Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. BCC Practicing Reverse Psychology with Customers Discussion


Discussion question:

Listen to this recording and if you were a customer service representative; what methods would you use to try to satisfy the customers that refuse to wear a mask in the service industry or the retail environment. Remember you want to avoid losing a customer, if possible, losing revenue and avoid damaging the organizations reputation. Please respond to your peers.

NPR – Rage against the customer service worker


Vanessa Greenlee

Listen to this recording and if you were a customer service representative; what methods would you use to try to satisfy the customers that refuse to wear a mask in the service industry or the retail environment. Remember you want to avoid losing a customer, if possible, losing revenue and avoid damaging the organizations reputation. Please respond to your peers.

After I listened to the video I would use the listen with empathy method because that always seems to work the best. When I was working in a warehouse for a contractor and I was the lead I was told to always make sure our customers as well as the employees were warring their mask. Yes at times that got hard to always keep telling people make sure you wear your mask it’s mandatory. I always us to say in my meetings hey guys as a team we need to make sure we wear our masks today to ensure we are not only protecting yourself but your customers and more importantly our families. People tend to be out with protecting other people or their families so I didn’t make it about the mandate but I also listen to their concerns When they would speak about it and I would write them down and let them know that’s a great concern let me get with upper management and get back to you on that’s as well at the customers that’s a great concern let me get with upper management. I would tell them but for now if you could just please wear your mask so that we can protect others and I wish I could change it but unfortunately I can’t. A lot of the times people are more understanding when you have empathy for the subject of the mask mandate.


Michael Zamudio

I’ve seen many videos where customers refuse to wear a mask when told and then they start having an argument with the employee about having to wear a mask. If I were a customer service representative what I would do if a customer refused to wear a mask is come up to them and approach them very politely and be like hello would you like me to get you a mask. I would say this because I’m politely asking and sometimes customers forget to wear a mask and if you approach them nicely they will put one on but not all the time. if the customer were to refuse and say I’m not going to wear one I would say I’m sorry I know how it feels to have a mask on all the time but its the company policy that all customers have a mask while shopping. if they comply I would offer them something for complying like a coupon they can use on their purchase. when you do those things customers will not just leave and end up shopping even though they have to wear a mask. there are some places that are very strict and if you come in without a mask they will just tell you to leave but having good customer service skills is key to making customers happy.

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Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Capella University the Future of Work Work Automation Paper



The jobs of today look very different from the jobs our parents had.  Whether you work in a cubicle or on a construction site, technology has  changed—and is continuing to change—the ways we connect, communicate,  and create in our careers. In the past, a college degree was enough to  set you up for professional success. Today, employers want job  candidates who also have the right skills to succeed.

That is why Capella partnered with top employers, business leaders, and recruiters to identify 10 skills  that are critical to performing your best—not just in one field but  across all industries. These are skills that will prepare you for the  needs of any future employer and set you up for success in a world that  is constantly evolving. In this course, you will learn how these 10  skills will help you reach your professional dreams, and you will  discover how you can use these same skills right now to achieve your  personal and academic goals. 

What are these skills? Whether you are here for a job, for a  promotion, for personal enrichment, or for realizing a different dream,  these skills can work to help you meet your personal, academic, and  professional goals.

  • Self and Social Awareness is the ability to understand your personal strengths and limitations, and how your behaviors impact others. 
  • Technology is the ability to confidently and  effectively use technologies to be productive, complete goals and tasks,  and maintain a competitive advantage. 
  • Productivity is the ability to strategize, organize, and plan to effectively and efficiently manage priorities and time.
  • Initiative is the ability to see what needs to be  done and to take action without being prompted to improve a  circumstance or create a new one.
  • Results Driven is the ability to act with a sense  of urgency and focus to reach outcomes and goals, without compromising  integrity and quality.
  • Communication is the ability to actively seek and  deliver information, articulate ideas, effectively listen, and connect  to various audiences, settings, and situations.
  • Relationship Building refers to the ability to effectively work with others and establish, cultivate, and leverage networks over time.
  • Problem Solving is the ability to identify and frame problems, explore ideas, and create effective, ethical, and evidence-based solutions. 
  • Innovation is the ability to creatively think and generate original or unique ideas and solutions outside of routine perspectives. 
  • Agility refers to the ability to embrace change  and effectively adapt in a continually changing environment to achieve  desired results. 

