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Other Homework Help. CRJ 220 Strayer University Ethics and Leadership Discussion


  • Read Chapter 2 of your textbook and watch The Ethics of Virtue [Video], paying close attention to the Six Pillars of Character endorsed by the Center for American and International Law. Choose three characters you believe are essential in leading an ethical life as a law enforcement personnel and discuss why you chose those three.
  • List and explain two ways virtue ethics assist law enforcement in moral dilemmas.
  • Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. WU Health Behavior Theories Presentation



For this Performance Task Assessment, you will create a presentation that can be used to educate new health professionals about health behavior theories and models used in professional practice.

Submission Length: 15-slide narrated PowerPoint presentation

Professional Skills: Written Communication, Information Literacy and Technology are assessed in this Competency.

Your response to this Assessment should:

  • Reflect the criteria provided in the Rubric.
  • Adhere to the required assignment length.

This Assessment requires submission of one (1) document, a PowerPoint presentation on health behavior theories and models. Save this file as HB2002_firstinitial_lastname (for example, HB2002_J_Smith).

When you are ready to upload your completed Assessment, use the Assessment tab on the top navigation menu.


Before submitting your Assessment, carefully review the rubric. This is the same rubric the assessor will use to evaluate your submission and it provides detailed criteria describing how to achieve or master the Competency. Many students find that understanding the requirements of the Assessment and the rubric criteria help them direct their focus and use their time most productively.

Health Behavior Theory Assessment

The director of the health center where you work requests that you prepare an engaging presentation for new health educators that provides an overview of the most commonly used health behavior theories and models in professional practice. The purpose of the presentation is to help prepare health educators so they can create health messages and strategies to promote behavior change in the community.

The PPT Presentation must include the following theories and models in this order:

  1. Intrapersonal Theories:
    • Health Belief Model
    • Theory of Planned Behavior
    • Transtheoretical Model
  2. Interpersonal Theories:
    • Social Cognitive Theory
  3. Community Theories:
    • Diffusion of Innovation
    • Social Marketing or Social Ecological Model


To complete the PowerPoint presentation, you will create 15 slides (which include the title and reference slides) and then record yourself narrating the content of the slides (audio only). The presentation should contain talking points in the “Speaker Notes” section of the PPT, which will be the narration script for the slides. Reading from the script (speaker notes) will help you stay on track and make your recorded presentation more professional. It also complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) guidelines for recorded presentations. Note: A live audience is not required for the presentation.

Tutorials on how to create a PowerPoint presentation can be found in the Walden Writing Center at: https://academicguides.waldenu.edu/ASC/skillbuilder/recordingsarchive

Tutorial on how to add audio to a PowerPoint presentation can be found at: https://support.office.com/en-us/article/record-a-slide-show-with-narration-and-slide-timings-0b9502c6-5f6c-40ae-b1e7-e47d8741161c

Tutorials on how to add to the “Speaker Notes” section can be found in the Walden Writing Center at: https://support.office.com/en-us/article/add-speaker-notes-to-your-slides-26985155-35f5-45ba-812b-e1bd3c48928e

Your PowerPoint presentation should include the following slide sections:

SLIDE 2: Using Theory to Change Health Behavior

1. In your own words, provide a definition of each of the key terms: theory, model, concept, construct, and variable..

2. Briefly explain the importance of using theory in professional practice to change health behavior.

SLIDES 3–8: Overview of Intrapersonal Theories

  • 1.Use two (2) slides for each theory or model to provide the following information:
    • A brief overview of the main concept of the theory or model.
    • A brief overview of the constructs of the theory or model.
    • Examples (at least 2) example from an existing health promotion or public health program that demonstrates how the theory or model (or its constructs) has been used to explain or change a health behavior. An example of each intrapersonal theory can be found in the peer-reviewed article at the end of each Chapter in the textbook.
  • 2. Provide talking points in the “Speaker Notes” section for each slide.
  • 3.There is no narration time requirement for each slide; however, you must FULLY address the required information provided under the first bullet above.
  • 4. Appropriately cite content on the slides from the Module Resources and be sure to include the source on the Reference slide (slide 15).
  • SLIDES 9–10: Overview of an Interpersonal Theory

