Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Instruction Level Simulator for A Single Cycle Mips Processor in C++ Project


Implement an instruction-level simulator for a single cycle MIPS processor in C++. The simulator supports a subset of the MIPS instruction set and can model the execution of each instruction.

Skeleton Code

The file “MIPS.cpp” contains a skeleton code for the assignment. You need to fill in the missing code. In this section, we provide descriptions for each of the components in the skeleton code.


   We have defined four C++ classes that each implement one of the four major blocks in a single cycle MIPS machine, namely RF (to implement the register file), ALU (to implement the ALU), INSMem (to implement instruction memory), and DataMem (to implement data memory).

Main Function

The main function defines a 32 bit program counter (PC) that is initialized to zero. The MIPS simulation routine is carried out within a while loop. In each iteration of the while loop, you will fetch one instruction from the instruction memory, and based on the instruction, make calls to the register file, ALU and data memory classes (in fact, you might need to make two calls to the register file class, once to read and a second time to write back). Finally you will update the PC so as to fetch the next instruction. When the halt instruction is fetched, you are to break out of the while loop and terminate the simulation.

What You Have to Submit

  1. We      have provided skeleton code in the file MIPS.cpp. Finish the code.  
  • A Makefile has been provided for you to compile the source code. 
  • We are working on setting up a server for development as was requested.
  • You can compile your design by typing “make” which would create the MIPS executable. Run the executable using “./MIPS” command.
  • You are welcome to write your own Makefile to compile the code (for example, if you add new header files etc) but in this case you must include a “howto.txt” file explaining how to compile your submitted source code. 
  • Code that does not compile will automatically be given a 0.
  • You are free to use whatever development environment you want, but you must upload your code with a working makefile.
  • We have provided “imem.txt” and “dmem.txt” files containing a sample code (loading two variables and adding them) and initialized data. These files must be in the same directory as the source code.
  • We encourage you to write your own MIPS programs and check your design for different cases. 

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. ME 120 California State University Sacramento Equivalent Equations Exercises


In the piping system shown above, 60 degree F water flows from point 1 to the valve and exits to the atmosphere. Point 1 is 31 feet below the valve outlet. The vertical section of pipe from point 1 to the elbow is 30 feet while the horizontal section of pipe is 50 feet. All pipe has inner diameter 2″ and equivalent roughness of 0.0025 feet. The elbow has loss coefficient KL = 0.5 while for the valve KL = 4.2.

Use the equation (p/γ + v2/2g + z)2 = (p/γ + v2/2g + z)1 + hS – hL or an equivalent equation to find the required pressure at point 1 (in psi gage pressure) for 64 gallon per minute flow from point 1 to the valve outlet (1 ft3 = 7.48 gallons). You can assume the water speed at the valve exit is the same as the speed at point 1.

Your steps should include calculation of the flow Reynolds number, the pipe friction factor and the head losses (or pressure drops) due to pipe and fittings.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Southern New Hampshire University Information Security Discussion


Many organizations still do not have dedicated information security staff, although that is rapidly changing. Depending on the size of an organization, there could be a single employee who is responsible for maintaining and enhancing the organization’s security posture. This would also include basic operations, security checks, and user education and training, among many other responsibilities. This is typical of small organizations that do not have the resources necessary to stand up a full team of information security professionals. Larger organizations are typically better equipped to establish and maintain a dedicated information security staff. As you will see throughout this module, security professionals are often not embedded within an organization’s IT department.

For your initial post, consider the benefits of having dedicated roles within a security team versus having individual employees who must be jacks of all trades when it comes to improving an organization’s information security posture. Should you reference any internal or external resource, remember to cite your sources appropriately.

In your initial post, address the following:

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a dedicated security team?
  • Select a role that was noted in the module resources that is of interest to you. If you are aware of other information security roles that were not discussed in the module resources, be sure to find a reference and cite it within your post.
  • Explain your selected role and how that role supports and enhances security posture within an organization.