The 10 Skills Table media will help you get to know the 10  employability skills discussed in this course. You will find a  definition for each skill and why each skill matters for the future of  work. This course will examine each of these skills and show you how to  apply them in your professional and personal life. You will identify  areas of strengths and areas that need improvement, and you will create a  plan to continue developing these skills after this course ends.  Understanding, developing, and applying these skills will give you the  tools you will need to be competitive in the 21st-century workplace.


What do we mean when we discuss the future of work? We are moving  away from the classic employment model: you are hired full time and work  40-hour weeks, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., at a desk in an office with your  fellow employees. The future of work is really happening now. You may  remember learning about the industrial revolutions of the past and their  impact on the economy and the nature of work. Today we are in the  fourth Industrial Revolution, or Industry 4.0. This new world of  technology is characterized by:

  • Instant communication and connectedness.
  • Virtual/remote workspaces.
  • Age-diverse workforce.
  • Move away from lifelong careers at a single company, more of an open talent economy.
  • AI and automation, or machines taking over some workforce tasks and jobs.

In this assessment, you will examine the future of work and the key  skills and behaviors necessary for succeeding in the evolving workplace.


Review the resources for this assessment. Use the Capella University  Library to locate at least one article or book that discusses the  skills and aptitudes needed to succeed in the 21st-century workforce.


For this assessment:

  • Write a 2-3-page essay that addresses the following questions:     
    • What types of jobs will most likely be automated in the future?
    • What types of jobs are more resistant to automation and why? 
    • How will automation and continued technological advances impact how you work?
    • Why one or more of the employability skills (such as self and  social awareness or agility) are essential for remaining 

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Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Liberty University Effective Communication Discussion


I’m working on a business discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

  • Discuss two or three barriers to effective communication and how you can overcome them.
  • Describe the role of nonverbal messages in communication and why it is important to be aware of nonverbal cues when communicating.
  • Listening takes skill and intentionality; explain this truth by discussing ways you can avoid bad listening habits and identify the benefits of being an effective listener.
  • Explain how technology has affected the communication process both positively and negatively.
  • Explain the purpose of a subject line in an email message and provide two or three guidelines for writing an effective subject line.
  • Discuss two or three ways you can effectively and respectfully utilize technology to communicate

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Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Strayer University Sparkle Car Wash Discussion


he concept behind the triple bottom line is that companies are responsible to all their stakeholders. This includes everyone involved with the company, whether directly or indirectly. It also includes the planet on which we all live. This approach views shareholders as very important stakeholders. This approach also recognizes the need for companies to consider other important stakeholders in the company, including employees, customers, vendors, and the larger community.

Before writing this week’s discussion posting, review this MindTools article, The Triple Bottom Line: Measuring Your Organization’s Wider Impact, for more details on the triple bottom line.How would you implement the triple bottom line (people, planet, profit) concept at your chosen company, whether you are using the snack food company scenario or the company of your choice?

Keep the following format in mind as you complete this week’s discussion:

Profit: When looking at profit from this theory’s perspective, the idea is that profits will help empower and sustain the community as a whole. Profits are more than just a benefit for shareholders. Briefly explain your approach.

People: Describe your approach to caring about suppliers, customers, employees, and the community. For example, one way to care about employees is to provide a good working environment, training and development opportunities, and health care.

Planet: Explain your approach to minimizing your company’s impact on the environment. For example, your company might develop a process to minimize waste or reduce energy usage, such as using recycled materials in its production process.


Sparkle care wash is located at 1070 Congdon Ave, Stroudsburg, PA, 18360. For more than three decades, the company has been operated by Kevin Detrick and his mother as partners. They are committed to continuing to provide better car wash services and covet customer experience. It started its operation in 1981, and it has grown to meet customers’ desires and increase satisfaction.

