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Other Homework Help. Isothermal Community College PSYCH Heredity Discussion


A lot of information we have learned in this last chapter applies to my life. Heredity is passing on physical or mental traits from one generation to the next. For example, my mom has hazel eyes and so those genes got passed down to me. Both of my parents have freckles; therefore, the chance of me getting freckles were extremely high and that gene also got passed down to me. I also received my moms work ethic by watching her as I have been getting older; I want to see things to completion and I want to do good on those tasks. I received the chromosomes XX because I am a girl; if I was a boy then I would have received the XY chromosomes. I have a couple of the recessive traits that the textbook mentioned; I have straight hair and I am nearsighted. I find it absolutely crazy that there are a lot of sperm being released but only a few reach the egg and survive. Thats means that out of the many that tried to reach the egg but failed, me and you reached the egg against the odds. I was actually a premature baby and I did not realize there were so many risks for premature birth. I am not affected by me being born early now but I did have some trouble when I was first born and had to be hooked up to cords and could not go home for a little while. My mom had a c-section with me because I was 3-4 weeks early. Even though I was a premature baby, I did not have what is considered a low birth weight (5 pounds and 8 ounces). My oldest brother was born through an actual birth and he was bleeding on the inside when he was touched but the doctors did not know what was wrong with him. The same thing happened with my next brother and then me but they were prepared for it by the time they got to me because they had dealt with my brothers.

Please reply to this integrating a scholarly article.

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Other Homework Help. Capella University Anti Marijuana Campaign Discussion


As part of your discussion this week, you will you will create a thesis statement, which states your stance on the scenario, also known as the topic, you’ve chosen. From your thesis, your audience should be able to know what your topic is and the solution you’ve created.

Scenario 4: Anti-marijuana Campaign

You have been asked to create ideas for an awareness campaign to prevent teenagers from using marijuana. Consider ideas that have a chance to attract adolescents’ attention. What does the research say about prevention?

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. LIFC 502 Liberty University Movie with A Life Coaching Role Freedom Writers Review


Write a Movie Review on a movie with a Life Coaching role. I was thinking something on the lines of Freedom Writers but open to anything else. Please read throrugly below. 

For this assignment, you will choose a movie to review that has a strong life coaching theme in
it. Please note that a significant component of this assignment is for you to make this movie
selection based on what you are learning about life coaching principals in the course. You should
not email your professor for suggestions as to what movie to choose, though you can email your
movie selection to your professor for approval, prior to the assignment due date.
Your review requires you to interact with the content of the movie in a way that allows for an
understanding of the impact that movies can have on the coaching process. Each movie review
must be at least 3-4 pages and be in current APA format. Your paper should include the
following APA headings:
The Review
Give your impression of the movie with a brief description of the plot summary. Resist the urge
to retell the whole plot of the movie; instead, share the scenes that had the greatest impact on
your thinking as a life coach.
Coaching Implications
What makes this film appropriate for use in a coaching conversation? How would a client benefit
from watching these scenes in the film? What coaching techniques were utilized? Were these
techniques effective? For this section, you will need to reference and cite specific life coaching
concepts from the course texts and materials. Also, this section should not be a section of self-
reflection, but instead should be focused solely on the application of life coaching principles to
the selected movie.
Personal/Professional Implications
How did you connect with the movie on a personal and professional level?  How did it confirm
or challenge some of your perceptions of the coaching process? How will you utilize this
information personally and professionally to impact your delivery of coaching services?

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Other Homework Help. HU Job Development Brenda Pitts Certified Nursing Assistant Resume Example


help create a professional resume for job a interviewHow to List a Degree on a Resume [Associate, Bachelor’s & Master’s]

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  3. How to List a Degree on a Resume [Associate, Bachelor’s & Master’s]

How to List a Degree on a Resume [Associate, Bachelor’s & Master’s]

Listing a degree on a resume is part and parcel of resume writing. We’ll show you how to get it right regardless of the type of degree you’d like to put on your resume.

Maciej DuszyńskiMaciej Duszyński

Career Expert

As seen in:




Putting your degree on a resume may feel like a no brainer.

But that’s until you actually start doing this.

All of a sudden, a flurry of unexpected questions appears:

How to list my associate’s degree on a resume? What if I’m currently pursuing a degree? How to write a bachelor’s degree on a resume? Do I use periods in the abbreviation?

Calm down.

This article will show you:

  • All you need to know on how to write a degree on a resume.
  • Examples of how to list your academic degree on a resume.
  • Tips on common questions about writing a degree on a resume.

Want to save time and have your resume ready in 5 minutes? Try our resume builder. It’s fast and easy to use. Plus, you’ll get ready-made content to add with one click. See 20+ resume templates and create your resume here.

sample resume templates

Sample resume made with our builder—See more templates and create your resume here.