In response to two of your peers, build on each original poster’s claims, and answer the following:

  • Do you believe that each of your peers’ selected roles would be a better fit for a small organization or a large one? Why?

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. MAT 243 SNHU Statistical Techniques to Address Research Problems Chicago Bulls Report



In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency:

  • Apply statistical techniques to address research problems


You are a data analyst for a basketball team. You have found a large set of historical data, and are working to analyze and find patterns in the data set. The coach of the team and your management have requested that you use descriptive statistics and data visualization techniques to study distributions of key variables associated with the performance of different teams. Data-driven analytics will help the management make decisions to further improve your team’s performance. You will use the Python programming language to perform your statistical analysis. You will also need to present a report of your findings to the team’s management. Since the managers are not data analysts, you will need to interpret your findings and describe their practical implications. The managers will use your report to find areas where the team can improve its performance.

Note: This data set has been “cleaned” for the purposes of this assignment.


FiveThirtyEight. (April 26, 2019). FiveThirtyEight NBA Elo dataset. Kaggle. Retrieved from…


For this project, you will submit the Python script you used to make your calculations and a summary report explaining your findings.

  1. Python Script: To complete the tasks listed below, open the Project One Jupyter Notebook link in the Assignment Information module. Your project contains the NBA data set and a Jupyter Notebook with your Python scripts. In the notebook, you will find step-by-step instructions and code blocks that will help you complete the following tasks:
    • Choose and create a data visualization.
    • Calculate descriptive statistics including mean, median, min, max, variance, and standard deviation.
    • Construct confidence intervals for a population proportion and a population mean.
  2. Summary Report: Once you have completed all the steps in your Python script, you will create a summary report to present your findings. Use the provided template to create your report. You must complete each of the following sections:
    • Introduction: Set the context for your scenario and the analyses you will be performing.
    • Data Visualization: Identify and interpret your chosen data visualization.
    • Descriptive Statistics: Identify and interpret measures of central tendency and variability.
    • Confidence Intervals: Identify and interpret the lower and upper limits of confidence intervals.
    • Conclusion: Summarize your findings and explain their practical implications.

What to Submit

To complete this project, you must submit the following:

Python Script

Your Jupyter Notebook Python script contains all the statistical analyses you completed for this project. You downloaded your work as an HTML file. Review the file to make sure that every step and all your outputs are included. Submit the HTML file as part of your submission. Review the Jupyter Notebook in Codio Tutorial in the Supporting Materials section if you need help.

Summary Report Zip File Word Document

Use the provided template to create your summary report. The template contains guiding questions to help you complete each section. Be sure to remove these questions before submitting your report. Your summary report should be submitted as a 3- to 5-page Microsoft Word document. It should include an APA-style cover page and APA citations for any sources used. Use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins.

Supporting Materials

The following resource(s) may help support your work on the project:

Document: Jupyter Notebook in Codio Tutorial PDF
This tutorial will help you become familiar with the Jupyter Notebook interface. You will learn how to open, complete, save, and download your Jupyter Notebook for this project.

Shapiro Library: APA Style Guide
This guide will help you format your cover page and references according to APA style. You are not required to use external resources for this project. However, if you do use any resources, you must cite them in APA format.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. SNHU Confidence Intervals & Level of Significance Python Script Programming Exercise


  • 3-2 Jupyter Notebook (Discussion Prep)External Learning ToolTask: View this topicThis activity will take you to the Jupyter Notebook containing the Python scripts for your Module Three discussion. It is highly recommended that you read through the discussion prompt before completing your work in this notebook. When you are finished completing and running the Python scripts, begin work on your initial discussion post.Note: This task is not graded, but you will be required to attach your completed Jupyter notebook to your discussion post in the next activity.
  • 3-3 Discussion: Confidence Intervals and Hypothesis TestingDiscussion TopicTask: Reply to this topic
    Starts May 15, 2021 10:59 PM