It is located in a large state with more than 168,000 individuals, where they can manage to wash over 190,000 cars (Pröllochs & Feuerriegel, 2020).

Most of the Sparkle customers are men and women aged 30-45 years and have an average income earns of $ 250 and $1500 per year. And most of the approximately 34% have undergraduate degrees. Although its original location provided car wash service for more than two decades, Detrick and his team extended the car wash service to Benny, Pennsylvania, behind a well-established and known c-store chain just off Route 248. This new car wash assisted in reducing traffic in the local mall, which served as a destination location for the community (Zyndorf, 2021).

Most Sparkle car wash customers shop in Stroud mall. It is a shopping mall that is found in Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania. Its location is near The Poconos region, near the New Jersey border adjacent to Pennsylvania Route 611. Most Sparkle car wash customers drive Volvo, Jd power car, Ford, ted, and Mazda car type. Many people in Stroudsburg love sports adventure, which they do most of their leisure time (Zyndorf, 2021).

Sparkle car wash use equipment of high technology to provide quality and consistent car wash for each customer. This will enable them to minimize any chances of damage. Our price charges a very friendly and affordable to our customers. This has enabled us to maintain many customers over the years (Aleksandrovic, 2021).


Aleksandrovic, M. A. (2021). Neural network approaches companies’ marketing strategy problems identifying based on analysis of users discussions in social networks.

Pröllochs, N., & Feuerriegel, S. (2020). Business analytics for strategic management: Identifying and assessing corporate challenges via topic modeling. Information & Management, 57(1), 103070.

Zyndorf, B. (2021). The federally sponsored housing market crash: race, finance, and heartbreak in the Pocono Mountains (Doctoral dissertation, Rutgers University-Graduate School-Newark)

Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. ENT 436 Grand Canyon University Human Centered Design Responses


Question # 1: Discuss how human-centered design assists with the development of your business model.

Clint said: Well, I had to first learn what human-centered design was and is all about, in order to relate it to my business model. In a nutshell human-centered design is humans asking other humans what is the problem in your corner of the area and what do we or can we do to solve the problem and help find a solution (IDEO, 2015). Another aspect of this approach is in the seven different mindsets that are used as tools to solve these problems; Empathy, Optimism, Iteration, Creative Confidence, Making, Embracing Ambiguity, and Learning from Failure (IDEO, 2015). This particular frame of reference is different from any other system because you are not looking at the business from a financial point of view. However, as you progress and relate all of this material you are normally using the same tools but in a different context.

I think for my business model this will help shed some reality and approach problems or sides of the business I have not used my left side of my brian to tackle. Along with other simple measures I could incorporate to again help and possibly get behind a few other causes I support that could run in parallel with my business model. Nonetheless, I think I could connect with other like minded business leaders to have the conversations and learn from others, which is free business advice.

How can I respond to Clint? 

Deanne said: Human-centered design places the customer at the center of the product as well as the business model. One goal of human-center design is to develop, gain and maintain deep empathy with your customers so their needs are fully met. There are three phases of human-centered design these are: Inspiration, Ideation and Implementation phase. In the inspiration phase the designer engages with the customer to better learn who they are and what their specific needs are. In the ideation phase the designer develops several models that may meet the needs to the customer. These models are shared with the customer and the designer obtains feedback to see which model best meets the needs of the customer. Lastly, in the implementation phase the best model is put into production and distributed (IDEO, n.d.). Human-centered design greatly assists the development of the business model because a key aspect of any business is to establish a deep relationship with your customer(s). When the needs of the customer are placed at the center of the business model the customer will likely be loyal to the business. They will be more inclined to become a returning customer and may also refer others to the business.

How can I respond to Deanne? 