How to List an Associate Degree on a Resume

An associate degree is an undergraduate degree awarded after two or three years of post-secondary education. It’s a degree that’s halfway through a GED qualification or high school diploma and a bachelor’s degree.

You should put your associate degree on a resume in a dedicated education section.

Depending on how much experience you have, the resume education section could either come before or after your experience resume section.

Here’s an example of how to write an associate degree on a resume:

Associate Degree on a Resume


Sandhills Community College, Pinehurst, NC

Associate in Arts in English

As a rule, you should spell out the full name of your degree rather than abbreviate it.

That said—

If you’re short of space on your resume, you’re free to abbreviate your degree. Just make sure it’s understandable to the recruiter. If in doubt, don’t abbreviate.

Here’s a list of several common ways to abbreviate an associate degree on a resume:

  • AA (Associate in Arts)
  • AAB (Associate of Applied Business)
  • AAS (Associate in Applied Science)
  • AAT (Associate of Arts in Teaching)
  • ABA (Associate of Business Administration)
  • AS (Associate in Science)

Pro Tip: Your college may call the degree either “Associate in” or “Associate of.” Make sure you use the correct preposition when listing your associate’s degree on a resume. Check out your college’s style guide to be 100 percent sure.


Don’t use an apostrophe when you spell out your degree on a resume.

Your resume education section should read e.g. Associate of Applied Science, not Associate’s of Applied Science.

how to list an Associate Degree on a Resume

And one more thing—

If you’re making your first resume, you may want to add some extra information, such as relevant coursework on a resume.


How to Write a Bachelor’s Degree on a Resume

A bachelor’s degree is an undergraduate degree you can earn after four (sometimes five) years of full-time study.

Just like any other degree, you should list your bachelor’s degree on a resume in a dedicated education section.

If you’re fresh out of school, you may want to put the education section above the experience section. Also, consider including additional details on your educational background, such as relevant coursework, or the GPA score.

Here’s an example of how to list a bachelor’s degree on a resume:

Bachelor’s Degree on a Resume


UCLA, Los Angeles, CA

Bachelor of Arts in English

It’s advisable to put the full name of your degree on a resume, but if you’re economizing on space, you can use an abbreviation instead.

Bachelors degrees on a resume are commonly abbreviated to:

  • BA (Bachelor of Arts)
  • BS (Bachelor of Science)

These two abbreviations are the most common in the US.

However, you may also come across other abbreviations, such as B.A., Bach. Sci., B.Sc., S.B., B.S., ScB, or BSc.

All of these abbreviations are correct, understandable, and refer to a bachelor of arts/science.

But apart from these types of bachelor degree on a resume, recruiters may come across other kinds of bachelor’s degrees:

  • BJHum (Bachelor of Journalism and Humanities)
  • BMPD (Bachelor of Media Production and Design)
  • BMusA (Bachelor of Musical Arts)
  • BPAPM (Bachelor of Public Affairs and Policy Management)
  • BScFS (Bachelor of Science in Forensic Science)

If you’re applying for a position related to your field of study, chances are that even a less common abbreviation won’t take anyone by surprise.

But remember:

Always make sure your resume is as informative and clear as possible. If a recruiter doesn’t know what an abbreviation stands for they won’t google it. They’ll reject your application.

This is why it’s advisable to avoid abbreviating your bachelor’s degree on a resume.

How to list a Bachelor's Degree on a Resume

Pro Tip: You can use periods or not (e.g. B.A. or BA) when you put the abbreviated name of your degree on a resume. Either spelling is correct.

And finally—

If you didn’t manage to finish your degree, you can still list it in your education section. Just make it clear how much of a degree you did manage to complete.

Here’s how to list an incomplete degree on a resume:

Incomplete Degree on a Resume


UCLA, Los Angeles, CA

Completed 50 credits toward BA in English

If your work experience isn’t impressive yet, use the education section to tell the recruiters a bit more about yourself. Consider adding information on your minor on a resume, or display your GPA on a resume.


How to List a Master’s Degree on a Resume

A master’s degree is an academic degree awarded by a university or college. It usually takes two years to complete a master’s program, and having a bachelor’s degree is a prerequisite (most of the time).

Write a master’s degree on a resume in the education section.

Pro Tip: List your degrees on a resume in reverse-chronological order. In other words, put your most recent degree at the top, and follow it with the previously earned one(s).

Here’s an example of how to list a master’s degree on a resume:

Master’s Degree on a Resume


UCLA, Los Angeles, CA

Master of Arts in English

Just like in the case of all the other degrees, you can abbreviate your master’s degree on a resume.