    Use the link in the Jupyter Notebook activity to access your Python script. Once you have made your calculations, complete this discussion. The script will output answers to the questions given below. You must attach your Python script output as an HTML file and respond to the questions below.In this discussion, you will apply the statistical concepts and techniques covered in this week’s reading to calculate a confidence interval and perform hypothesis testing for a manufacturing process.The manufacturing process at a factory produces ball bearings that are sold to automotive manufacturers. The factory wants to estimate the average diameter of a ball bearing that is in demand to ensure that it is manufactured within the specifications. Suppose they plan to collect a sample of 50 ball bearings and measure their diameters to construct a 90% and 99% confidence interval for the average diameter of ball bearings produced from this manufacturing process.The sample of size 50 was generated using Python’s numpy module. This data set will be unique to you, and therefore your answers will be unique as well. Run Step 1 in the Python script to generate your unique sample data. Check to make sure your sample data is shown in your attachment.In your initial post, address the following items. Be sure to answer the questions about both confidence intervals and hypothesis testing.

    1. In the Python script, you calculated the sample data to construct a 90% and 99% confidence interval for the average diameter of ball bearings produced from this manufacturing process. These confidence intervals were created using the Normal distribution based on the assumption that the population standard deviation is known and the sample size is sufficiently large. Report these confidence intervals rounded to two decimal places. See Step 2 in the Python script.
    2. Interpret both confidence intervals. Make sure to be detailed and precise in your interpretation.

    It has been claimed from previous studies that the average diameter of ball bearings from this manufacturing process is 2.30 cm. Based on the sample of 50 that you collected, is there evidence to suggest that the average diameter is greater than 2.30 cm? Perform a hypothesis test for the population mean at alpha = 0.01.In your initial post, address the following items:

    1. Define the null and alternative hypothesis for this test in mathematical terms and in words.
    2. Report the level of significance.
    3. Include the test statistic and the P-value. See Step 3 in the Python script. (Note that Python methods return two tailed P-values. You must report the correct P-value based on the alternative hypothesis.)
    4. Provide your conclusion and interpretation of the results. Should the null hypothesis be rejected? Why or why not?

    In your follow-up posts to other students, review your peers’ calculations and provide some analysis and interpretation:

    1. How do their confidence intervals compare with yours?
    2. If the population standard deviation is unknown and the sample size is not sufficiently large, would you still use the Normal distribution to calculate these confidence intervals, or would you choose another distribution? If the latter, which distribution would you choose?

    Remember to attach your Python output and respond to all questions in your initial and follow-up posts. Be sure to clearly communicate your ideas using appropriate terminology. Finally, be sure to review the Discussion Rubric to understand how you will be graded on this assignment.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. UCM Implementing Lean Six Sigma in The Financial and Insurance Industry PPT


Introduction – The introduction is a general narration of the study leading to the research question. The research question is the specific direction of the research. The narrative of this section is to direct the developer toward the focus of the study.

Value of study – This section should/will discuss why the study is valuable. It should tell the value to the researcher (other than receiving a graduate degree), and why it could be of value to others in the same and different ways. Values are generally written in paragraph form rather than listed.

Need for study – This section is devoted to identifying the benefits to be had by identifying the expected knowledge to be revealed by this research, who will benefit, and why it should be completed. What will be the benefits to the current pool of knowledge or how can society be improved with this knowledge. When this study is completed what void in the body of knowledge will be filled. The section should be written in paragraph form and discussed in detail. The need helps the writer to improve their focus on the problem.

Definitions of terms – Complete statement preceding the term which identifies why it is in this research document. Generally, a term should have one of three reasons for being used: (1) When a generally accepted definition is not evident; (2) When a generally accepted term is used differently; or (3) When a new term is coined. This section is not always included in research. However, it helps to clarify the research language.

Each term is listed separately in a paragraph side heading and the topic cannot be part of the definition.

This section should also be used to identify any acronym to be used in the prospectus and final report.