Brian said: Human-centered design assists in the development of my business model in several ways. First, it is based on the desire to solve a problem with specifically tailored solutions in order to fulfill a quantifiable need from the perspective of the consumer (Design Kit, n.d.). Second, it follows the tenants of inspiration, ideation, and implementation in the following ways (Design Kit, n.d.):

  1. Inspiration has created a grounded approach to the need and produced ideas in line with the desires of the consumer.
  2. Ideation created a proof-of-concept model capable of producing desired end results and solutions that can be further refined into a more robust and capable product.
  3. Implementation has developed partner relationships that allow for the development and creation of the finalized product for the consumer.

Finally, it cannot be understated that empathy for the consumer must be at the forefront of every decision and design iteration as it is with my business model (Design Kit, n.d.). This is the essence of human-centered design.

How can I respond to Brian? 

Question #2 Describe the key items management will likely seek answers for in your specific model. Why would management need to focus on those elements?

Deanne said: The key items management will more likely seek answers to is those that tie to your business model and that creates value for your customer. Does the Business Model require drastic revisions or changes? One important element management will want to seek answers to is the cost structure. Such as, will we be earning revenues before we are incurring costs. Are we better than our competitors? Your customers and key stakeholders. Such as who are the people outside of your organization you interact with. Scalability is also another important key factor. How easily can you expand without facing barriers (e.g., infrastructure, hiring)? Additionally, Management will want to know if the business model requires drastic revisions or changes and the risks (Osterwalder et al., 2014).

In business management will want to focus on a few key elements. Management will want to know about costs because it affects revenues and about their customer’s needs. If your business incurs more costs than revenues, your business will sink. A business model will need to be ?nancially sound. If your model is not very pro?table, management can decide if changes to the business model need to be made. (Osterwalder et al., 2014). Customer segmentation is also part of your business model and will help management with finding out who to segment, who are the target customers that need our service or product. Management must understand their customer’s needs, since satisfied customers will be more prone to becoming a regular customer. Likewise, customers can also tell others about their experience.

How can I respond to Deanne? 

Katelynn said: One key item management will likely focus on in my business model is cost and profit. Due to the item of business being AI it can be an extreme up front cost. Particularly in the fashion industry AI could cover robotic arms, trend forecasting, replacing manual labor, and more. Another item they might focus on is how the model will expect to receive profit. Will they only receive profit from initial installation? Will they make profit off of updating the AI software? etc. Another item management might focus on is the likelihood of companies switching or partnering with AI. 

Management would focus on these elements because there are always fundamental challenges that confront entrepreneurs. “That can include money shortage, talent, intellectual property, distribution, and more” (Collis, 2016).That is why it is important for management to focus on these elements so that a strategy can be put in place that answers these questions in case something goes wrong and at the very leas the company will know what to and what not to do. 

How can I respond to Katelynn? 

William said: If I approached a new up and coming idea in a managerial position, my primary focuses would be how much is the production going to cost the company, the primary market to be targetted (to ensure strategies are also financially accounted for), and to know what kind of returns or profits this new idea is going to bring. Considering the overall purpose of the business model is to ensure a profit is received (Kopp. 2020), costs of production would certainly be on the top of my list.
Focus on the cost of development will define the price per unit, the sales cost, and the break even (BE) point to ensure profit is made from the product. Being that profit is the only way a business will stay afloat, concerns of the initial prices going in to the product should be considered first. Who the targetted consumer will be will define how the product is marketed and what kind of “persona” should be given when advertising. The bottom line to the business model are the returns the organization will be concerned with as well. If the BE point won’t occur within an allotted amount of time, it may not be cost effective at the time the product is presented to develope it at that time. Production could be slower than demand thus consumer interest could be lost. This is when time and finances have to be presented as a manager or someone in a key leadership/decision roles have to consider the amount of time a product is produced, the time it takes to produce it and market it, and the price that is sales for. What does it cost, who’s buying it, and what will the company make?

How can I respond to William? 

Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. SNHU Collaborative Practice Models in Healthcare Discussion


There are many different collaborative practice models in healthcare. These include the patient-centered medical home (PCMH) model and others. For your initial discussion post, identify one model and examine how it could be applied to improve the design of a healthcare program. The articles located in the module resources section will assist you in this discussion. Be sure to include concepts from the class in support of your initial post and provide evidence by way of peer-reviewed sources to support your post.