  • 1. Provide the following information:
    • A brief overview of the main concept of the theory or model.
    • A brief overview of the constructs of the theory or model.
    • Examples (at least 2) from existing health promotion or public health programs that demonstrate how the theory or model (or its constructs) has been used to explain or change a health behavior. These can be found in the peer-reviewed journals at the end of each textbook Chapter.
  • 2.Provide talking points in the “Speaker Notes” section for each slide.
  • 3.There is no narration time requirement for each slide; however, you must FULLY address the required information provided under the first bullet above.
  • 4. Appropriately cite content on the slides from the Module Resources and be sure to include the source on the Reference slide (slide 15)
  • SLIDES 11–14: Overview of Community Theories

  • 1. Use 2 slides for each theory or model to provide the following information:
    • A brief overview of the main concept of the theory or model.
    • A brief overview of the constructs of the theory or model.
    • Examples (at least 2) from existing health promotion or public health programs that demonstrate how the theory or model (or its constructs) has been used to explain or change a health behavior. These can be found in the peer-reviewed journals at the end of each textbook Chapter.
  • 2. Provide talking points in the “Speaker Notes” section for each slide.
  • 3. There is no narration time requirement for each slide; however, you must FULLY address the required information provided under the first bullet above.
  • 4. Appropriately cite content on the slides from the Module Resources and be sure to include the source on the Reference slide (slide 15).
  • SLIDE 15: References

  • Provide at least three (3) references, one resource each from Modules 2, 3, and 4 that support your presentation. Outside resources are permitted as long as you provide at least one resource from each of the Modules indicated above. All references must be in the most current version of APA format.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Bethune Cookman University The Coldest Winter Ever Essay


Imagine yourself a judge, prosecutor, defense attorney, or juror so that you can determine in an effective, five-paragraph essay whether you think the society or the protagonist depicted in the novel The Coldest Winter Ever should be held responsible for the misdeeds the protagonist carries out after her father is arrested.

A protagonist is the main character of a novel, so the person you need to focus on is the character Winter Santiaga. This is an open-book exam, so you should back up what you say with examples or illustrations from the novel.

Your essay should have a clear thesis and body paragraphs that have adequate supporting details, and your essay should have a conclusion that drives your overall point home. Your essay also should be composed on a Microsoft Word document that will need to be uploaded to Canvas by the deadlines given here.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. American Public University System Gun Violence and Luxury Lifestyle Discussion


Please provide assistance with a practice essay Imagining yourself a judge, prosecutor, defense attorney, or juror so that you can determine in an effective, five-paragraph essay whether you think the society or the protagonist depicted in the novel The Coldest Winter Ever should be held responsible for the misdeeds the protagonist carries out after her father is arrested.

A protagonist is the main character of a novel, so the person you need to focus on is the character Winter Santiaga. you should back up what you say with examples or illustrations from the novel.

Your essay should have a clear thesis and body paragraphs that have adequate supporting details, and your essay should have a conclusion that drives your overall point home.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Merced College Music Genera Review


List a Genera  ( BLues, Swing Big Band, Cool Jazz ect….) that you think it should be in, then give a sentence why it should be in that genera. Do 3 for the full points  (100). Do others for extra credit. Each one is worth 3 extra  credit  points. 

Here are the different Genera’s

Ragtime/ Blues / Dixieland/ Swing Big band / Bebop/ Latin /    Cool /  Hard Bop /3rdstream / Model/ Progressive  / Free  /  Fusion/ Rhythm and Blues/ Jazz Rock /Funk  / Smooth   / Ghost Bands / Acid Jazz  /Nu Jazz  / Neo Swing  

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. CJUS 745 ECC Cross Tabulation Healthcare Outcomes in Diabetes Essay


Here is some links that should help u out

The resources:

Morgan et al. (2010) discusses Chi-square in Chapter 7 and Spearman correlation in Chapter 8: https://ebookcentral-proquest-com.ezproxy.liberty.edu/lib/liberty/detail.action?docID=668450

Salcedo (2020) has a whole chapter on relationships between categorical variables in Chapter 17: https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/spss-statistics-for/9781119560838/?ar

Berkman (2012) chapter 3 is about chi-square tests: http://sk.sagepub.com.ezproxy.liberty.edu/books/a-conceptual-guide-to-statistics-using-spss

Denis (2018) chapter 5 is about chi-square: https://onlinelibrary-wiley-com.ezproxy.liberty.edu/doi/book/10.1002/9781119465775

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. HB 2003 Walden Risks and Benefits of Screen Time in Modern Power of Screen Analysis



Before submitting your Assessment, carefully review the rubric. This is the same rubric the assessor will use to evaluate your submission and it provides detailed criteria describing how to achieve or master the Competency. Many students find that understanding the requirements of the Assessment and the rubric criteria help them direct their focus and use their time most productively

Health Education/Promotion Resource Guide

The director of the public health center where you work would like your team at the center to collaborate with other health educators to create a series of resource guides that provide theory- and evidence-based practices to address specific health behaviors other than physical activity, eating habits, tobacco use, and alcohol abuse. The center already has an abundance of resources to address these “top four” health behaviors, and patients could really benefit from additional resources.