Here’s what some typical abbreviations may look like:

  • A.M., M.A., MA (Master of Arts)
  • M.B.A., MBA (Master of Business Administration)
  • M.E., ME, MEng, M.Eng. (Master of Engineering)
  • M.Ed., MEd (Master of Education)
  • M.S., MS, M.Sc., MSc (Master of Science)
  • M.S.Met. (Master of Science in Metallurgical Engineering)

Remember: clarity and understandability are vital when listing a degree on a resume.


If you decide to follow The Gregg Reference Manual and put periods in your degree (e.g. M.A.) do it consistently throughout the entire resume. If you prefer The Chicago Manual of Style’s recommendations, and decide not to use periods (e.g. MA), also be consistent.

Last but not least.

If you’re currently pursuing a degree, you can still list it on your resume. The only thing you need to do is say when you’re expected to graduate.

Look at this example showing how to list a master’s degree in progress on a resume:

Master’s Degree in Progress on a Resume

UCLA, Los Angeles, CA

Master of Arts in Psychology

Expected graduation date: June 2019

How to list a Master's Degree on a Resume

Did you graduate with honors? Why not put cum laude on a resume?

Pro Tip: High schools issue diplomas. Technically, there’s no such thing as a high school degree on resume. Learn how to put high school education on a resume to avoid lying about your degree on resume.

Key Takeaways

How to list a degree on a resume: summary

Here’s how to list a degree on a resume:

  • Create the education section on your resume.
  • Put it either before or after the experience section (depending on your experience).
  • List all your degrees in the education section of your resume.
  • Put your degrees on a resume in the reverse-chronological order.
  • Consider adding extra information about your degree on a resume (e.g. GPA, Latin honors, coursework, etc.).
  • Format the information on your degree on a resume consistently.
  • You can list an incomplete degree on your resume, or a degree in progress. But never lie about your degree on a resume.

Do you have any questions about how to write your degree on a resume? Maybe you’ve got some advice you’d like to share with others? Give us a shout out in the comments below. We’d love to hear your voice.

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Maciej DuszyńskiMaciej Duszyński

Maciej is a career expert with a solid background in the education management industry. He’s worked with people at all stages of their career paths: from interns to directors to C-suite members, he now helps you find your dream job.

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Other Homework Help. George Mason University Development of the Tik Tok Platform Discussion


Basically, I chose to do the study on TK Tok and how it’s growing so rapidly. I would like to show that tik tok can be used now for marketing especially for event planners it could be a new way to market their events. I want to highlight how important it is now and how popular it is.


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Other Homework Help. ETHC 445N Chamberlain College of Nursing Abortion Question


Required Resources

Read/review the following resources for this activity:

  • Textbook: Chapter 5, 6
  • Lesson
  • Minimum of 2 scholarly sources (in addition to the course textbook)

This assignment is the first step in a three part project. You only need to focus on part one at this point. Each step will build on earlier steps. However, it is not a matter of providing a rough draft of all or even part of the entire project here in week three. That is, further steps might require completely new and original text. At the same time, completing each step will aid you in completing a future step or future steps. And, you should use the same topic in all steps.

First, select a topic of moral controversy, debate, disagreement, and dispute, Examples of such topics are euthanasia, the death penalty, abortion, cloning, etc. You can pick any such topic. It need not be listed here.

Next, detail the positions of each side of the ethical debate. Note at least two moral reasons each side presents to show their view on the topic is correct.

Now, we want to evaluate these positions using the moral theories we studied this week:

  • What would an Ethical Egoist say about this topic? What side would the Ethical Egoist take? What would the Ethical Egoist say to justify their moral position? Is there a conflict between loyalty to self and to community relevant to your topic? If so, how so? Note what you feel is the best course of action.
  • What would a Social Contract Ethicist say about this topic? What side would the Social Contract Ethicist take? What would the Social Contract Ethicist say to justify their moral position? Does your topic involve a collision between personal obligations and national ones? If so, how so? Note what you feel is the best course of action.

Finally, reference and discuss any professional code of ethics relevant to your topic such as the AMA code for doctors, the ANA code for nurses, or any other pertinent professional code. State whether and how your chosen topic involves any conflicts between professional and familial duties.

Cite the textbook and incorporate outside sources, including citations.

Writing Requirements (APA format)

  • Length: 3-4pages (not including title page or references page)
  • 1-inch margins
  • Double spaced
  • 12-point Times New Roman font
  • Title page
  • References page (minimum of 2 scholarly sources in addition to the course textbook)

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Other Homework Help. ETHC 445N CCN Clash Between Professional Duties and Familial Duties Discussion


Required Resources

Read/review the following resources for this activity:

  • Textbook: Chapter 5, 6
  • Lesson
  • Minimum of 1 scholarly source (in addition to the textbook)

Initial Post Instructions
Rather than living in chaos, danger, and the hostility of our neighbors, we find ways to live together. It isn’t easy, but can we avoid doing so?