In your response posts (at least two), evaluate your peers’ application of a particular model of collaborative practice. Do you agree with their initial post?

please respond to the two peer post.

There are many different collaborative practice models in healthcare, the one I will be focusing on is the patient-centered medical home (PCMH) model. The PCMH model is a delivery of care where the patient’s treatment is determined though the patients primary care physician to ensure that they receive the care they need when needed (Understanding PCMH, n.d.). I do not think that one model will benefit every healthcare organization, however, using different approach to see which one fits the needs of the organization will work best. An example I can use for this approach is the organization where I work, UMass Memorial Medical Center. Many patients have primary care physicians here, with this, they can internally refer a patient to any subspecialty care they made need within the organization. This helps keep the patients coming into this organization since they are internally referred. However there then becomes a problem at times because providers are booking out so far. Families will sometimes get irritated with these waiting times, that they instead look for care at an alternative hospital. This model of service is meant to provide accessible care for patients when needed (Defining PCMH, n.d.). This shows that this model can at times benefit an organization but other times it can hurt an organization.

The patient-centered medical home model (PCMH) is designed for efficient patient care through a specific physician who collaborates with other health professionals that facilitates the needs, as well as resources of patients to guarantee safe and quality practices. “The objective is to have a centralized setting that facilitates partnerships between individual patients, and their personal physicians, and when appropriate, the patient’s family. Care is facilitated by registries, information technology, health information exchange and other means to assure that patients get the indicated care when and where they need and want it in a culturally and linguistically appropriate manner.” (ACP, 2021). A system aligned with primary care physicians the PCMH model is beneficial in areas beyond the expertise of a PCP. The assurance of quality care begins with patient treatment being accessible and not limited to acute but comprehensive treatment. The collaboration builds a cohesive environment that tends to patients ailments with a smooth flow of information through EHR systems and other technology. Primary care practices in the Unites States have been limited to acute care and has struggled in the extension of comprehensive care practices. The PCMH model implemented has aided in building a healthcare system that gravitates toward collaboration along with its benefits. “First, the current model of primary health care delivery in the United States focuses primarily on episodic, acute care. It does not address in a cost[1]efficient and comprehensive way the ongoing needs of patients with chronic disease, who require continuous monitoring and ongoing coordination of care among specialists and generalists” (Fisher, 2014, p.355). The use of PCMH can be effective when implementing a healthcare program due to the guidelines and principles it enforces. It establishes a system that can be used to create uniformity in the implementation of any program. It can be used as a system to shape of how a physician and a team can monitor patient and provider interactions establishing direct relationships of productivity. The PCMH has a patient centered philosophy that promotes understanding the patients based on ethnic and cultural background. This is an excellent benefit to any program that caters to various patients from different socioeconomic backgrounds. PCMH develops data driven strategy based on HER, population health data, data analysis and health information exchange. Any new program implementation requires a current assessment of the environment to provide solid intervention. The methods and principles are critical to any execution which will be beneficial to the success of any new innovation or healthcare program. 

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Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Saint Leo University Essentials of Entrepreneurship Discussion


Part 1

In your opinion, what was the best thing you learned throughout this course? Why? Did anything surprise you? How will you incorporate what you learned into your professional or personal life? No references needed this week.

Here are some student responses. 