To start the process, the director created a list of priority health behaviors that emerged from the community’s most recent health assessment. As the senior health educator, you get to choose from the list first. Choose one of the topics from the list below and then follow the instructions for creating the resource guide.

  1. Healthy sleep habits
  2. Stress management
  3. Bullying (both in person and cyber-bullying)
  4. Screen time (any screen use, e.g., phones, computers, television, video games)
  5. Health screenings (focus on screenings for a specific population rather than a specific screening)
  6. Safe sexual practices
  7. Opioid abuse

After you choose a behavior from the list, consider one of the major health education/promotion settings (i.e., school, healthcare, worksite, or community) where the behavior might be an issue. Some behaviors may be an issue in multiple settings (e.g., healthy sleep). Other behaviors are a typically an issue in one setting (e.g., bullying). For the purpose of this Performance Task assessment, choose only one setting (and a specific target population, if needed). In reality, however, you would include best practices for different settings. If you would like to select a non-traditional/alternative setting (e.g., universities, home, or prisons), consult with your instructor first to get approval.

You are encouraged to be creative with the layout of your document, but you should follow these formatting guidelines:

  1. Use Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri typeface.
  2. Do not use a font size less than 12. Preferably, the narrative should be 12 (no larger than 13), major headings should be 12 or 13 (no larger than 14), and sub-headings one font size smaller than major headings.
  3. The right margin should be 1 inch, the left margin should be 1.5 inches, and the top and bottom should be 1 inch or 1.5 inches.
  4. Number the pages, starting after Table of Contents (bottom of page, either center or lower right-hand side).
  5. The use of color is okay but use it wisely. (e.g., Make sure that any colored text is readable.)
  6. The use of images is okay, but make sure they serve a purpose such as showing diversity in a population or to illustrate a concept. If you use images, you must select images from open sources. You cannot use an image from the Internet/webpage without permission, even if you cite and reference it. To learn more about copyrighted images and other information, click on https://academicguides.waldenu.edu/copyrightbasics.
  7. The only APA guidelines you must follow are for in-text citations and references. You do not need to format the document in APA. Instead, follow the guidelines 1–6 above

Below are the required components and sections of the guide. Please click each panel and read the instructions carefully to avoid missing an important part of the guide.

Title Page:

Table of Contents

  • TIP: Use a table to create the Table of Contents and then hide the border lines in the table. This will help make sure the contents of the table are aligned.

Section I: Introduction and Background (Use this as a major heading; sub-headings are optional)

1. Introduction—–write one (1) paragraph that introduces the guide to the reader. The introduction informs the reader about the purpose of the guide and what will be covered. Your introduction should be interesting and engaging.

2. Background—write one (1) or two (2) paragraphs that contain(s) information about the target population and the health behavior, including current statistics, the multiple factors affecting it, and its impact on individual, family, and/or community health. This would be a good place to use your knowledge about the different levels of influence and health behavior. Include a description of the setting and why you chose it to address the specific health behavior and target population. Be sure to cite all health information and statistics in text and then provide the reference on the reference page.

Section II: Theory- and Evidence-Based Strategies, Programs, and Initiatives (Use this as a major heading; sub-headings are optional)

1. Write one (1) or two (2) paragraphs that explain(s) the terms “theory-based” and “evidence-based.” Explain how they are related but different terms. Include the role of theory in evidence-based practice. In addition, include a statement or two about the importance of using evidence-based practices that are grounded in theory to address behavior change.

