is to convert to a string and then call the method Integer.parseInt on it. Do not take this route. Instead, use the powers of two: the rightmost bit is worth 0 or 1. The next bit is worth 0 or 2; the next is 0 or 4, and so on. You could use Math.Pow() for this, but since it is always multiplying by 2, it is easy to keep a “factor” and iteratively multiply by 2 or shift bits. Consider (by hand), we will convert 1010 to integer: rightmost is 0. 0 * 1 is 0. Add that to a sum (0). Factor is 1*2 = 2. next is 1. 1 * 2 is 2. Add that to the sum (2). Factor is 2*2 = 4. next is 0. 0 * 4 is 0. Add that to the sum (2). Factor is 4*2 = 8. next (and last) is 1. 1 * 8 is 8. Add that to the sum (10). Factor is 8*2 = 16. Answer is sum (10). Setting bits should use the same logic, but backwards. Given an integer, you should perform the above algorithm backwards to determine which bits should be set to make the longword have the input value. You can also start from the leftmost bit. Think about how to proceed! Another caution if you intend to convert a BitSet object to long using toLongArray and have later plans to re-convert to BitSet using valueOf. This may have some very unexpected program behavior with exceptions being thrown, especially when the long-word contain an all-zero bit-vector. Because BitSet is designed for representing a set, this implies an empty set with zero cardinality. Consequently, many iteration over bits keep failing, causing the exceptions. You must provide a test file ( that implements a void runTests method. Each method of the LongWord class must be tested in These tests can throw an exception on failure, print expected and actual values or print “pass” or “fail”, for example. The tests must be adequate to prove that your LongWord class really works. These tests must be independent of each other, i.e., you do not want one failed test to cause another failed test to occur. Also, there must be reasonable coverage. You cannot possibly test all 4 billion possible long-words, but you can test a few representative samples, including special ones such as 0, -1, largest magnitude signed and unsigned integers, etc. Your main method should call runTests on TestLongWord. There should be output that allows a TA/grader to determine that the tests pass or fail. They may also have a battery of tests that they will run.

Programming Homework Help