The statement of the problem – The problem will generally tell what the study intends to do in two ways: First, it should describe the ultimate goal; and secondly, it should specifically list the viewpoints from the ultimate goals to be achieved. Sometimes it briefly describes what, where, and with whom the research applies. The statement of the problem also describes the control and experimental nature of the research. The termination of this section will be the research question, stated as a question(s) and hypothesis.

The Research Question(s) – The research question(s), are the specific

reason of conducting the research. It will focus on the problem in question form.

Hypothesis – This section is not always used. The purpose of this section is

to provide the answer(s) to the research question as speculated by the Researcher. At this point in the development of the prospectus, the hypothesis is the Researcher?s answer to the research question. Later to proven or disproved by collected date or evidence.

Delimitations – Should include those things the study will not attempt to do. Certain things will be outside the parameters of the study of investigation. Sometimes completed in listed form and proceeded by the following or a similar statement:

The following delimitations are offered, not to the extent of limiting the study, but to help give additional focus on the research. These ground rules were applied during the course of this study:1) first item, 2) second item

Assumption – This section is not always used. However, when used, should assist in the attempt to further draw the readers attention to statements relating to the research question/hypothesis section, upon which the reader and researcher must agree at the onset of the study. Form should be as follows:

The following assumptions were considered of basic importance to the success of the study:1) First statement, 2) Second statement.

Review of related literature

This section varies according to the nature of the problem. It generally brings the reader up-to-date by providing an evolutionary sketch and/or information concerning what is already known about the problem. No data can be put in the review that will also be used in later chapters. It is written in paragraph form with an introductory section, a developmental section, and closing paragraphs.

Method of study

Procedures for experimental and survey techniques usually differ from those of documentary. What major family of research methodology will be employed to complete the research? Identification of areas for the location and of data. Where does the information reside? How do we intend to obtain the information? Characteristics parts discussed for these techniques are as follows:

Population (Specimen if not people)

This section of the procedures should include a complete description of the population or specimen to be used in this study. Several typical questions should be answered and then structured into proper sentences and paragraph form:

What people or specimens (description)? How located? How selected?  How many? How grouped and used?

Instruments and/or Apparatus to be Used

This section of the procedures should include a complete description of each instrument and/or apparatus to be used. Several typical questions should be answered and then properly structured in sentence and paragraph form.

Description of each instrument and /or apparatus.

What data or information will derive?

How developed or obtained?

Validity or reliability?

How used?

Statistical Analysis

This section should include a complete description of the following three items:

A description of each individual or group comparison to be made.

An identification of each statistical procedure to be used (including formulas).

The critical limits or levels of confidence acceptable on the total study of each individual comparison.

Research Plan

This section should include a “step by step” or sequential plan of attack for the entire study. Each item or step should be listed form the beginning to the end, placed in its proper sequence, and then written in the proper sequence and paragraph form. In other words, it is when will what?be done type of discussion.

Time-on-Task Analysis

This section should include a time schedule or time budget to complete the identified research by the proposed deadline (end of semester). The proposal may use a bar chart or CPM diagram to illustrate these events.

Results and Findings 

Summary, Conclusions, and recommendations 

Since students don’t collect data in this course, no actual results in Chapters 4 and 5. You’ll write these 2 chapters from your anticipation; what you think it might occur in your findings and present the acceptable recommendation. Chapters 4&5 can be in 2-4 pages long.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. The Insurance and Financial Businesses Comprehend Risk Essay



Abstract – a summary of important topics and all chapters, must be in one page.

Contents – chapters and topics with page number.

Introduction/Statement of Problems

Introduction – The introduction is a general narration of the study leading to the research question. The research question is the specific direction of the research. The narrative of this section is to direct the developer toward the focus of the study.

Value of study – This section should/will discuss why the study is valuable. It should tell the value to the researcher (other than receiving a graduate degree), and why it could be of value to others in the same and different ways. Values are generally written in paragraph form rather than listed.

