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Other Homework Help. WSSU Political and Socio Economic Cultures of The Native Americans Essay

  1. Why are sports team’s mascots in the USA a burning issue for some Native Americans? Is their concern justifiable?
  2. Do casinos and other gaming outlets represent a positive or negative social, economic and political force for Native Americans today? Explain your position.
  3. How likely are American Indian culture—language, religion, clothing, art, medicinal system etc.—to survive? What are the prospects for the Native culture to achieve equality with mainstream American culture?
  4. Consider these two national holidays, Independence Day and Thanksgiving. How do these events remind Native Americans of their marginal status?

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Other Homework Help. PSYC 4331 AMU Treating Trauma Discussion

This week, we consider the many options for treatment in disaster situations.

  • Using the materials as a guide, identify the treatment option(s) you would deploy in a specific disaster situation, explaining your rationale for the selection(s).
  • In addition, discuss the population(s) the treatment will be used with and why this is the most appropriate choice for the population(s) identified.

– Chapter 16 – 20  ,    Behavioral Health Response to Disasters (apus.edu)

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Other Homework Help. PSYC 431 AMU Week 7 Psychology of Disaster Project Presentation


Psychology of Disaster Course Project

Many topics of interest and importance are covered during the course; Week 7, especially, provides an opportunity to explore several, often overlooked topics that are critical to our understanding in the discussion of the psychology of disaster. For your course project, you are tasked with selecting one of the following areas, presented during week seven of the course, and examining a disaster event, using the selected area as the foundation of your work. The areas from which you may select include:

  • Secondary Traumatic Stress (Effects of disasters on first responders/BH providers)
  • Environmental Vulnerabilities and Considerations
  • Critical Infrastructure Failures
  • Disaster in School Environments
  • In a 10 to 15 slide PowerPoint presentation, identify a recent disaster event (within the most recent 10 years), providing a description of the major events of the disaster leading up to, during, and after the event, to the extent possible.
    • Incorporating the selected area above, discuss, with detail and support, how the area is illustrated in the disaster event.
  • Explore how the selected element influenced disaster response efforts.
    • Provide details of the ways in which these influences were observed.
    • Discuss any barriers presented by the selected element in providing effectual behavioral health interventions.
  • Prepare a plan describing how the challenges experienced might be more effectively navigated using the principles of disaster behavioral health learned throughout the course.
    • Share the steps and resources you would deploy to overcome or avoid the challenges faced in the selected element.

In developing your work, be sure to rely upon academic, scholarly sources to support the definitions and recommendations provided. Ensure the plan presented is based upon evidenced based practices established in the field as effective in addressing psychological needs in disaster settings.

Work should be submitted in a PowerPoint file or other compatible file, and be 10 to 15 slides in length, excluding the required title slide and separate reference slide. Detailed speaker notes should accompany slides containing mostly bullet point data to include the details expected in the instructions above.

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Other Homework Help. PSYC 431 AMU Psychology of Disaster Reflection

This week we wrap up our learning experience, discussing some of the most important interactions and information encountered during the course. To close out the course, please complete the following:

  • Identify and describe three take-aways from the course that added to your understanding of the psychology of disaster.
  • How do you believe you will make use of your new knowledge in future courses and in your present or future career
  • As you do in many courses, complete the following sentence to demonstrate the “most” important element of the psychology of disaster.
    • If I could pick just one thing that the world would be well served to better understand about the psychology of disaster, it would be ________________. I chose this because ________________

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Other Homework Help. Georgia Institute of Technology Jazz History The SideWinder Track Report

The report must address and discuss one of the albums on this list : (Not Gregory Porter)


  • The artists performing on the album. [20 percent of total]
  • The importance and impact of the album in jazz history. [20 percent of total]
  • One track from the album must be selected for musical analysis 

Title of the Work and Composer [0 points – simply a requirement]

  • Meter(s) – Listen and/or observe the leader’s count-off (or conducting pattern) or accents 

if no conductor was present and determine the meter of the main theme or first 

section(following an introduction if an intro was used). The meter will most likely be 2, 

3, or 4 beats to the measure but could be some other number (like 5 in Take Five). [10 

percent of total]

  • Genre or Category – Bebop, Swing, Blues, Smooth, etc. [0 points – simply a 


  • Harmonic Characteristics: In general terms was the harmonic vocabulary primarily

consonant or mostly dissonant? If possible, identify major scale, minor scale, modal,

traditional blues progressions, etc. [10 percent of total]

  • Period of Jazz – list the date written, corresponding style period, one sentence on whether 

this piece displays characteristics of the period and list 2 characteristics YOU heard in 

this piece. If the work is a “modernization” or recasts a well-known work in a new or 

different style, be sure to make that observation and address the most interesting aspects 

of the musical transformation. [10 percent of total]

  • Composer’s Chief Contributions to Jazz 

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Other Homework Help. GMU Basic Autocad the Pivot Arm Drawing

Autocad (basic drawing)

The ? symbol means diameter, R means radius, and X means the feature is  repeated X times. Show dimensions on all problems.  1. Draw the flange shown in Figure 1 in AutoCAD. Dimensions are in [millimeters].  (Filename format: YourLastName_HW1_P1)