  • 1.The biggest thing I learned in that class was the breakdown of a company when it comes to social, economic, and other avenues. Really looking at some companies now and how they fair in the grand schemes of things and not just how much money I would make working there or if I would get time off. A company that doesn’t worry about how they look socially might also not look so good from the inside.  Being able to dissect a company now will help me feel better about doing business with that company.
  • In my opinion, the most important things I learned from this course include the ability to think critically and apply relevant knowledge with case studies, build upon foundations (educationally – topic wise) from previous courses, and learning how the relationship between business, government, and society, is so important by means of an interactive system. I am one of those people that gets excited about little things, so the ability for me to draw upon previous knowledge and expand upon my already existing skills is something that I find value in as a student, employee, and hopefully a life-long learner. Out of everything we covered & discussed in the course, what surprised me most was the case study regarding Lumbar Liquidators and formaldehyde. At the time of the incident, I heard about it… but didn’t know to what extent it was. Now, reading it as a slightly older and more mature version of myself, I am honestly appalled. As a consumer, it makes you question hot topics covered in this course (regulation, ethics, stakeholders and more). However, as a student, I feel empowered to ask questions and do my due diligence going forward educationally, professionally, and personally. I also enjoyed interacting with some familiar classmates and thoroughly enjoyed the discussion questions. One of the things that stimulate me the most is SLUs ability to engage students in a majority of their courses by discussion. I can only think of one course that asked questions straight out of the textbook (but) this one is great at allowing us to expand and call upon our knowledge and research skills to engage not only ourselves but each other through stimulating conversation. I will incorporate what I learned into both my professional and personal life in a few ways. Initially, I wasn’t good at formulating good case studies that truly were cited well & drew upon relevant research. However,  with persistence and the ability to take feedback, I learned how to improve each week.
  • This class has taught me a lot. The case studies have been interesting and a way to identify and reflect on the different issues that companies and managers face while doing business. I also liked learning about the importance in the relationship of companies and stakeholders and how they need each other to succeed locally and/or globally. That can help me as a future manager or business owner to work not only on the interests and goals that can benefit my company, but also those of everyone in the same network.

I think what surprises me the most is that even when there are a lot of regulations or policies set by governments, organizations still manage to behave unethically, and they behave worse in nations that are not as strict. I would definitely incorporate everything that was taught in this course to my personal and professional life. Knowing the importance of creating good relationships, being ethical, sustainable, and being involved with social issues is something that I can see embracing in my company.

Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. University of California Los Angeles The Boss Hog IX Project Status Excel Task


I need each ones of these on one excel spreadsheet but different sheets in the the excel sheet

Bi wines





10 & 12 year canister

WhistlePig Dry Aged

PiggyBack Rye Smash

The Boss Hog BonaFide

PiggyBack Bourbon

FarmStock Beyond Bonded

Smoke Stock

Single Malt 25,30

PiggyBack 1L

Gift packs

Gift box/Value added pack plan

The Boss Hog IX

Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help

Business Finance Homework Help. Southern New Hampshire University Employee Survey GROW Model Template



The organization that you are a director of leadership and learning for has been conducting engagement surveys among its employees every two years to gain a deeper understanding of employees’ views on areas such as customer service, the organization’s overall strategy, job satisfaction, rewards and recognition, and training and development. The most recent survey was conducted this year, and the organization wants to carry out another survey in two years.


Your task is to evaluate the employee survey results using a GROW Model Template and identify several survey questions that will target leadership skill and behavior improvement for the next two years. You will also represent the trends you’ve identified with bar or line graphs. For this assignment, you will complete the first five sections of the GROW model template:

  • Identified Trends
  • Employee Survey Results Data
  • Focus Areas
  • Reality—Current State
  • Desired Future State—Where Would You Like to Be?

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

  1. In the Identified Trends section, identify any noticeable trends in the Employee Satisfaction Survey Results data and address the following in your response.
    1. Are there certain focus areas that have seen significant changes compared to others?
    2. How might one focus area impact another?
  2. In the Employee Survey Results Data section, create bar or line graphs from the employee survey results data that best represent the trends you’ve identified above.
  3. In the Focus Areas section, identify three focus areas to improve the organization based on your evaluation, and provide rationale.
  4. In the Reality—Current State section, explain the current state for each focus area you’ve identified above according to the employee survey results. Consider the following in your response:
    1. The potential impact on survey results over time, the “why.”
  5. In the Desired Future State—Where Would You Like to Be? section, create a goal to address each focus area you’ve identified within the next two years, and describe the impact to the entire organization. Consider the following in your response:
    1. The desired result should be 10% improvement for the next survey.

Business Finance Homework Help