Need for study – This section is devoted to identifying the benefits to be had by identifying the expected knowledge to be revealed by this research, who will benefit, and why it should be completed. What will be the benefits to the current pool of knowledge or how can society be improved with this knowledge. When this study is completed what void in the body of knowledge will be filled. The section should be written in paragraph form and discussed in detail. The need helps the writer to improve their focus on the problem.

Definitions of terms – Complete statement preceding the term which identifies why it is in this research document. Generally, a term should have one of three reasons for being used: (1) When a generally accepted definition is not evident; (2) When a generally accepted term is used differently; or (3) When a new term is coined. This section is not always included in research. However, it helps to clarify the research language.

Each term is listed separately in a paragraph side heading and the topic cannot be part of the definition.

This section should also be used to identify any acronym to be used in the prospectus and final report.

The statement of the problem – The problem will generally tell what the study intends to do in two ways: First, it should describe the ultimate goal; and secondly, it should specifically list the viewpoints from the ultimate goals to be achieved. Sometimes it briefly describes what, where, and with whom the research applies. The statement of the problem also describes the control and experimental nature of the research. The termination of this section will be the research question, stated as a question(s) and hypothesis.

The Research Question(s) – The research question(s), are the specific

reason of conducting the research. It will focus on the problem in question form.

Hypothesis – This section is not always used. The purpose of this section is

to provide the answer(s) to the research question as speculated by the Researcher. At this point in the development of the prospectus, the hypothesis is the Researcher’s answer to the research question. Later to proven or disproved by collected date or evidence.

Delimitations – Should include those things the study will not attempt to do. Certain things will be outside the parameters of the study of investigation. Sometimes completed in listed form and proceeded by the following or a similar statement:

The following delimitations are offered, not to the extent of limiting the study, but to help give additional focus on the research. These ground rules were applied during the course of this study:1) first item, 2) second item

Assumption – This section is not always used. However, when used, should assist in the attempt to further draw the readers attention to statements relating to the research question/hypothesis section, upon which the reader and researcher must agree at the onset of the study. Form should be as follows:

The following assumptions were considered of basic importance to the success of the study:1) First statement, 2) Second statement.

Review of related literature

This section varies according to the nature of the problem. It generally brings the reader up-to-date by providing an evolutionary sketch and/or information concerning what is already known about the problem. No data can be put in the review that will also be used in later chapters. It is written in paragraph form with an introductory section, a developmental section, and closing paragraphs.

The topic is implementing Lean Six Sigma in the financial and insurance industry.

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Campbellsville University Impacts of Social Media on Business Communication Paper


Topic: impacts of social media on business communication


Discussion Question 3- CLO 3, CLO 4, CLO 10

Use the article you chose in the Week 2 Discussion and describe the following:

? The problem stated in the article 

? The purpose of the study

?Alignment of the purpose with the identified problem

Please note that some of the papers you read may not be organized in the same sequence as it comes in the prospectus.

In addition to the textbook, include a minimum of two (2) scholarly references and cite them within the text of your discussion.

Respond to at least one peer enhancing the collaborative learning environment.


Activity 3-CLO 3, CLO 4, CLO 10 

Complete the following sections of your Potential Prospectus:

  • Problem Statement (unresolved problems of theoretical and/or practical significance in the domain covered in the background of the study section). 
    • State the general problem you identified through reading the literature.
    • Based on some of the literature reviewed for the background of the study, and given what other researchers are exploring, what meaningful gap have you identified that your study will address.
    • State the specific problem you are going to study for addressing the identified gap.
  • Purpose of the Study (declaration of the intent of the study, which should be aligned with the problem statement).
  • Develop the purpose of your proposed study and start by using terms such as “The purpose of this”:
    • Qualitative study is to explore, understand, describe,…….
    • Quantitative study is to examine, analyze, predict,……
  • For mixed methods studies, both terminologies are used

Engineering Homework Help