2. Draw the clip shown in Figure 2 in AutoCAD. Dimensions are in [inches].  (Filename format: YourLastName_HW1_P2)

3. Draw the pivot arm shown in Figure 3 in AutoCAD. Dimensions are in [inches].  (Filename format: YourLastName_HW1_P3)  4. Draw the filter shown in Figure 4 in AutoCAD. Dimensions are in [millimeters]. Hint: use object  snapping.  (Filename format: YourLastName_HW1_P4) 

5. Draw the object shown in Figure 5 in AutoCAD. Dimensions are in [inches]. 

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Other Homework Help. Fourth Amendment US Constitution Discussion Questions

Propose an Amendment to the Constitution

After reviewing what you have learned in this course, especially the text of the United States Constitution, propose to the class an amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Be sure to make an argument supporting your proposed amendment. Why should this change be made? How will it benefit the lives of Americans across the country? Why does this issue need a Constitutional Amendment and not just a state or federal law change?

Reflection on Your Proposed Amendment to the Constitution

In at least 250 words reflect on your proposed amendment to the U.S. Constitution that you presented to your peers in the discussion board. This assignment is about creating and communicating a fully developed argument.

1.First, describe your proposed amendment to the U.S. Constitution. (this is a thesis statement)

2.Second, present and describe three (3) arguments in support of your Amendment. Think especially about the ideas, themes, and nature of our nation’s founding and political institutions. For example, do our founders ideas of what liberty means support you proposed amendment?

3.Third, address at least two 2 counter arguments that could be made by those that might oppose your proposed amendment. Describe those counter arguments fully and discuss why those counter arguments do not sufficiently counter your proposed amendment to the Constitution.

4.Finally, write a conclusion paragraph that restates your proposed change to the Constitution and reviews what you believe to be the most compelling argument in support of your proposed amendment.

Be sure to include a reference list. You should use quality outside sources to support your arguments as you are to demonstrate the research skills you have gained in this course.

Please note: APA formatting and citations rules apply to this and all essays in this course.

Question 1

How did technology change the power of the presidency? Is the current use of presidential executive power consistent with Article II of the U.S. Constitution? Why or why not? Be sure to use specific and relevant examples to support your answer.

Question 2

How does our two party system work to protect our liberty?

Question 3

What is James Madison’s prescription for controlling interest groups and the media? Do you agree with James Madison, why or why not?

Question 4

What features of our elections preserve our liberty? What changes do you think should be made our current election and how would these changes enhance our liberty?

Question 5

How did slavery impact the development of American Government?

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Other Homework Help. NM 140 Rasmussen College The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood Discussion

In Module 02 you were asked to choose a book from the provided book list and read it, in preparation for creating the illustrations for your Final Project: both a book cover from one of the key scenes and a promotional poster.

For this week’s Design Critique, you will submit a synopsis of your chosen story as the background research for your final project. Download the How to Write a Synopsis handout for essential synopsis content and an example of a story synopsis.

How to Write a Synopsis.pdf

Guidelines for the Peer Critique

For your initial post, provide a synopsis of the story you chose. Talk about the premise of the story, the principle characters, the key locations or environment, and what you think would be the best way to illustrate those elements into the book cover you will be creating.

For your reply, provide substantive feedback for two of your classmates’ initial posts. Your focus for your response post should be answering the following question:

Do you feel the synopsis is written in such a way that it will provide the person with enough information to create the illustration?

You will use your synopsis-and feedback from your instructor and classmates-to begin creating thumbnail sketches of your book cover next week.

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Other Homework Help. GRA 1493C RC Mod 5 Retro Advertisement Thumbnails Digital Illustrator Project Report

Module 05 Content

  1. In this module you will start a two-week project in which you will create a Retro Advertisement.
    The goal for this piece is to choose a modern appliance or tool and develop a retro advertisement for that object (as if that object existed 40, 50, or more years ago.
    You will begin by taking photographs of a modern appliance or tool as a reference, make several sketches to concept the final advertisement, draw it in Photoshop or Illustrator, add text, and add background elements to create a meaningful product advertisement that looks as if it were created in a much earlier design style.Project Timeline:Module 05: Create a minimum of twelve (12) thumbnail sketches.Module 06: Create a retro advertisement based on your best thumbnail from Module 05.

    Examples of Period (Retro) Advertisements:

    Ads, Circa 1950’s
    Advertising Illustrations from the 1950’s
    Circa 1960’s
    Advertising Illustrations from the 1960’s
    Retro Approach to Advertising Modern Social Media:
    Retro Advertising Illustrations

    Retro Advertisement Thumbnail Steps:
    • Take several photographs (from different positions, distances, heights) of a common appliance or tool.
    • Sketch at least twenty (20) thumbnails, using the photographs as guides to placement and position of the appliance in the ad.
    • Crop and reduce the photographs in size to approximately 360px x 640px.
    • Create a single page document in Photoshop that includes your best three (3) photographs (reduced) and your thumbnails.
    • Export As… a JPG for submission to the drop box.

    “Art directors, storyboard artists and graphic designers, as well as other kinds of visual artists, use the term “thumbnail sketch” to describe a small drawing on paper (usually part of a group) used to explore multiple ideas quickly.” – Wikipedia
    Thumbnail sketches are small because that saves time in working through multiple ideas, and because it’s often easier to see potential design issues, much like stepping back from a larger, finished work.

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