If everybody has self-interest in their own welfare and safety, then everybody also has self-interest in the welfare and safety of others. Self-interest involves community interest, and we must think about what we are willing to give up in order to get that safety and stability for ourselves, our families, our community, our nation, and even the world.

Thomas Hobbes and John Locke are just two examples of social contract moralists. Locke’s philosophy helped Thomas Jefferson formulate the United States Declaration of Independence. We are interested in what it means to live together in an orderly way under a social contract.

Initial Post Instructions
For the initial post, address one of the following sets of questions:

  • What is a time when you or someone you know of experienced a conflict between duty to self and loyalty to the community? What would logical reasoning say should be done in that case? Why that? What would an Ethical Egoist say to do? Why would they say to do that? Note what you feel is the best course of action.
  • What is a time when you or someone you know experienced a clash between professional duties and familial duties? Reference a professional code such as that of the American Nurses Association or American Bar Association in explaining the clash. What moral values should have been used in that case? Why those values? What would social contract ethics have said to have done? Why would social contract ethics say that? Note what you feel is the best course of action.
  • Articulate and evaluate a time when you or someone you know saw personal obligations collide with national obligations. How did that tension involve differing positions on a moral debate? Did those positions rely on any key moral theories? If so, how so? If not, why not? Note what you feel is the best course of action.

Follow-Up Post Instructions
Respond to at least one peer. Further the dialogue by providing more information and clarification.

Writing Requirements

  • Minimum of 2 posts (1 initial & 1 follow-up)
  • Minimum of 2 sources cited (assigned readings/online lessons and an outside scholarly source)
  • APA format for in-text citations and list of references

Student Sample:

  • What is a time when you or someone you know of experienced a conflict between duty to self and loyalty to the community? What would logical reasoning say should be done in that case? Why that? What would an Ethical Egoist say to do? Why would they say to do that? Note what you feel is the best course of action.

Duty to self is what we owe to one self in order to develop our talent or preserve our ressources. most of the time, we face conflit between the duty we owe to ourselves in ordre to progress in life and the loyalty to the community and nurtured us. the experience I am going to present was that of my cousin who was a math tutor for less privilege children at a Baptist church in clayton county. When the corona virus became a serious health concern in 2019, there was member of his community that started loosing their job and could not afford to pay their rent; the faced eviction and at the same time, the county he lived in had a higher toll on people infected with the corona virus. The church he attended requested from their members to accommodate families who had lost their houses. My cousin followed ethical egoism as written by J. Rachels & S. Rachels on page 73 “ethical egoism, again, is the doctrine that each person ought to pursue his or her own self-interest exclusively.” He instead refuses to accommodate people in his 3 bedrooms house out of fear of exposing himself to the corona virus if he had chose to open his door to family in need.

The motivation to refuse accommodating strangers at his house was due to the survival instinct which prompted him to pursue a selfishness attitude by refusing to be expose to the corona virus by opening his door to people who might be asymptomatic vector of the corona virus. The logical reasoning would be to preserve your own life over the life of somebody else. by refusing to open his door, he purse an ethical egoism attitude which will save him from being exposed to the virus.

Ayn Rand & N Branden. (1961). The virtue of selfishness. A new concept of egoism. Penguin Group.

Rachels, S., & Rachels, J. (2019). The elements of moral philosophy. McGraw-Hill Education.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. NR 360 Chamberlain College of Nursing Medical Errors in Healthcare Discussion


My Scenario: 2. A medication error has harmed a client.

I must write a report discussing the scenario that I have picked. I chose to discuss medication error and patient safety form a nurses perspective in the healthcare system.

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Other Homework Help. DePaul University Synthesis of Assessments Taken in the Course Discussion


  • Synthesis of each of the assessments you took in this course such as the Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire.  What do these assessments tell you about yourself?
  • Based upon your results from the Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire, How will you schedule different activities (e.g. tasks, meals, work, classes, exercise, study time, relationship time, business calls, etc.)? Illustrate by writing out a 7-day calendar beginning on Sunday and ending on Sunday accounting organized as follows: Sunday Morning (rise time to noon), Sunday Afternoon (noon to 6pm), Sunday Evening (6:01pm to midnight), and Sunday Late Evening (12:01am to bed time).  
  • Identification of your key strengths and risks based upon the content presented in the course and the synthesis above.  What are your overall strengths and risks in terms of optimizing your biology of peak performance? [Opportunity to demonstrate your mastery of the course content and course experiences]
  • Determination of behavioral goals to enhance your peak performance. What are three concrete goals you shall take to enhance your performance, health and wellbeing? Use SMART goal framework for each goal.

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