2. Write one (1) paragraph that explains the criteria or process that you used to choose the evidence- and theory-based strategies, programs, and/or initiatives included in the guide.
3. List and fully describe three (3) strategies, programs, and/or initiatives (two to three paragraphs for each strategy/program/initiative). Each description should include:The name of the strategy, program, and/or initiative.
The titles/names of two scholarly sources (one must be a research article) that support the efficacy of the strategy/program/initiative. Include a brief overview of the source/study, the theoretical framework (i.e., a theory, model, and/or its constructs) that the strategy/program/initiative is based on, and evidence of the strategy/program/initiative’s effectiveness.
4. Create a table of the chosen strategies/programs/initiatives that can be used as a quick guide for reviewing each strategy/program/initiative. You can label the table “Evidence-and Theory-Based Practices At-A-Glance” or another name that is appropriate. At a minimum, the table should include important information such as: 1) the name of the program, 2) the specific focus/purpose of the program, 3) the targeted population, 4) the setting(s), and 5) information about program effectiveness

Section III: Resources

List and describe at least 3 resources that provide credible and current information about the focus (topic) of the guide. These are resources that a health educator could use to keep abreast of the current research and best practices related to the health behavior. Please provide the name and a link to the source if it is on the Internet.

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Other Homework Help. Mcneese State University Reframing Organizations Book Ch 12 13 & 14 Summary


I’m working on a research & summaries multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Summarize the chapters 12, 13, and 14 in the book Reframing Organizations by Lee G. Bolman & Terrence E. Deal. Thoroughly summarize key points in each chapters. Provide a real life example (personal or vicarious) that relates to at least one part of the reading.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. DP 3003 Walden University Spread of Gonorrhea Infection Disease PPT


For this Performance Task Assessment, you will create an 8-slide PowerPoint presentation for a conference that addresses the spread of communicable diseases. You will also explore possible public health strategies and interventions by examining a communicable disease through the contexts of the epidemiological triangle and the chain of infection.

Professional Skills: Written Communication, Information Literacy, Inquiry and Analysis, and Technology are assessed in this Competency.

Your response to this Assessment should:

Reflect the criteria provided in the Rubric.

Adhere to the required assignment length.

This Assessment requires submission of one 6-slide PowerPoint presentation with narration notes and APA-cited sources. Save this file as DP3003_firstinitial_lastname (for example, DP3003_J_Smith).

You may submit a draft of your assignment to the Turnitin Draft Check area to check for authenticity. When you are ready to upload your completed Assessment, use the Assessment tab on the top navigation menu.


Before submitting your Assessment, carefully review the rubric. This is the same rubric the assessor will use to evaluate your submission and it provides detailed criteria describing how to achieve or master the Competency. Many students find that understanding the requirements of the Assessment and the rubric criteria help them direct their focus and use their time most productively.

  • Rubric
  • Click each of the items below to complete this assessment.

Infections Disease Presentation

You have been asked to create a PowerPoint presentation for an upcoming conference on infectious disease. You will highlight one communicable disease and address two epidemiological models in the presentation to explain how it spreads: the epidemiological triangle and the chain of infection.


First, choose an infectious disease from the following list, then conduct research on how and why it spreads.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2017). Table 33: Selected nationally notifiable disease rates and number of new cases: United States selected years, 1950 – 2016. Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/hus/2017/033.pdf

Next, access the PowerPoint resources below to answer any questions about creating a slideshow presentation, including speaker notes for each slide or including citations within slides. Once you have familiarized yourself with these processes, access the PowerPoint template and create an 8-slide presentation for the conference, including speaker notes and APA citations for supporting sources. Your presentation should include the following:

Slide 1: Title slide

Include an appropriate title, your name, the competency number, and the date.

Note: Speaker notes are not necessary for this slide.

Slides 2–3: Epidemiological Triangle:

Provide a description of the epidemiological triangle for your disease.

Develop a graphic, including captions for each component of the triangle.

Provide an explanation of the relationships and among the agent, host, and environment.

Slides 4–5: Chain of Infection:

Provide a description of the chain of infection for the disease you selected.

  • Develop a graphic of the chain of infection for the disease and captions for each link of the chain.

Provide an explanation of how the disease flows from one link to the next.

Slide 6–7: Strategies to Mitigate Disease

Describe at least two public health strategies that can be implemented to alter the relationships among agent, host, and environment in the epidemiological triangle or to break the chain of infection.

  • o Slide 8: References

Reference at least two scholarly resources in APA format and cite each within the presentation.

  • Note: Speaker notes are not necessary for this slide.
  • Remember to use the speaker notes section on each slide to explain how you would present each slide to the group of health professionals attending the conference.
  • Microsoft. (n.d.). Add speaker notes to your slides. Retrieved September 3, 2019, from https://support.office.com/en-us/article/add-speak…

Walden University. (n.d.). Skill builder series: PowerPoint. Retrieved September 3, 2019, from https://academicguides.waldenu.edu/ASC/skillbuilde…

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